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Everything posted by Buckshot

  1. I might have jumped and screamed a little first.
  2. Last night at the Sunshine Wall I saw my first rattlesnake of the season. The guy we climbed with saw one earlier that day too. I have been seeing gopher snakes a lot but this is the first buzztail I have seen so far this summer. The snake I saw was in the middle of the trail under the Sunshine Wall right about where the "Party in Your Pants" route is. I grabbed its tail and flung him down the valley as far as I could. Not trying to keep people away (though it might be nice to be able to get on a route on a Saturday) I'm just sayin' be careful where you step!
  3. We'll be on Sunshine Wall tomorrow (Wednesday) after work (after 5pm)
  4. I was there last week and saw nothing like this. Lots of pigeons though.
  5. Another attack of the ME MONSTER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruBUSZ2ctyw
  6. Canadians have August 19th: Dieppe.
  7. So does this extend to Mother's say weekend or should things firm up by then? I'm aiming for Granite mountain.
  8. Reminds me of a guy in a white van I met in Burien, "We got these extra speakers shipped to our warehouse and the boss says its not worth it to ship them back. I'll give you a great deal."
  9. The insuance company has a year from the policy effective date to find out if you are a climber, amateur pilot or any other dangerous profession/hobby. After that time, all of your "dangerous" hobbies are covered. So if you can answer NO to those questions with a straight face and clean conscience you'll probably be ok. Life insurance is fine, it covers the boob job and bass boat your wife will need to attract a new father for your kids but I'd focus more on Disability insurance. If you get hurt can your wife lift you onto the tiolet and wipe your butt? Will she be able to in ten years? Will she want to?
  10. http://kpr.craigslist.org/spo/2988774962.html This is not my post but I'm just passing it on
  11. Buckshot


    I worked in law enforcement for six years. You were assaulted and had every right to defend yourself. Just don't put the boots to him on the deck and you are good to go. A shove, a chest bump; all are assaults. If he flinches and fakes a punch that makes you brace for impact, thats an assault. Someone with training could take him down without hurting him BUT THAT IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LAW. You got to walk away so you can call it a win. But... You know whats going to happen next time he sees you right?
  12. Don't hear a lot from the millitant Seattle vegans on this one. I am a huge fan asian sauces but its hard for me to pass up good (not store-baught) barbecue sauce. Let the Eastern WA hick jokes roll.
  13. Let me see, take five kids to five different practices, games and tournaments or take them all climbing? Sounds like an easy choice to me. Just the looks we get at the crags from uppity kid haters as all five of my clones trundle out of the van is worth the 30 min drive. If I had a dollar for every, "Are they all yours?" I get I'd retire early.
  14. Welcome back to God's country.
  15. I'm glad I'm not the only one with five kids (we get a lot of stares from snobby yuppies). All my kids climb (ages 3-13). My oldest daughter belayed me at age 11. We worked a lot in the tree in our yard (no gym in this area) and I usually anchor her while she belays. Her little brother, who is 11 now, belays. My daughter caught a fall once and even though her hair got caught in the ATC (last time she didn't wear it back) she still held it. RuMR makes a good point. My daughter climbs a little better than me and can also lead so thats an option too. I asked here about wether to have her use a grigri or ATC and the consensus, kinda, was that if she is competent she can learn to use an ATC. She has and we use the ATC XP. Cheers
  16. Buckshot


    Where is that guy's hand?
  17. Sell them at a yard sale or donate them to...something
  18. If you walk, please park as far off the road as possible. Many people don't and end up with damage to their cars, plus its a pain to pass by.
  19. Buckshot

    New Girl

    We (myself and about three others) climb at Frenchman Coulee at least weekly since its close to home. PM and I'll tell you when and where we will be you are free to join us.
  20. Trail Lake Coulee is also really dry
  21. Forget about Vantage on weekends; its too crowded now. This time of year its wall to wall Seattle Subarus from Silica road to the river. Do all Subarus come with some sort of rainbow/diversity/free Tibet bumper sticker as standard equipment?
  22. Buckshot


    Interesting article. Sounds like a nice place
  23. Thanks all. As Always, its appreciated
  24. I got a kids Alpine Bod and use a webbing loop twisted into an eight to make a chest harness for them. My three tear old, his six year old sis, his eight year old sis and his eleven year old brother can all fit the same harness (older bro doesn't usr the chest piece). I own two. I connect the chest piece to the belay loop with a couple lockers.
  25. I have a 3 1/2 year old. He wants to go and I found him some skis (still need boots). Will he learn anything or is earlier better? How old were you when you learned?
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