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Everything posted by sobo

  1. well, that makes more sense than the "because it's in a wilderness area" argument.
  2. If I die in a combat zone, Box me up and ship me home. If I die and still come home, Lay me where the rose is sown. chorus Sons of men who stand like gods, We give life to feed the cause. And run to ground our heathen foe, Our names will never die, Our lives will be forever.
  3. no, since I have no faith in anything and I don't boulder very much...
  4. Here I am! Better late than never. but better never late. apologies to Ben Franklin
  5. sobo

    watch your head

    Shouldn't, and we are all but a few scant inches from the bottom of our own personal morass...
  6. sobo

    watch your head

    It was, until your reply about the cigar.
  7. sobo

    Summit Food

    Smoked & salted almonds, salted cashews, honey-roasted peanuts, chocolate covered raisins, yogurt covered raisins, M&Ms, etc.
  8. Had to do something similar to that about 20 years ago on the Middle Teton Glacier, although I had my trusty Swiss Army knife with me to save the day. Never listen to the ranger when he says that you won't need crampons and ice axe. Well, scratch that; I'm sure he thought that I'd stay on the donkey trail and not go x-country...
  9. sobo

    watch your head

    now that was a nice one. Incidentally, I do owe minx some data, and I'm looking at it right now... Hey minx, when were you gonna head to the Selkirks?
  10. sobo

    watch your head

    Yes, I remember hearing that, but I don't recall why or who the claimants were. Need to go back and listen to those tapes again.
  11. sobo

    watch your head

    oh, just stop it!
  12. Yes, it is, and they're actually proposed to be located in the highlands area several miles north and east of the town of Kittitas, on BLM land. However,there is currently an issue with their water rights, in that they are seeking way more instantaneous rate than the city can ever hope to provide.
  13. sobo


    sounds more like a sickness than a mania...
  14. sobo

    watch your head

    No, I've been all alone here in my little office, waiting to receive some data from some other peeps, and decided to make an (ill-advised in retrospect ) comment about my post count vs. olyclimber's, and it all just went downhill rapidly from there. Now, here I am two hours later, still no data, 75+ bullshit posts later, still no beer in here, and I just wanna go home.
  15. sobo

    watch your head

    Not bad; getting a pagebottom before a first pagetop. Must be an award for that, huh jon?
  16. sobo

    watch your head

    stone cold sober. That must be my problem...
  17. howz this then: Just sit right back, And you'll hear a tale. A tale of a fateful trip, That started from this tropic port, Aboard this tiny ship...
  18. well, wouldn't go that far... but the AC bill is gonna be a killer when it comes.
  19. Yah, but replaced by The Manilow? oh, almost forgot my agebottom:
  20. Criminy, yesterday was worse! Today's a deep freeze by comparison.
  21. sobo

    watch your head

    Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle. Mr Kettle, meet Mr. Pot. There, we can all make nice now.
  22. sobo

    watch your head

    Doesn't matter, knelson. oly's slingin' shit at everybody this afternoon because he has to do his homework and can't go out and play.
  23. sobo

    watch your head

    A virtue of mine; I can be counted upon to do the obvious. Right, wrong, or indifferent, I can be counted upon to do it.
  24. timing is uncanny He's a Natural...
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