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Everything posted by layton

  1. big time stretch, buy em super tight
  2. that photo is totally going in... I may wait until the OR show this summer to release the book - I'm trying to get a couple ads put in and have some more folks review it.
  3. I don't want to spoil that photo with my book Kurt
  4. Awesome! Way to be self-sufficient too. Here in Utah, a couple climbers had trouble (an ankle sprain) 1 pitch up the great white icicle. Instead of lowering and hobbling out, they waited 4 hours for SAR and get this, "ate their lunches while they waited".
  5. erik and wayne won too, but they didn't have to submit as I already had photos from them.
  6. and I'm very close to being done. I just need to get some illustrations from PNW's very own Zac Reisner, edit the cover, and solicit $$ from gear companies for a few ads in the back. I'm guessing May 1st.... It's looking great and is around 250 pages with a shit ton of photos.
  7. Congrats to John Scurlock on making the cover shot! Dirtharry gets in the text, as does FGW, 111, and Tazz. I'll send y'all a PM, but if I forget, email me so I can get your full name in the photo credit and your address to send a copy. Thanks! I had plenty of shots of my own, but I'm glad some PNW'ers can strut their stuff.
  8. a lot of folks own ice tool for trips to ouray
  9. www.grizguides.com
  10. layton

    Mikey Layton

    I'm going to celebrate by working a 10 hour swingshift, follow by every other week off for the foreseeable future!
  11. What set-ups do y'all like to stash your tool when putting in gear, clipping bolts, etc etc? Holsters? Ice Clippers? Velcro? Hooked over the shoulder and behind the neck? I was thinking of breaking the wires off of two ice clippers, and duct taping them somewhere on my upper arm, shoulder or chest. Thoughts?
  12. Jim, that's James Garrett all the way from SLC, Utard in the black blazer to the right of Fred
  13. well my new work schedule is 1 week on 1 week off ad infinity, so might as well live where it's cheap and closer climbing for workdays.
  14. oh, and PEIPS has a nice lightweight tiny avy transceiver that's actually very inexpensive
  15. What neat stuff did y'all see? Of course, the CiloGear crew had their awesome packs. BD has a new umbilical system for ice tools, and a stupid V-threader template. Metolius is coming out with a crazy tiny biner, smaller than CAMP's. Full strength keychain biner, but not tool user friendly for clipping gear. OR has an Alpine version of their Alibi glove. sweet KONG has an awesome lightweight nut tool. Besides that, my eyes got pretty glazed over on all the other shit like shoes, tents, sleeping bags, and especially clothing, so I didn't really see anything super nifty. So what did I miss?
  16. sweet, well I got some awesome selections, including a few emailed directly to me. I'll be in contact with the winners, and will post the results when the book is ready for distribution! Hopefully that won't be too long! It'll be cool to get some PNW representation for once
  17. i'll have a lot of fun looking over these this weekend, thanks all who submitted! I'm going to end the contest today, and will post the results when I get a chance. -M
  18. don't forget i'm hosting a photo contest here too: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/856291/Book_Cover_Photo_Contest#Post856291 and it's over today
  19. I like the helmet clipped to the harness. and that's a Zappa song.
  20. I'm going to extend the deadline until friday! Some great pics, keep em comin!
  21. who was it?
  22. Keep em coming! I've gotten a few emailed directly to me as well that i'm going to include.
  23. toothpaste seriously
  24. If you like jesus burgers you'll be in heaven
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