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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Starting with an accepted approximation of water at 62.4 lbs/cubic foot, and using 7.48 gallons/cubic foot, that makes for 8.34 lbs/gallon, not 10 lbs/gallon. But we get your point, TT. And yes, I'm wearing my plastic pocket protector... :nurd:
  2. Awww, you three really know how to make a guy feel good. Oh wait, I did that by myself, with help from the wife... Today's weigh-in: Up 2 lbs since 5/17 to 187, but a net loss of 5 pounds since jumping in this thing. I think it musta been the cake, ice cream, and wine from our anniversary. Obviously, I didn't "work out" enough that night...
  3. Yesterday was our 6th anniversary. After dinner, we had a nice bottle red wine (I usually do every meal anyway; my wife, not so often) and some double-layer, double-chocolate cake with chocolate icing (my favorite, especially with red wine) that she baked for the occasion. She had one small sliver. I had two awesomely fawkin' huge chunks! Couldn't resist that shit. I think I burned off a few of the calories last night though... 8D
  4. sobo


    The only thing I read that even remotely hinted at the guy's wife being a self-created victim is this quote from the article: "Nzerem's wife said authorities have exaggerated the extent of her injuries." Obviously someone is pressing charges, otherwise the guy wouldn't be free on a $500k bond and going to trial in June.
  5. A more motivated By his own admission, he's no alpinist. He's a toad.
  6. I can't figure out what motivated him to change it from Olga's yummy tummy in the first damn place!
  7. Add to that the BMC rock climbing day that CWMR puts on for the Yakima Valley Community College. That will be on June 2 and June 9 at RC. Gonna be a full crowd scene fer shure.
  8. TT, That's a really shitty avatar pic. Where's Olga's tummy, hmmmm?
  9. Although not technically training per se, whatever else you do, please DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GLISSADE WITH CRAMPONS ON, NO MATTER HOW SHORT OF A GLISS YOU MAY THINK IT MIGHT BE. Every year we pull at least one or four people off there with a broken ankle, tibia, or fibula. Please, don't even think about it.
  10. False readings will be pretty likely, given the large swing in latitudes you're going to be going through. You'll be in Zone 2, if I remember my zones correctly, so you're one (really large) zone away from the compass's "home port". If you're careful and tilt the compass to counteract the magnetic pull on the needle, you should still be able to use your current compass. The question you have to ask yourself is, "Do I want to remember to be doing this tilting exercise in a 60 mph whiteout at 20 below zero so I can get my ass back to Camp 1?" Take the safe route and break out the extra shekels for a global. It'll be good for anywhere else you may want to go. And shit man, you're spending a pirage's treasure to get down there and climb; what's another $60-$70 at this point?
  11. sobo

    Gear for Muir?

    That is simply amazing! What a credit to young people all across the world she is. About me.
  12. Cross-post your message to the Newbies forum and you shouldn't have much trouble hooking up with someone. You'll probably have to trade crash-space at your digs in Winthrop, but that should be all good. Mebbe they'll even take you up to WA Pass for some kind granite goodness. I don't know how long you've been watching this board, but if you haven't been lurking for long, be prepared for the inevitable n00b-thrash that is sure to ensue. It will involve a bunch of peeps telling you to go take a course, read some books, hire a guide, rent an MLU, learn how to use a map and compass/GPS, take moonlit walks on the beach and stay off the slopes, yadda yadda yadda. Be brave, be resolute, stick it out, and you should be OK.
  13. Yeah, I wanna see. I happen to believe that you must have a nice ass, too, given the red formal dress pic in the calendar thread. It's not all about the mountain biker chick's butt, ya know.
  14. And all this time I thought archenemy was the anti-christ... I have met the aunty-christ, and she is Kat.
  15. If you cannot refrain from squabbling, the Captain requests that you please follow the row of emergency lights along the aisle floor. These lights will lead you to the emergency exits, where you can exit the aircraft to Spray. Please note that you will not be provided with a parachute. All of your hot air should allow you to land safely after disembarking the aircraft.
  16. Best that ya don't, mkay?
  17. I love you, Erik. Even if Mikey doesn't.
  18. It's not just rabbits, Dru...
  19. I are an engineer. If I were more motivated, I would be a lawyer (in the engineering design/construction management sector). The big money is in errors & omissions and construction claims litigation.
  20. Damn, Billy, that's a fuckin' :rawk:in' site you built. Really top notch shit! Oh, nice work on Polar Bear, BTW.
  21. I'm pulling up a chair, as this promises to be entertaining. Gimme some o' that popcorn, Erik...
  22. ...that's assuming anyone comes back alive...
  23. wow. That's incredible. As is this: Wow! Could we just, like, give those kids some M-16s and a few grenades and send them to Bahgdad for the house-to-house clearing? Being able to bust moves like those across the rooftops and balconies, I think they'd clean that place up in a hurry!
  24. If it's a thread about poo, farts, or other gastro-intestinal issues, you can be sure that E-rock will be all over it. If you weren't such a n00b, you'd know that already. Carry on, E-rock. Shit all over this thread.
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