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Everything posted by erik
so how was it bone?
personally i would only climb with an amga certified guide, not an amga accredited guide service. the difference would be that mm has an amga certified guide on staff, but the chances of you actually climbing with the amga guide is almost nil. if you are going to go to washington pass i would use the local service. much more personal with a smaller client to guide ratio. there is less of a cattle herd bid-ness. here's a link to their website. http://www.ncmountainguides.com/ncmtnguides/ i have met most of them and they are way solid. suport the local bros. if america is ever to establish guiding as a legitimate bussiness then we need to support actual professional guides, people who make their living off sharing their passion of the mtns. not some dude off for the summer. not that they are bad people. but we do need to legitimize the good guys. i personally know of a couple mm guys and would not even crag with them. but that is my issue.
drul, what about penguins in bondage? i would have thought that route would be right your alley?!
brady is a real good guy, saw him in mazama the other day. he, jimmy and the workman bros have climbed real cool stuff. i'm not going but i would recommend it to anyone in the area. jah
drul, this sounds like part of the black abyss of ingnorance that my 7th grade teacher was talking about. only now do i understand what he was talking about, the corrulation is amazing. i think this is where the 51st paralel is emoved and you return to your rightful place in ignit' america. welcome home son!
i'm kinda old skool on this one and think the teddy ruxspin talking bear mokes better sno-pro. plus you have the added bonus of carrying on a halucigenic conversation with a plastic talking bear. though he does weight little more, you can reall offset it, by not wearing pants. that way you are light and lucky and your picket is out for backup.
Water beta on the south col of South Early Winter Spire
erik replied to Matt_Anderson's topic in Climber's Board
brong water, there is no snow around the col, blue lake is like 20-30 minutes away. personally i wouldn't bivi there. just hike in earlier in the morning. but that is just an opinion cause i now hate to hike, thanks bros! -
beck you sooo badd! look the hand of computer gods have struck and you are the recipent.
I've got it!!!!!! if you do not enjoy gym climbing or the scene or whatever don't go! Viola! It seems like a perfect patch for a boring complaint. I don't like gyms so i don't go, that way i have no conflict with people and the such. man i must be getting complacent in my old age.
i got your pics drul, but it is gonna cost you!
i'll do that. hope every likes the obnoxious relative with the camera.
okay guys, i think it is time to set back look at what everyone is typing and relax. truthfully it is too bad that there are some people who are afraid to post on this site. seems kinda weird?! but who knows? the posturing and aggressiveness is a little bit tiresome. i personally enjoy a good bit of sarcasm, but it should never be confussed with aggression. i will bet a nickel for every empty threat, that it is just a bunch of jr. high tactics. i can't remember when the last time i heard of decent people fighting(and i would consider everyone here decent!(except for drul)) mattp's post about negativity is just a cess pool. nothing personal. it seeths negativity. it could almost be labeled evil. it seems like a free for all to hate/attack each other. i think if my mom read it she would have a heart attack. let's cut it out. the post flat out attracts the piss poor attitude that lurks in everyone's soul and allows it to grow. let's give it up. i have never been in a fight, never argued with anyone while climbing or in any type of recreational activity. climbing is a leisure sport, something we due to relax and "find"(cliche) ourselves. i don't climb to find out that there are people out there who want to fight, wether it be for peeing on the trail, chopping bolts, dissing a guide book or whatever. tim/jon i don't think the world would be hurt if it was delted from the site. the bullshit that has been typed there is even offensive to me. and i come from a broken home and i'm the middle child. so maybe after the weekend everyone will be cooled down and we can resume normal internet b.s. jokes, beta trading and the what not. p.s. anyone want to go to index next week with me? bone? dr jay? anyone....anyone....
index is steep and requires excellent footwork. so maybe your arguement is flawed, but whatever!
ertical World staff needs some training on customer relations
erik replied to Cpt.Caveman's topic in Climber's Board
drul, you need a girlfriend baaaddddd! i mean we are talking baaaaddddd! put down the sock and go to abbotsford and hit on some ladies, but shower first, eh! -
if it works for everyone. harmon brewery in tacoma. they have hard 'a', beer and pretty decent food. take 705 w take the 21st st exit and there it is. you can see it from the hwy. it is right across from the federal building. hope to see some people next tuesday at 7 pm. if not i will see everyone at the agreed upon establishment. http://www.teleport.com/~dgs1300/Harmon.html [This message has been edited by erik (edited 08-10-2001).]
Thought we should start over without all the redderick............ Four years had passed, four years of constant reminders. Every glimpse of a rock face, every postcard of a mountain, every carabiner keychain a reminder of that day. Looking in the mirror........I had to wonder if I still had it in me. Sure, accidents happen and people die in the mountains, but it wasn't supposed to happen to me. And it wasn't really my fault. Even my friends have told me that over and over again. But then why does it plague me so. Why does my gear just sit in the corner? My old partners don't even call me anymore. Deep inside I know I have to climb again. That's what Kristi would have wanted….. Things seemed simple at that time in my life when she and I first met, I was youthful and full of energy ready to conquer the world. Looking back now though maybe I was too careless, blind of my lack of abilities and too willing to take risks. I promised myself to change my ways when she I first took her climbing, but I didn’t and my recklessness led to my demise…..
hikerwa, you can borrow my black prophets if you want. bd still sells them off their website. i don't see me swinging them anytime soon. i have alska picks, stinger picks and cobra picks. i forgot, i know back packers in tacoma rents them 253-472-4402. i bet marmot in bellevue does as well, since they are one in the same company. [This message has been edited by erik (edited 08-09-2001).]
sounds like we got a good old fashioned witch hunt. i am sarcastic and partially self-centered, but then again what twenty something insn't. i mean it comes along with being 23 and invinsible. i think i have typed this before: "stick and stones may break my bones, but internet chat will never hurt me!" everyone is right about threats and acts of therortical violence. they are bullshiznit but why don't we go turn on our tv's(i'll have to come over to someone's house) and watch what goes on. this babble that we partake in and enjoy is passe' to what you can watch on network t.v. i bet we all could chill out, and beck is right we all should attend a pub club or 2, to smell each other out.
the softer ti, metal wears out faster then the hardend steel of the other screws. though you shuld theroretically replace your screws after 1-2 seasons, for someone who climbs frequetly. anyone wanna buy 14 screws? i wouldn't place/buy ti screws for the intent to lead with them. bailing on them might be something else, but with ice there are other ways.
i know everyone will hate me for this one. buying goods and using them and then returning them for profit/new stuff is against moral standards and possibly the law, in my book you are no better then a thief. the return policy is not there for people to wreck shit purposefully and then return it with the intent to get new stuff. just take responsibilty and buy new shit. stuff wears out if you use it, and that is a fact. deal with it! i wonder if your mom, knows you do that shit.......plz
will, are you calling me epic? sure the whole chicken truck rollover thing with your mom, was sketchy but we worked through it. i never knew your dad was boss hog, you alabamer's just so tight! note to self, ky is not a valuable farm implement!
notice, i said nothing about japan. so i don't even know/care that it was good for you. all i said are issues that affect me. japan doesn't. i am selling all my stock and moving to the family property in idado, since their reccession is going to destroy the world as we know it. thanks for the tip!
the major problem regarding local guidebooks is their durability. i have 2 copies of leavenworth rock with no binding. they fall apart really really fast. it is a pain in the ass. viktor, i hope you can have a better gluing for the next gerneration. i personally liked your original binding. the new sky rock book also has a weak binding. dave was nice enough to replace one of them, but the new one has already fallen apart. the new vantage guidebook also has a weak binding. so if anyone is making a new guidebook, please invest in a higher quality binding, i doubt anyone would mind paying a little extra for the book to last more then one year.