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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    Read about it in the papers 3 weeks ago, and couldn't believe it then. I still can't believe it, even though I just watched it. Yeah, he fuq'n did it, all right, I just can't believe it. Insane, man. Fuq'n insane... :tup: I gotta wonder, though, what thoughts were going through his head as the nose of his boat dipped down over the edge... "I hope I don't die... Jeebus, this is fuq'n insane, man... I hope I don't die..."
  2. At least somebody gets my attempts at humor... OK, so it wasn't a whole month. I had occasion to see the new ST flick last night... It was quite funny at times, what with the throwbacks to the original series. Ivan caught that Olson was a redshirt, and obligatorily, was the first killed. Nice touch by the screenwriter and director, there, in keeping with Orginal Series dogma. McCoy with his "Are you out of your Vulcan mind??!!" and "Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a physicist!!!" were tried and true responses in times of panic. Chekov's sputtering over "w"s and "v"s was charming. "Ve are going to ze Wulcan home vorld..." I agree with ivan; I hope they don't do another one. As for this flick, I deem it worthy. Live long and propser... \\//
  3. Not if it's like the voices in my head...
  4. I'm familiar with that story line; happend to me, too! Although my dad was never a Major Leaguer, we did practice my catching skillz at home while I was in Little League. Dad warned me he was gonna burn one in, and I taunted back as a 10-year-old boy would. Well, ol' Dad wung a fastball at me and it got past my mitt. Biggest black eye I've had in my entire life, and I've had quite a few. The way I went down he thought he'd killed me. Anyway, Mel, what you really need to do is come up with a great cover story, cuz everyone at the Irish Dances is gonna think that you beat Finn to make him dance so damned good. They aren't gonna fall for the "Little League" story. :noway:
  5. Rob, I don't get it... CH link => click on graemlin =>
  6. Are you certain of that?
  7. JEEBUS CHRIST!!! Didn't that idiot Kirk learn anything from Wrath of Khan? So he forgot to raise shields AGAIN. I guess he won't be making that mistake anymore...
  8. Might get more interest (and less derision) if you were to post this in the Permit Exchange Forum.
  9. See my post at the top of the page. Your consternation will be dispelled.
  10. Given the time of year, this spring's weather, the elevation, the winter snowfall, and my inestimable experience with the local area, the answer is yes. The more relevant question would be, "Is it dry?" I doubt it. Should definitely be in a couple more weeks.
  11. Well, no shit, Off, when you put a title on it like that. How can I pass up a thread with Star Trek in the title, eh? And then I see this l00zr trying to moonwalk, I almost had to Fuq'n dipshit can't backfloat worth a shit, that's fer sure. The guy's foot positioning and movement is totally opposite what it should be. Correct foot technique: Raise one heel and stand on toes, "float" the other foot in a backwards direction while maintaining the foot flat on the floor. Reverse foot positioning quickly and smoothly. Repeat. It's as easy as pulling down a little boyz pants. And ST2 was the most awesomenest ST flik evuh! Followed closely by #6, with a much younger Kim Catrall as the Vulcan hottie Lt. Valeris. Re the new movie... yah, I'll go see it, but I won't be first in line. Might go on a rainy day sometime next month. First run flix ain't my cup o' tea anymore.
  12. Just wear what you have. Do some lower-altitude training in them and they won't seem so heavy when "The Big Day" comes. Shit, I wear either a pair of La Sportiva Makalus or Koflach Verticals, depending upon the season. Toughen up or tough it out. Regarding leaving stuff at LC, yeah, everybody does it. No sense hauling all that shit up the hill unless you're skiing down the SW chutes. And if you were doing that, you'd be on a day trip anyway. Don't worry about taking an MLB or a tauntaun... that's only required equipment on The Mountain of Doom just south of you.
  13. Trail work!!?? Pffft! At least my head got bungled up while climbing! (well, actually not, but at least I was at a climbing crag!! ) And my head didn't bleed as much as your leg did. jk
  14. My Dog, has it been a year already?? I've been off the board for a week or so, and just caught this. Dane, your recovery has been nothing short of phenomenal. You've gotten out more and onto cooler shit than I have in the past year, and I wasn't even hurt. I am green with envy, but immeasurably glad to hear your good news. Climb on!
  15. I agree with what you're saying, matt, and I hope so, too.
  16. Exactly, bill! Who comes up with this shit? Scene: Conference room in an office high-rise, a dozen or so suits sitting around a large, rectangular, walnut table, mulling over options. Suit #1: I've got it! Let's take Air Force 1 for a joy ride through New York. We'll follow the same path that the 9/11 hijackers took. It'll be an awesome photo op! Suit #2: Hold on there, Bunky! That'll freak people out. We should shadow AF1 with a coupla F-16s. That way peeps will know it's not for realz. Besides, it's not AF1 unless the POTUS is on board. Suit #3: Yeah, good point. And let's not tell anyone we're going to do this. Slap a gag order on the whole thing. OK, so we're agreed, then. stupid, stupid, stupid...
  17. Thanks, Off. I've been working on it for almost 6 months now. Glad to see the effort is paying off. But seriously, what about these past 100 days "...have been awesome"? What "Magick is afoot"? Nothing has substantively changed. Business as usual, it seems...
  18. What makes you think the military called that shot? Got a source? A reputable one, that is? WHMO is not the military, per se. It's the governmental office for representation thereof. So no, the military was not behind this stupid stunt, but the White House certainly was. Oh yes, magick is afoot...
  19. Allow me to refill your glass of Kool-Aid, prole. Lovely Cabinet choices for key posts, don't you think? Not a one of them can fill out a tax return for shit. Ah yes, magick is afoot...
  20. sobo

    Ma na ma na

    catchy tune, but that was a really sad story.
  21. haha marc's planning to do that in october... We know. That's what makes it funny. But now that's all gone cuz it needed 'splaining...
  22. Although little motorbike engines have no souls, I often wince when I see an atrocity like that being committed against them. I pray for them, and hope those little 50cc find happiness in the afterlife.
  23. That's hilarious, Dane, although I wouldn't put it past some young entrepreneurial mind to come up with something like that for realz.
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