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Everything posted by sobo

  1. And who have those pesky death sentences upon their heads, no matter where they may go to seek safety, merely for having left their religion behind.
  2. sobo


    i am glad it works for you. I wont have that in my relationship. it just doesn't work for me. To each their own, Muff. It's just a couple of alliterative words to me.
  3. sobo


    well, at least you're considerate... did I just say "you're"? I meant "she's"...
  4. sobo


    OK, I had to quit hitting the "Quote" button because I was getting this huge, 3-D feeling of falling into a box... There's no pussy-whipping involved here. Shit, most of the time I wish I was PW'ed. And yes, for every piece of humor uttered, there is a kernel of truth contained therein. But I have no negativity in mind when I get/spend my weekend "pass." It's just my way of saying that I'm free, and every guy/girl in the world knows that.
  5. sobo


    yeah, was pretty funny.
  6. sobo


    i don't think i would like being married to you. I don't think there is very much compromise there. There's plenty of compromise. She could clear her shit out before I get back, for example. Yikes! Harsh...
  7. sobo


    ??? jmace, you married? Ever been? There's a difference between being led around by the nose ring by an attractive and available woman in the hopes of getting laid, and exhibiting behaviors toward your betrothed largely predicated upon matrimonial expedience and familial serenity. The difference may be minute, but it exists nonetheless. Put simply, I never cow-towed around my (now) wife when we were dating and/or engaged just to ensure that I got laid, but now I do things/have considerations for her that I never had before we got married. Sometimes, looking back, I wonder why she ever agreed to marry such a self-involved schmuck. Friends say I've grown since those days... One difference might involve the use of the term "penis pass". It's an oft-used coloquialism that many married folks use in conversation with "unencumbered" individuals to better explain the necessity of reaching a swift consensus on the use of said "pass." The implication is clear that the person holding the "pass" did not get it by groveling unashamedly or agreeing to a certain length of indentured servitude. i just don't get that. the whole concept of a penis pass... if i am with a man who doesn't want to be with me or can't work out compromises in an adult and amicable way, i would rather not be in a relationship. Muffy, clearly you missed the intent of my post. There is no issue of "being with", "not being with", or inability to broker compromises with someone when the reference to the "pass" is trotted out. At least, that's not my understanding of the use of the term. It's a construct of our times, due to the many demands on our time in our personal lives, and an amusing way to indicate to others that you don't have to watch the kids this weekend or whatever. Nothing to do at all with wanting to be with your mate/SO or not.
  8. sobo


    you can read about it...
  9. sobo


    ??? jmace, you married? Ever been? There's a difference between being led around by the nose ring by an attractive and available woman in the hopes of getting laid, and exhibiting behaviors toward your betrothed largely predicated upon matrimonial expedience and familial serenity. The difference may be minute, but it exists nonetheless. Put simply, I never cow-towed around my (now) wife when we were dating and/or engaged just to ensure that I got laid, but now I do things/have considerations for her that I never had before we got married. Sometimes, looking back, I wonder why she ever agreed to marry such a self-involved schmuck. Friends say I've grown since those days... One difference might involve the use of the term "penis pass". It's an oft-used coloquialism that many married folks use in conversation with "unencumbered" individuals to better explain the necessity of reaching a swift consensus on the use of said "pass." The implication is clear that the person holding the "pass" did not get it by groveling unashamedly or agreeing to a certain length of indentured servitude.
  10. sobo


    an open mouth...? with no teeth...?
  11. sobo


    I'm sure she's exhibiting the latter, arch. Just look at those pearly whites!
  12. As soon as it was posted on cc.com. Such is this little interweb world in which we live...
  13. tvash, I'm assuming that you're referring to me by that remark, so I'll bite that bait... Since I do not ever intend upon becoming a Muslim (or a Jew, or a Bhuddist, or a Hindi, or Zoroaster, or returning to any form of Christianity, or any other religion for that matter), the first best option of self-immersion is not open to me by my own volition. The next best option, personal observation of the source material, is also problematic for me, since I'd probably be killed within a few days for expressing any sort of contrary opinion in their host country. So I'm left with but a paltry third option, that of reading what I can about the subject material, from as many varied viewpoints as possible. Do you have some other option which I might employ to better educate my stupid fucking white moronic ass on these matters?
  14. is bigoted nonsense, and inconsistent with your subsequent statements See my last post on the bottom of the first page of this thread. That statement was made in haste, and I thought it was harsh at the time I wrote it, and I later retracted its implied inclusivity. However, I will not retract any statement I've made previously that fundamentalists and/or extremists get a free pass from me to exhibit intolerance and violent over-reactions, to include stonings to death and pre-meditated murder. Now, to your next topic... They can look anywhere they damn well please where people are engaging in peaceful public discourse of divergent ideas. That is how truly enlightened populations work out their differences.
  15. sobo


    ??? jmace, you married? Ever been? There's a difference between being led around by the nose ring by an attractive and available woman in the hopes of getting laid, and exhibiting behaviors toward your betrothed largely predicated upon matrimonial expedience and familial serenity. The difference may be minute, but it exists nonetheless. Put simply, I never cow-towed around my (now) wife when we were dating and/or engaged just to ensure that I got laid, but now I do things/have considerations for her that I never had before we got married. Sometimes, looking back, I wonder why she ever agreed to marry such a self-involved schmuck. Friends say I've grown since those days...
  16. sobo


    rob, the shirt is only funny to those of us that aren't being led around by the nose ring. For the brainless, horny, frat boys for which that is "business as usual," it's uproarious to the rest of us!
  17. = familial-sanctioned murder This from a religion of peace and tolerance? I suppose... if you really believe that sort of thing.
  18. two more words: female genital mutilation ooops, that's three...
  19. sobo


    I'll bet there a lot of chicks that think "like that." But at least this one's got the "balls" to post her position on the matter right "up front."
  20. Closer to 40 for the committed or incarcerated part. Don't forget assassinated abortion doctors either. Again, you point out the intolerants/fundamentalists; the crux of my argument. Nothing new here. Again, in almost every single case, these areas of violence are begun and fueled by religious intolerance of one form or another. I never suggested that Islam was the "bad boy" for all the world's ills. This thread began as a discussion of radical Islamists plotting the death of infidels. You've hijacked it to insinuate that I believe that all of the world's problems are caused by Muslims. Shame on you. Non sequitor. You know not my political, philosophical, nor spiritual persuasions. You imply that my views are idiotic. Your location says it all...
  21. This sentence seems to impugn all of Islam not just fundamentalists. yeah, you're right. That was a little too harsh, and is too all-inclusive. What I'm really ranting about is the fundamentalists. As others here know, I have several Muslim friends that do not think as the fundies do. My apologies, there. I would think that what we hear most about is the worst. From what I've read, there are those who consider themselves practicing Muslims that do not subscribe to the practice of female genital mutiliation, among one of the more horrific tenets, as well as many other tenets of "true" Islam. Sufism is one that immediately comes to mind. You can read about it here.
  22. sobo


    Huh, musta missed that before. It was just a touch higher than my point of focus...
  23. Read all the way to the end, chucK... Fundamentalism and extremism in any form is unacceptable in today's world.
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