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Everything posted by erik

  1. 7ft of pow we ski
  2. erik

    whats the deal?

    speak for yourselves, i am free t-minus..... c u sunday bobbyp!
  3. erik


  4. erik

    Holiday Greeting

    what a vacation we had, eh trask?
  5. erik

    Holiday Greeting

    trask, just think of the big guy smiling at you and be merry!
  6. erik

    Holiday Greeting

  7. erik


  8. erik


    i dont have any photos but it has a dent on the right fender from having a dog run in to it. other then that it is just an 85 soobaroo. and i dont hard drive my cars.
  9. erik


    so i got this soob and i really wanna sell it. it does really pretty darn good. i just need it anymore. so let the bidding start at $500.
  10. hey rudy! those are really neat cassions you designed for the new narrows bridge!!
  11. trask, you still post here? heh, welcom back ole boy!
  12. i dont doubt that cbs. i am proposing a race between you and drul. he is talk mad shit about how petty it is, so i am calling him out on it. have fun doing it!
  13. erik


  14. i would bet $50 between cbs and dru to see who could do it first in winter. race starts saturday!!! my money would be on cbs.
  15. how cute dwyaner's med's have wore off.
  16. erik

    Diary Time?

    trask, anytime your name is mentioned we are poking fun at you.
  17. that was desperate.....
  18. it's all part of jon and timm@y's plan to steal even more of our souls.
  19. erik


    only the unstable ones are.....
  20. good luck dude, but its crazy once you meet 'em.
  21. erik


    well it can be in everett on saturday or sunday
  22. erik


  23. erik


    i gave away the book cases already....
  24. erik


    a couple of different pieces i kept gear in all of them 1or 2 regular ones a trunk like one and a clear one all da shit is free!!!!!!!!!!
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