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Everything posted by erik
http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/ubb/Forum9/HTML/000022.html http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/ubb/Forum9/HTML/000019.html
rope soloing ice sounds fairly sketchy. i think rather than putting undo trust onto a mechanical system that allows for mistakes and faliure, i would have rather soloed the pitch and only had myself to blame for any mistakes made. i just have two questions. where did it say that he was rope soloing? and what device or system was he using. does anyone know the actual events of the accident. no heresay. plz. none the less an extemly unfortunate accident, and i hope that the neamed gentleman comes out okay. [This message has been edited by erik (edited 02-19-2001).]
rumor has it that alllll the gear is there, so bolts were not needed. but that is the rumor. and that rumor climbs real hard!
sisu, can you climb sisu at index?
i have the msr bags. i like it alot. kind of a cool chape really fits inthose akward places in the pack or on the out side. plus the mouth fits all water pumps. though on the downside the mirco drinking noozl leaks when it is full or near full and upside down. plus the micro drinking noozle get dirt in it. other then that i like it.
we don't need to go inside. there is dry climbing in washington. we have been out to index 7 days this month, alone. even today. and have got the gobbies to prove it. free yourself of the confines of that chalk choked air and those manky space heaters, break forth into the sunlight and take hold what is ours. outdoor climbing year round.
jimi, do you mean medically or just good ole' fashioned epic?
"murder of the impossible" quated by that ever uber climber messner someone p.s. not that i can do the impossible, but you know. [This message has been edited by erik (edited 02-13-2001).]
pete, the ice is on public property though you do have to cross 2 right of ways- plz close the gates
yeah! in the morning little mike used one gore-tex sock and one seal skin sock. feet were dry. then at night ran across the river with boots on.
wading bridge creek is an option- also ice on night n'gale is pretty beat. john we saw you leavin town on saturday pretty fast.
mike i would hardly say i kayak too much. i dream about climbing only. i just like to get wet sometimes. that way i don't have to shower. plus i want be a real adventurer. just like clark& lewis and their other brother bueford.
talk to smith sunglasses co. out of ketchum, id. they have an specalized perscription co. i forget the name. plus they are reallly nice.
i personally vote for 70m ropes less pitches and you can top rope all that nasty climbing at index though i also put my vote in for bd's twin ropes 9mx60 very durable ropes they last almost a year look at that i voted twice does it still count can anyone determine my intent
hate me if you will, but i have to go ww kayaking this weekend. no water till now in the rivers, so as the slave a i am to swimming in those frigid washington rivers. so this weekend we are kaykaing. next weekend is probably going to be the one for me as after that i am climbing in montana. plz feel free to bash and trash me. see you all next week. friday of course. p.s. an extra week means more hot chicks.
this is the winter climbing party...and i climb a couple of days during the week so i like the weekend idea. i have already done my laps on drury and let me tell you....thats one hard track to run on. the 10th doesn't sound to bad- i'll keep you all posted.
mike i am upset that i missed it. i guess i'll have to stop running and monitor the board constantly. dan i don't hate you. sounds like everyone is gettin' fired up over a comment. remeber sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. is that still true though? i read some report....never mind. wether you have an elitest attitude or not, dan's ability to get you mad with one comment is pretty strong. we should all sit back and re-evaluate what dan said that really does effect us. sure he might have called most people gapers...but who gives a shit. i don't. we are all gapers. dan, me ,you and that other guy in the corner with the new rope. climb for your own reasons, not matter what you do or enjoy. because in the long run, when i am a 112 yrs old. it don't matter. did i say that yet? it doesn't matter. have fun and be safe jah
sounds like it is starting to shape up, nicely now. so what kinda date do you all want. weekday, weekend.....blah...blah. mike stout sounds good, since thats the way all cascadeclimbers climb. house rulez: 1. no fighting until the host kisses your old lady. 2. no fightting until there is at least a $100 kitty. the house get 75% 3. no fightting if you are beating up the host 4. no guns, knives or ice tools....the house will provide all weapons 5. no fighting because the other guy doesn't eat red meat 6. if you spill beer...be ready to fight 7. if want to drive drunk....be ready to fight 8. if you are wearing a lycra tights be ready to fight 9. all must have tons of fun if we can agree to these rulz then it will be a good party. i know that most seattle people don't like to come to tacoma and i know that i don't like to go to seattle. i have a friend who owns a compound in maple valley right off 18. we will all have to watch his slide show of wilderness whitewater kaykaing and listen to his i just climbed el cap after ten days of rock climbing. he also has a hot tub and a bbq. i can car pool from tacoma with whoever wants to go with me. lets get it on
sounds like we don't have enough interest. i'll give it a another week and then i'll shelve the idea until later. jah
putting out feelers if anyone is interested in having acascadeclimbers.com slide show, kegger, spray fest. or something of the like. i can offer up my big empty house in tacoma and an insasiable appetite for beer. as well as some slides. obvious themes could included the CASCADES! or trips abroad. just wondering. let's see what we can come up with. anyone else have ideas or a good location.
mike, avy conditions are about as tame as they can be with snow. i have been out and have found b/c traveling is easy. the weather outlook appears to be spectacular. though onsite assesment is the only way you can be sure. though if it is as nice as it is right now, then just the approach will be wonderful. though i imagine that the route should be awsome as well. one can only dream. be safe jah erik
as i sit here and plan my next adenture, i was wondering how does everybody else go about selecting a route to climb, river to kayak, trail to run? for local climbing i obviously peruse becky's books, then maybe cross reference nelson's books, then whitelaw's books, eminger's books and so on. then look at topos and what not. what, if any thing makes a person choose their desired route. i know in winter it goes alot by conditions, as that dictates what is relitivly safe. so it seems that people flock to the goods. i now personally use creativity as my guide, that it gives me more of an adventure experience. the fear of the unknown. just wondering, you know.
nuff of this. first of all i'm not sure why someone who states that we are beginners are climbing a difficult line such as the cable. last time i was there that route was not up to leadable standards, especially two parties. i have always worked off the mantra don't climb something you can't lead. with ice it is twofold statement, because the possibilty of injury or death is greater as we can't always depend on our ice protection. it sounds as if buddies are leap frogging the pitch, that might be an accepted practice on rock, but here in temperate maritime climate zone washington where the cable or any other route is going to crash down on us next weekend, that practice shouldn't be used. you can lead ice or you can't; don't get yourself over your head. easy to say(i know) but a real climber is proud enough or smart enough to know when he should or shouldn't be on a route. so when you are leap frogging a route or lowering down, then going back up to finish it, then maybe it is time to concede and move on to another route. using you better judgement is the only way that something is going to be resolved. we all know what is right and what is wrong. sounds like there is no inncocent party in this situation, not to say that anyone is guilty either. we all deserve to climb any route we choose, but use your brains and choose the right one. be safe cause anyone climb above me, if that is possible beware. I'M FROM TACOMA!
read 'challenge of the north cascades'. fred becky's autobiography. not only do you get the story of helmy, but a good history on cascade climbing. the book in my opinion really majes you want to get out there do do some real climbing.