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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    crampon straps

    My pair before my Rambo 2's looked an awful lot like what you've pictured there. They were Camp Ice Invaders (basically Lowe Foot Fangs without that stupid big red sole plate). Same thing happened to my buckles. Got too damned cold and they just exploded into pieces. Glad we could help you out.
  2. OK, Jason, here's the deal... The "no-name" carrier is made by Tough Traveler out of Schenectady, NY. This is a pack that, had it not been given to us, I never would have considered (no name recognition). However, it rocked. Both of our kids found it comfortable to ride in, it balances on the parent's back nicely, has ample storage capacity for diapers, wipes, bottles, clothes, etc., plus a little bit of your own shite. I fashioned a sort of stirrup set-up for my "vertically-challenged" daughter rather easily, although my long-legged son found it easy enough to use the frame as "morocycle footpegs" by hooking his heels to the inside and duck-pointing his feet outwards. It has well-padded shoulder straps, a foam-inside-mesh backpad with a central aluminum stay, and a really comfy waistbelt. The suspension system sort of seems to have been modeled after the Lowe Alpine style of system. In short, the whole family enjoyed trips when we took it out. I can't find a model name on it, but it sure as hell looks a lot like the Stallion. Ours looks exactly like the one that the snow-shoveling woman is wearing in the Stallion linky. The colors and some features have changed (ours is a teal color, without the open mesh pocket nor reflector strip ). Like I said, at ~$200/pop, I never would have looked at this thing. But friends whose kids had outgrown it bequeathed it to us, in the sure knowledge that we'd put it to good use. We have, and will continue to do so until Elaina gets too big (Nicholas doesn't need one anymore). Then when we got Elaina, we bought a Kelty Kids "Tour" model so we would have two carriers. Not such a good purchase. No storage capacity whatsoever, she hated sitting in it, and we hated the ride. In short, it was always a painful parental experience to try to take the two of them out together, and we can't even bring ourselves to take the Kelty out again. I wouldn't even give it away to anyone I knew or would hope to remain friends with. It's that bad. HTH.
  3. Me neither. I think that getting trampled counts against you. Shows a distinct lack of agility and rapid advance planning in high-stress situations.
  4. I never knew Dan Lepeska, but I remember well when he premiered on this board. What a class act, that guy. I really hope you catch up with him. Same guy, maybe?? (requires sign-up)
  5. Mikester, I especially like your autosig... A Buddhist walks up to a hot dog cart and says, “Make me one with everything”. That's rich!
  6. sobo

    sexual deviancy

    Was with a girl that could do that, properly motivated of course. Only once, though. Man, she was awesome. Turned my face into a freakin' high-velocity glazed doughnut!
  7. sobo

    sexual deviancy

    They asked me what I liked. I'm just sayin'...
  8. sobo

    sexual deviancy

    Been there, done that. Goes back to that "sharing" comment I made upthread... sexually deviant
  9. sobo

    sexual deviancy

    This oughta help...
  10. sobo

    sexual deviancy

    got it... Here's another: playing catch
  11. sobo

    sexual deviancy

    Does the "OI" refer to "objects inserted", by chance?
  12. sobo

    sexual deviancy

    That's a good one! Saw it abbreviated "ATM" somewhere. Now every time I go to the cash machine, that's all I can think about.
  13. sobo

    sexual deviancy

    See people? Now we're gittin' up to speed. Just took a little nudge in the right direction...
  14. sobo

    Swedish Fish

    Heyyyyyyyyy, you forgot... Citric Acid Artificial flavors Coloring (FD&C Red 40 for the red color) That's all the good stuff...
  15. "Sobo, Sobo, Sobo! I don't wanna go around in circles anymore." "STFU, you snot-nosed tricycle jockey, or I'll nail your other goddamned foot to the floor!"
  16. sobo


    It is. PE drugs are banned in MLB. They do. Under the current rules, the Players Union has an agreement where testers are required to provide 24 hours advance notice of testing. Mitchell's report advocates 0 warning time. They show up, you get randomly tested. Better be on your Sunday behaviors... I agree as well. Hank should get his record back. Bonds is a scuzzbag. If Clements is guilty as well, yank his trophies. The whole fucking "professional sports" and Olympic doping scandal is why I don't even pay attention anymore. When Marion Jones fessed up to doping earlier this fall, I lost all interest in televised sports. It all just disgusts me now. :tdown:
  17. There's several of us here. I'm sure they'll be weighing in here shortly. Put your location in your profile so others will remember where ya live after this thread fades. As for me, my climbing time is precious little and highly limited these days, what with a wife and two Things under age 5.
  18. Are you talking about across the river from the Power Pole spot routes? Approach would "adventuresome" in winter, to say the least... Falls right of RW, eh? Yah, I could see that, and at a very rambly WI-2 as well. Not worth the trip from the Tri for the quality. However, Lewiston is at the halfway point from here. Could do some poaching this winter...
  19. sobo

    sexual deviancy

    Hey Bill, I note that you didn't claim your prize, neither... OK, I'll start this off if'n no one else has the ballz... Butt-fukk'n! Love to slap her ass while pulling her hair, too. It's really not all that deviant, either. Seriously! Lotsa folks do it. Really they do. Really... Follow-ons include the Chinese Spinning Basket on a Stick trick, and "sharing" with friends... Archie, got any books in your library about Tantric sex? Them's good readin'... All right now, I got this party started. The rest of you cretins chime in.
  20. 30. I must have lost points in the "age" and "body type" categories. I'm old as dirt, a bit overweight, but have several years of MA experience and am a damnedable fine run-out slab climber (exquisite balance). Plus, I have absolutely no moral standards whasoever. Fuck 'em , even if they are "just kids". It's thinking like that that will get you killed quicker than snot. Minx, you and I should form a tag team and kick their little asses back to kindergarden.
  21. I think we both thought that you live in McCall. At least, I did...
  22. So what lines are you thinking freeze up at the Dome? Brown Sugar and Sticky Fingers would appear to be likely candidates, they being bolt-protected and next to water grooves... Spill, Kurt!
  23. We were given an off-brand pack for the first kid, which turned out to be a pretty damned good carrier. For the second Thing, we bought a Kelty (can't remember the exact model, but will look them both up when I get home). We aren't nearly as pleased with the Kelty as we are with the no-name brand. The no-namer rides better, it's easier on and off, and it carries way more shite for the youngling than the Kelty can. YMMV.
  24. There's cliffs near the rockshelter? Shite, I've never even driven the 7 miles off the main highway to see the shelter. Now ya tells me...
  25. Wow, this old thread went from SCUBA to the nasty in like what, 8 posts from its rebirth? We're gooooooooood... Note that it was archie that first brought up the nastiness.
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