So I'm totally slacking off in my training because any time I have free time, I'm either totally exhausted and want to go home, or am starving no matter how much snacking I did before the end of the day...usually a combo of both. I work five twelve hour days in a row on my feet, and if I manage to wake my ass up on the weekend, get in two more 8-12 hour days of climbing in (if I'm lucky).
so any tips on how to no be hungry or exhausted with such a shitty schedule? Good snacks that take zero time to make or buy (and where to get them), tips on how to increase my energy, when to exercise, etc... Yeah, if someone asked the same question, I'd probably rattle off my professional opinion, but doctors are their worst patients.
I always hear about you folks going on long runs, workouts, etc... after work and I wonder how you don't collapse somewhere mid-week. I've tried just sucking it up and heading to the gym or trail regardless after work, but after I get home, make dinner, and eat, it's like 11pm and I'm a drooling incoherent idiot the next day.
The advice I'd give myself is to: do my exercise 1st thing in the morning (getting up at like 5am), eat a big breakfast, lay off the coffee, increase my whole foods and greens, take a good multivitamin loaded w/the B's, go to sleep at 10pm, and not drink more than one drink before 9. But being a bachelor, that shit don't work so well....