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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    Hey Dan, I bring whatever is in my "retired gear" bin at the time. Sometimes it's old 9/16" or 1" tubular, sometimes it's old 6 or 7mm prussik loops, and sometimes it's old spectra or dyneema slings. I just can't seem to throw anything away, but it eventually gets used up somewhere along the line...
  2. sobo

    Reporting Bugs

    Porter, I think I know to what Ponderosa may be referring. Within the past 10-15 minutes or so (11:55 - 12:05) today, I've noticed that when I've posted a reply to a thread, it's taken a really long time to load up, and then I get dumped to the page with the well-endowed snaffle. Since I don't keep my MLU or PLB with me at work, I just closed the browser tab and immediately reopened the site (don't need to log back on if you're quick enough at this). My post is there just as written, but you don't get returned to the thread as per usual. This has happened about 3 or 4 times today. FWIW.
  3. sobo

    Reporting Bugs

    We're a dysfunctional group here. Instead of bitchin' about us, help us.
  4. to which Kurt (Feck) responded with the Timbuk3 vid, entitled The Future's So Bright (I Gotta Wear Shades). So now I ask you, Josh, how is Kurt's post so random? Seems pretty damned sequitur to me.
  5. You mean like noting that it's time to start drinking? I hardly think that's a tengential observation. Scintillatingly brilliant, yes, but hardly tangential. I'm jus' sayin'...
  6. sobo

    for dru and lawgoddess

    Cthulu is angry, and seeks vengeance...
  7. Bread bags are da bomb! Just noticed it's almost 3:00... time to start drinking. :brew:
  8. Jiminy Christmas, Ralph! WTF have you been for the past year anyway? Welcome back. PS: Congratulations to the expectant parents! Little slothrops are soon to be taking over the planet...
  9. sobo

    Things God Hates

    So is that what they call it? Where in the hell do you find this stuff, Off?
  10. sobo

    Things God Hates

    Holy Cthulu, Mike! Glad you made it out alive. So what I take away from this is that God must really hate Mormons. Gotta figure, especially since they have to wear that secret underwear all the time...
  11. Uh huh, yeah sure Andy... Well, I had to get these kids away from that unsightly blob at the rafters' take-out. It seemed to be all they could think about...
  12. I missed this thread when it debuted over the weekend, but I climbed aboard shortly after lunch today. Only within the past 10 minutes has it actually become worthy of following. POTD Award goes to Frenchy...
  13. was thinkin' the same thing... It was sobo, I'm pretty sure...
  14. OMFG, Dru, that is fuq'n hilarious! :lmao:
  15. I don't take cameras with me when I go bouldering. But you can see pictures of the area and selected climbs on pages 134 to 139 in this book:
  16. sobo


    Olympus, eh? Shit, it ain't gonna rain until Sunday. Besides, it rains there all the time anyway. Par for the course. Take a poncho.
  17. sobo


    Hey, it looks great out there. Where are/were ya headed?
  18. sobo


    About an hour ago... for lunch. I desired something light and refreshing, so went with this: Quite delectable, I must say. I'm in "pre-func" mode for an aprés work office party this evening. We all are, actually...
  19. sobo


    That post would be a better fit in this forum, bill. Just sayin'...
  20. sobo

    Caption Contest

    "President or no President, I'd hit that fo' sho'!"
  21. sobo


    hmmmmmm... 50 Hammers... significance...??
  22. sobo

    RIP Gail Hench

    Brian, I am saddened to hear of your beloved wife's passing. Although not a religious person, I will offer prayers for you and your kids and wish all of you strength of heart as you cope with your loss and move forward in your lives.
  23. Paul Ekorenrud, owner of Pacific River and Alpine Sports on Yakima Avenue. He bought out John Crock's inventory and moved the store location. Paul's a good guy. If he gets wind of your stuff, he'll let you know. Good on the BPD for finally finding your stuff, Steve! I hope Bala is as lucky.
  24. Jeeperz, Bala! I'm surprised they left the glass in it. I guess they can't get much for that, eh? Yes, with most insurance claims you can get back the depreciated value if you provide receipts for what you actually bought when you replace the stolen stuff. Good deal. You should take a sabbatical and visit a few stores... or I could do it for you if you're short on time...
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