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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    Bacon and eggs

    Clearly, you don't have kids, or else it's been quite a while since you've read Green Eggs and Ham... It wasn't the Cat in the Hat, it was Sam-I-Am who was trying to get the hatted, furry, slothy-looking creature (I don't think it even had a name) to try green eggs and ham. That Sam-I-am! That Sam-I-am! I do not like that Sam-I-am! Do you like green eggs and ham? I do not like them, Sam-I-am. I do not like green eggs and ham. Would you like them here or there? I would not like them here or there. I would not like them anywhere. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-am. Would you like them in a house? Would you like them with a mouse? I do not like them in a house. I do not like them with a mouse. I do not like them here or there. I do not like them anywhere. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-am. Would you eat them in a box? Would you eat them with a fox? Not in a box. Not with a fox. Not in a house. Not with a mouse. I would not eat them here or there. I would not eat them anywhere. I would not eat green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-am.
  2. True, in an emergency, you can broadcast HAM on an amateur frequency. I just didn't feel like that needed to be added, based upon the OP's statement. I figured he was going to go all the way with a radio if he was going to go at all. Hence, he'd get a license if he got a HAM radio, and any emergency broadcast would be OBE.
  3. If you are talking about a handheld HAM radio, then absolutely yes, you will require a HAM radio license in order to operate it legally. There are all sorts of little requirements of the FCC that you'll have to follow if you go that route. Stuff like always using only your HAM call sign (no nicknames or "handles"), both when you sign on and sign off, as well as several times during your broadcasting session (I forget how often you have to do that), no profanity, etc. etc. Plus you have to get your license renewed periodically. A bunch of the folks in my mountain rescue unit are licensed HAM operators. I, for one, felt that it was a lot of shit to go through just to be able to talk on a fancy radio. I go with a cell phone and occasionally FRS radios when the party gets large. I won't carry a PLB.
  4. sobo

    Display Upgrades

    Looks like it. All hail jon and timmay!
  5. That was pretty fuq'n funny. I loved Venus' last comment: "You're a tool." :lmao:
  6. Congratulations! What an amazing FA/FWA and collection of pictures! Nothing short of superbly astounding, gentlemen. Your names will surely be inscribed in the PNW's climbing lore with this ascent. I just love this part... our tax payer dollars going for a route scope. Priceless!!!1 That is tax money that I will gladly pay! You go, Trent!
  7. sobo

    Display Upgrades

    Fixed now. Thanks, jon and timmay! :tup: Nope! Broken again. I didn't do anything different this morning from what I did last night. Did you?
  8. What is the huge slabby wall that one sees while driving up the Stevens Canyon Road, about halfway between the entrance station and the Paradise road junction? It's on the far side of the canyon and way across the drainage at about the same level as the road. It looks like a real bitch to get to, but looks like you'd be rewarded with some clean, non-vegetated slab. Has anyone ever been to it/gotten on it?
  9. sobo

    Display Upgrades

    Fixed now. Thanks, jon and timmay! :tup:
  10. sobo

    Display Upgrades

    IE 7.0.5730.13 Windows XP Pro
  11. sobo

    Display Upgrades

    So I noticed yesterday that these new banner ads at the top of the login (home) page are covering up some of the toggles (Log In, etc.). I can't seem to remove the ad to get to the Log In toggle "behind" the ad without being directed to the ad. Can you fix this? Maybe make the ad less tall so it doesn't cover up the toggles?
  12. Goatboy- Just to clarify, this book you mention is about the NF of the Eiger, but not about the FA. It takes place in 1957, and is the story of two Italian friends, Stefano Longhi and Claudio Corti, who came to test their mettle on the climb. They meet up with a team of two Germans after about three days on the route (neither team initially knows that the other team is on the mountain). Both of the Germans die, as does Longhi. Only Corti lives after an incredible rescue operation, but with remorse for the way he endangered his partners. IIRC, no one would climb with Corti again after the event and the demise of the others was not without some suspicion about Corti having had a hand in their deaths in order to save his own hide. I read this book about 12 years ago in about two sittings, it was that good. The author's name is Jack Olsen, who was more popularly known as an early version of Ann Rule and her true crime genre. This book would make an equally exciting movie, much like Touching the Void, if the director and screenwriter were to keep to the actual story. [img:left]http://www.jackolsen.com/jack-hell.jpg[/img] [img:right]http://www.jackolsen.com/covers/climbrev.jpg[/img]
  13. What was WHO doing? The dad? As usual, you missed the joke... Your mind is like a steel trap, 'bone... rusted shut.
  14. sobo

    Display Upgrades

    We'll be watching...
  15. WHAT!!!??? You mean he's not??? I 'spose the next thing you're gonna tell me is there's no Santa Claus or Tooth Fairy either, huh?
  16. Dug up this old thread for ya, Pilchuk... I know that your young'n is gonna be a fresh bun when she comes out of the oven, but in the years ahead you might consider what I wrote in the above thread about the Tough Traveler and the Kelty Kids Tour models. We adopted Nicholas as a 6-month-old, and we did the Baby Bjorn thing like a lot of parents. As mentioned, it was FREAK'N HOT wearing that thing. We adopted Elaina at 14 months, so we never had to go through the BB stage with her. Straight to the Kelty was her fate. Off- Your final comment is priceless! I've actually had to do that a time or two with my rugrats, even recently. They seem to love it, though, so I don't think it's having the desired effect...
  17. I'm just waiting to free up some time. My divorce should be final next month, so I'll get right on it after that.
  18. Wow, this really is a very important thread...
  19. I'm not talkin' 'bout choo, hunny chil'... :kisss: I'm railing against Marcin for speakin' trash 'bout Washington wines.
  20. Sobo moved to Enumclaw? Neeeeeeeeeeiiiggghhh! I mean, nay!
  21. I'm off to dinner "with a friend" in a few minutes, where the two of us will be enjoying this little number. See you in the morning. Maybe... Fidelitas 2003 Walla Walla Valley cab
  22. That was me behind the camera, back when I used to work for Hef...
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