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Everything posted by erik

  1. blakly, i think he listed stanwood as his hometown. no if that ain't a inbreed fuck your dog and give the sheep sloppy seconds kinda place i don't know what is. that is why most people drive by at 85mphs. seriously pen, after you said i'm out here you keep coming back. matter of fact you have been logged on for hours. you be pathetic later guys i am going to go have some dinner.
  2. erik

    shoeller 1

    i recommend them, if oyu do a search you can find many old topics on this.
  3. kyle, when you say old style friends, do you mean the ones with the hex bolt or the button head? cause the hex bolt one's are worth haning onto, for old skool value.
  4. pen you leave these at the crag the other day?
  5. that or jon has been holding out on him. thats proably weeks of frustration built up in those little guys. jon, stop the maddness and give that squirral some!
  6. bone was telling me about a hoof building cream that you might use. it will make them durable yet sensitive.
  7. or their brains.
  8. blakely i wish you would just stick to sheep, man it seems every time you get near a microwave something bad happens. maybe you need to look into getting a different plate in your head.
  9. you can down climb most of the s arete and then make 2 short raps, so yes you can get off with one rope. and technically you can down climb the whole thing, there are like 2 moves of 5.4-5.6. not too bad. have fun
  10. i'll just be nice. [This message has been edited by erik (edited 08-17-2001).]
  11. beck, drul sent me a link stating that if you insert harold robbin's book on tape teddy ruxpin will get down and dirty. just think of the possibilites, though you might want to find a n ac/dc converter for him and sno seal his fur!
  12. beck, plus you drink that light beer shit. what gives grandma?
  13. wopper you be right. i would say for the money it is the best glacier climb around. you don't have to waste so much time slogging up some crappy glacier on to have to slog back down it. and if you do do it, i would say burgandy is much much much faster.
  14. dru, why do they call them mounties? is that cause if they bust you they mount you?
  15. lets just start the ultimate battlecage......bring in whoever you want for whatever reason!!!!! drul and caveman sitting in ledge k.i.s.s.i.n.g. 1st comes loves, then comes marriage then one really ugly lookin offwidth baby rollin down the trail in a 4x4 baby carriage!
  16. erik


  17. erik


    drul, you can come too! only if you want. jay and i will need a leader for all the 4th class pitches for the top out.
  18. erik


    DR.Jay is da man!!!!!!!
  19. charlie, easy calling the local ice, ice climbing. and you only get 3 free trips to the clinc after dealing with college girlz. plus ellensburg got more then 5k people.
  20. roslyn also has the advantage of a new mega resort going in. the developers were able to strong arm the locals and buy precious water rights in the upper kittitas valley. will you could really sell your services in that town. more benz's 4x4 babies coming soon to a golf course near you. or 6. and pre-planned horseback trails. ahhhh.....heaven
  21. i'd vote for mazama, wa. no one lives there. okay climbing nearby. some super sick ww and mtn biking. and i've personally noticed the high amount of hottie's rollin' in the benz 4x4's all times of the year.
  22. thats true, but meet martin and you want bro to short rope you. he inspires confidence. plus he is swiss. though he has his own service. out of north bend. www.proguiding.com and the boys at north cascades are dialed as well.
  23. yeah that drul's pimp the ladies route. "hey sweetie you wanna go climbing with me sometime, i will take you to the sweetest spot in upper america.(oops!) i mean canada."
  24. all i am saying is support the amga, to legetimze professional guides, use guides who live and support local areas such as mazama or the such. read martin volken's article about guiding in the u.s. a couple years ago in r&i. you might have a better idea to what i am talking about.
  25. you mean traffic light
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