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Everything posted by erik

  1. cool, bone i'll be up there around 1pm today. i'll take a sixer of mirror pond. see you there!
  2. http://www.bdel.com/dlrcards don't ask just enjoy.
  3. yup, it's me! i tired to do the same thing last winter at my bro's compound in maple valley, but got little response. so i'll try it again. we can always camp for free at l-worth too, but we need to get some idea on what, who, when & where. plus i won't give any free camping details out over the internet, just cause my directions is like my beta sketchy and incoherant at best. people!?
  4. whenever i get my shit done, sometime 9 am other times 4, but no later then that
  5. it is the winkie dinkie cliff. the route you climbed is the gorilla my dreams .10a it is a super fun route. iadmit as a young trad klan member i have clipped the bolts, though on tr i have tried to chimmeny climb(for the practice) the other routeson that cliff fromleft to right are house of happiness .10b not too bad, timberjack super fun .8 and then some .12 called virgin on the ridiculous. the slings above the anchor is the descent from mid-wall(another fun cliff) i recommend you get Darryl Cramer's guide book 'Sky Valley Rock'. it also includes static point. he and his friends have done a great job putting the book together and updating old and suspect anchors.
  6. waiting for a call back from ticket master/deforest service booking agent on group campground availability in middle of sept. i will figure for about 500 people, cause once it is out i am sure that we won't be able tostop the mass exodous to the cc.com spray fest. lambone, would you like give a clinic on creating an epic?! or maybe you can administer the pennicilian shots! cause i am sure drul will be there!
  7. so i want to repersent tacoma next week, so i figure that i will just climb at index on wensday. anyone want to join me. just one thing, probably going to be looking for a bivi site near by this flying pig joint....any people with a "grassy" backyard i can sleep and puke in?
  8. beep! beep!
  9. drul, i retired from the doing bad things bidness back in third grade after my pixie stick ring got broke up by the recesss duty. i lost almost $.75 in goods to the 'man'. changed my life forever, though i did have a nice run with glue balls in early 5th grade, until budget cuts within the school dist. limited each class to 3 bottles each. though it taught me a good lesson with supply and demand!
  10. i told them it was a for a bible study camp too!
  11. just called the l-worth deforest svc office, got some attitude and beauracacy.....told i need to call 800-274-6104 some ticket master company or something...left message with info and a call back #. will update as soon as i know. asked for dates between sept. 14-16 or sept 21-23. more help will be needed as i do not have cc anymore.
  12. one question how do you protect for sport fucking? i tried last night to use cams and got tazered, now that hurt! went to the next crag(bar)and tried to use some pins and and an ice screw! barely got out with my life! [This message has been edited by erik (edited 07-26-2001).]
  13. ! [This message has been edited by erik (edited 07-26-2001).]
  14. kiss me arse ya can-yuck! mon-key brainz yummmm found a family pic for drul! [This message has been edited by erik (edited 07-26-2001).] [This message has been edited by erik (edited 07-26-2001).]
  15. hey dru, i found that stupid site with dem icons, forget caveman. i am not going to share anymore. drul
  16. have fun kids, i will be enjoying my evening in other ways tonite. gotta pay the price sometime, so i can go climbing other times. [This message has been edited by erik (edited 07-24-2001).]
  17. erwin, it is off of hwy 50. pretty hard to miss. it owuld be the huge granite crag.
  18. http://www.kgt.net/rockclimb/index.html
  19. office space is a f@#$%in tool!
  20. so you moved to washington, i see how it is bone!
  21. girlz chill out, shit man you all remind me of when i was the shcool yard bully and picking on anyone not wearing stussy. crying just cause you think you might get hit. i hope you guys epic and have to spoon in a snow storm. some guy i climbed with in yose named don reid showed me the new topo. i doubt he knows what he is talking about. he was old. [This message has been edited by erik (edited 07-24-2001).]
  22. bone, steck-salathe has been upgraded to .10b. so this office dude is probably out of the loop. as far as your bro at feathers...yawn!
  23. yo dwanyer, if you go i would like to carpool, an old dog like you can handle to booze better then us young pups, obvioulsly last week eh!?
  24. so i really don't want ot work tommorow on wensday, so what i am asking from someone or all of you is to come out to index and climb with me! give me an excuse not to work i am practically begging for it. thank you for your support
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