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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    Ya know, Dru reminded me of something we thought was interesting... When we went to Vietnam to pick up our son, we flew Evergreen Air (great airline, BTW - highly recommended) out of Seattle to Taiwan, then from there to Tan Son Nhut Airport in HCMC. On the flight from Seattle to Taiwan, we had the usual plasticware with which to eat our meals. When dinner was served from Taiwan to Vietnam, we noted with amusement that we were provided real silverware...
  2. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    Fucking great. Detroit has the largest Arab Population in North America. There's bound to be a few on my flight. Bummer, d00d... Well, remember, this flight was, like, 3 years ago. Now TSA's on the case. Things are better now... really. Really!
  3. sobo


    Surely, you must know I speak in jest.
  4. sobo


    I'm just saying that he's gonna have to stick with the program if he wants to get cured. Took me years to get rid of those warts on my dick.
  5. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    No, but I play one on TV. Seriously, though, I have friends who are, and they take me up all the time to try to convince me to get my license, but my life insurance is crazy expensive already anyway. They tell me all these flying jokes along the way. That's all. I have no fear of flying whatsoever. Although on our last overseas trip shortly after 9/11, my wife turned to me and whispered, "If I see more than two young, Middle Eastern-looking men on our flight, I'm getting off the plane." She used to be a Seattle cop/detective, so profiling is not beyond her sensibilities. I tend to agree with her.
  6. sobo


    yes, exactly, that was what I meant to say.
  7. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    That's what I heard somewhere... every take-off is optional, every landing is guaranteed. And something they tell aircraft carrier pilots... There are more planes in the ocean than there are submarines in the sky.
  8. WOW! just WOW! it's all I can muster right now. WOW! What a way to spend your time off, ken. Nicely done. WOW!
  9. sobo


    Was it "chile"? Sorry, couldn't resist. Shouldn't you be packing instead of spraying?
  10. sobo


    Be that as it may, he indicated his own nails were "no longer clippable", "just grow thick", and are a "clouded up off white color." Nails should be clear/pink underneath and shouldn't be thickening; ergo, he has some sort of an infection. The medicine he most likely will need is called Lamisil, and, as texplorer pointed out above, is expensive. Treatment will take a conscientious effort to remain with the regimen.
  11. Fine then. Central Washington Mountain Rescue Orienteering Day, Sunday, August 28th, somewhere east of Chinook Pass off SR 410 (location TBA soon - real soon). Be in the field by 0900. Oh, and it's free. Clear it up any for ya?
  12. I read that the first time. I have no info.
  13. Sure, I hope he is, too. But remember, you posted in Spray, so you could have expected something like that from this crowd. Related note: Anyone know of the search for the guy(s) who parked at Comet Falls TH last Saturday and headed up towards the Kautz? Heard the MRNP crews were scaling back the search effort.
  14. Last I heard he was pursuing a career in backcountry temporary lodging sales... it wasn't going so well, if I recall.
  15. archenema says give Henry Rollins a try.
  16. sobo


    no, just wrong. just plain wrong. on so many levels.
  17. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    ...and how many chicks you scored with at your last Tailhook.
  18. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    Yes it is... trust me, I know...
  19. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    there's a bar at the airport. just go early. thought I already mentioned that...
  20. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    Pfffft! As we used to say in college: You can't drink all day unless you start first thing in the morning!
  21. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    These are pretty cheap... And it's recyclable.
  22. Camillo's two picks are right up there for me as well. Eveyone should read The Killing Fields before watching the movie. Other faves include: Saving Private Ryan Das Boot Last of the Mohicans (for the soundtrack) Black Hawk Down Henry V Terminator hmmmm, sounds like they're all war/conflict movies... OK, add The Holy Grail
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