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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Yeah, my ass is so big it's stuck in my e-mountaineer chair in front of my laptop. You'll be safe, at least from me. From yourself? Well, that's still up for debate... Have a Happy New Year. I've got a party to get to.
  2. I am an engineer, with decades of experience in these calculations and related matters, but by royal proclamation of Marmot Prince, I am an e-mountaineer and I don't know shit. BTW, your math sux. But I don't know shit... Are you the guy in the other thread who creeped all my previous posts and spun them into a nonsensical story and started crying after I told you how crazy you sounded? I thought you were Mr. Rainier super hero. Don't you have some gumbies to rescue from a crevasse or something instead of following me from thread to thread? At least you're being consistently creepy. The fact that you ask this question (screamer for belayer?) is proof enough to me that you really have not a clue. But you are such a fucking douchenozzle that you actually make me laugh. And I needed a good laugh. At least you can know you've added something positive to the discussion. Have fun storming the castle, Prince!
  3. I am an engineer, with decades of experience in these calculations and related matters, but by royal proclamation of Marmot Prince, I am an e-mountaineer and I don't know shit. BTW, your math sux. But I don't know shit...
  4. Again, this wasn't about resumes and it's interesting you felt the need to post yours. You might have well said you climbed K2 50x because all of your claimed experience makes your previous post about my lack of ice climbing experience sound even crazier. I guess I'll be hearing from you the next time you go trolling through my posts to jump on me for trying to buy ice screws, or when I make a thread discussing lightweight snow shovels. Sanctimonious sprayer. Upon examination of the posting chronology of this thread, it appears to my untrained e-mountaineer eye that you're the one who whipped out the dick-yardstick first, douchebag...
  5. Maybe if you knew there is literally an "application" to get a solo permit, you would have some business posting in this thread. Otherwise stop spraying my tread. I appreciate you reading my posts, but quite frankly your analysis sucks. 1. "Batura" ice climbing boots are not necessary to climb Rainier in summer conditions. Lighter mountaineering boots with a 3/4 shank are preferable. 2. I'm ice climbing and working on other technical skills, which HAVE NOTHING TO DO with the standard DC route on Rainer. 3. I never said I wanted to get by with "shit gear" and most soloists probably don't even bring a shovel. If started a thread on unicycles would you assume I would be planning ride one up there? 4. A 10pm to 2 am alpine start just doesn't make sense if you're climbing in good conditions. Maybe there is some freakish wind or some other weird glacier condition changing that isn't obvious. This whole paragraph makes me think either/both your knowledge of gear or analysis of people's motives is pretty bad. By the way, what business it is of yours if I'm buying ice screws? Fuck off. Lol. Anyone who can use google can answer basic questions about glacier travel and crevasse rescue. On the other hand, who can answer a question about the same topics solo. It's like being asked how you would belay safely while doing a multi pitch route solo. The question doesn't make sense. First you criticize me for throwing away Batura's, and don't have enough ice climbing experience. Do you even know what the DC route is? Based on your post, you're the one playing mountaineer without a clue. And now it looks like you're a shrink too. So where do you get your safety tips? Page 303 of Freedom of the Hills? Guess what, I've read that too. The bottom line is that I'm doing research months in advance for a possible solo attempt on Rainier. I've climbed higher peaks than Rainier solo, and traveled on alot of glaciers. By making this trip, I'm doing the same thing I've been doing for years. I have nothing to prove to you or need to prove to you. If you don't want to answer someone's questions that's fine, but you shouldn't shit on other people's threads. You clearly are the greater mountaineer than I, Prince, and my 27-odd years of rock, ice, and alpine climbing and mountaineering, the last 22 of which were right here in the PNW, don't count for shit. And neither does my 9 years of mountain rescue experience, hauling princely mountaineers such as yourself off the flanks of several volcanoes around here. And neither does my dozen or so ascents of Rainier, not by the donkey routes, from almost all points of the compass, in all seasons and conditions, doesn't count for shit either. And niether do any of my many other ascents of other peaks and volcanoes, even your sacred 14-ers, they don't count for shit either, I guess. So you're right, I'm an e-mountaineer that has never done the DC. I don't ever intend to. It's a conga line in which I don not wish to participate. So you're right, I'm full of shit. So in your own words, fuck off! What a douchebag. Even Summitchaser wasn't this obnoxious...
  6. Mark, I doubt there is, too, as DPS surmised above. If the NPS starts deciding who is qualified to attempt Rainier (or any other peak) and who is not, then they will be in for some serious liability shit-slingin' as soon as a "qualified" hiker/climber gets killed...
  7. MP, this may sound like I'm coming off as an ass, but I say the following things in an effort to get you to pause momentarily and assess your real motiviations for soloing Rainier with what clearly appears to be a lack of the requisite experience. To wit, you come on this board 3 weeks ago and tell us you don't need your Baltura boots anymore cuz you're "not going to be doing any ice climbing or chilly mountaineering." Then you proceed to jump upon a thread wherein someone's selling a bunch of BD ice screws. Then you tell us that you've got these great BD ice tools but you have 0 ice climbing experience. Then you start asking questions about soloing Rainier and wanting to see if you get by with shit gear (that speedy shovel thingy) and why do people get up so early to summit Rainier. Then you ask for the answers to questions the solo permit application poses, apparently without having the answer already or taking the time to think these things through for yourself. It seems to me that you are asking questions that clearly indicate that you are in for a seriously rude awakening if you try to pull this off yourself at your current level of (in)experience. Although if the shit hits the fan for you, this ain't the Hamalaya or the Karakoram and someone will (most likely) stop to help you instead of leaving you there to die. But people do die on Rainier all the time, even on the easiest mule route. You give us the impression that you really don't know what you're doing or what you're getting into, and yet you insist on trying to pull this off solo. You are going to endanger yourself, or more importantly someone else, most likely your rescuers. Seriously, why are you doing this? Did you just break up with a LTR or what? We'd hate to read about you in the Tacoma Tribune or the PI.
  8. Technical crossing: You're a yogi and you can levitate. Crevass rescue: Tell 'em you're Harry Houdini's grandkid...
  9. We all got it comin', kid...
  10. Yeah, me too. I never knew that motorized "sports enthusiasts" received such a cushie break as opposed to "motorless" sports enthusiasts...
  11. sobo

    this cant be real?

    Where ya been, 'bone? This shite has been out there for over two years now. And now it's no longer a bill, it's law. Don't you remember the phrase, "We have to pass this bill so we can see what's in it!"? (former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi) It's what ObamaCare is all about, and it's good for Amerika, Comrade...
  12. True, 55 in the Dry-Shitties today, and blowing like the homecoming queen. Still, the winter's just begun...
  13. Wow, twice in one day. Very territorial there, John. You find some new secret ice lines or sump'n?
  14. Just ordered mine. Can't wait to see it! ...
  15. Wrong, there is no huge granite in Renton. There is only sweet granite in Renton...
  16. And don't forget the "Back to CC.com" toggle that we used to have. It would be mui mui convenient to have that back again.
  17. I'm well-preserved. :-) Amen to that, bruthuh! I think I need a little more "preserving" myself... Planet Killers may help with that. ;-) Oh, that they do, my friend. And OFs with 101 rye, too! They went down so well last night with my steamed Dungeness crab...
  18. Yes, I am guilty of this in the past as well, but I managed to get away with it every time. Now, as I age and my bones grow more brittle, it is a chance that I no longer take. Ever. YMMV...
  19. I'm well-preserved. :-) Amen to that, bruthuh! I think I need a little more "preserving" myself...
  20. I thought you weren't over 35...
  21. Criminy, Stephen, how old were you when you started breeding???
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