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Everything posted by sobo

  1. why, yes, for a short bit, really...
  2. Oly's right on time. Any time now, archenema!
  3. It must have something to do with your most recent first date. Sorry, I'm an engineer, and not much help with these compooter thingies, but I couldn't resist. PS: olyclimber and archenemy should be along anytime now to shit on your thread at my expense. Sorry about that, too.
  4. sobo

    bored, bored, bored

    HEY... I'm ME, for what it's worth. Didn't want to make dams and shit the rest of my life. So what was I working on a year ago? Mechanical stuff for dams and shit! I just explained to "sobo"ring that ME stood for mech engr.; so you are in luck--he can follow your meaning now... Ahhhhh, recall what I said in the PM... we were discussing your Masters degree... The "ME" was contextualized in that regard.
  5. sobo

    bored, bored, bored

    From: What Fuels the Psyche of a Climber? Really... I hadn't seen this yet. Really. I hadn't. -kurt Well, at least I can do a search on this board. That's more than a lot of these wankers can accomplish.
  6. Ooooooooh, how could we have forgotten THAT fiasco!
  7. sobo

    bored, bored, bored

    I only made reference to you because of your timely and insightful statement about my occupation in another thread a couple of weeks ago. Can't find it right now, or I'd link to it for more fun, "reloaded."
  8. sobo

    bored, bored, bored

    Someday soon we're gonna be reading about him and a MAC-10...
  9. Yes. Hood, then Adams. I was out here for a break from college just after those church kids got killed on Hood back in '86. Looked over to the north from the top of Hood and asked myself, "Self, what's that peak over there?" Found out, went to Timberline and grabbed a beer and a sandwich, then drove over to Cold Springs and "ran" up Adams that afternoon/evening. I think it was 21 hours car-to-summit-to-car-to-summit-to-car, but I wasn't keeping track of those things back then... EDIT: just realized how old this thread was.
  10. sobo

    bored, bored, bored

    at least you scored the page bottom
  11. sobo

    bored, bored, bored

    You want my resume? If I had posted this, I would have been called a prowler. No, unless you're looking for a new job. Go ahead, I've heard worse. Like that night the cops had to pull me away from my ex-GF's window... oh shit...
  12. sobo

    bored, bored, bored

    Hey arch, in what discipline is your engineering degree? And from where and when did you matriculate, both for your undergrad and for your MBA. just curious, nothing else.
  13. sobo

    bored, bored, bored

    thanks, it's pretty tough for us civil engineer types. ask knelson.
  14. sobo

    bored, bored, bored

    It's a bulletin board, doofus. By the definition of a bb, no invitation is necessary. I saw the thread title, felt the same way for a second or two, and thought I'd read thru it. The reference to Being There struck my fancy, so I commented upon it. There, happy now? And since my data finally came in, I've been working for the last week since I got back from vacation. And I've got a might more to do before I go on vacation again on the 18th. So buh bye.
  15. sobo

    bored, bored, bored

    that was a great flick.
  16. What Jason said. It has worked just dandy for me for the past, oh say, 20 years...
  17. That was hilarious! I, too, second the idea of seeking a publisher.
  18. sobo

    Summit Food

    Whaddya t'ink da pick on da ice axe is fer? Ya lern dat in DirtBag Climber 101
  19. See here now, I must be the true gentleman, as no such thoughts of inuendo nor double entendre entered my mind when I saw TLG's post. of course, NOW they have...
  20. FAWWWWWK! You think it's hot over there? Yeesh!
  21. Kinda like the fidosbitch post, although with far too few gratuitous obscenities.
  22. sobo

    Penis Study

    To assmonkey, for the pic and comment, For bunglehead, for the suggestion, For arch, cuz that was just plain funny.
  23. Well, what's the matter little friend, you think this party is the pits, Enjoy it while you can, we'll soon be blown to bits, The monkeys in the Pentagon are gonna cook our goose, Their finger's on the button, all they need is an excuse! It doesn't take a military genius to see, We'll all be crispy critters after World War III, There's nowhere you can run to, nowhere you can hide, When they drop the Big One, we all get fried! (come on boys and girls, sing along, ok?) Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Wow! (background screaming, sound effect)
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