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Everything posted by obwan

  1. Very entertaining blog - like twitter! Up to 16,000 views!
  2. A lined REI Gore-Tex climbing outfit, in perfect shape and light use. Wear light layers underneath, side vents, detachable hood - really a nice outfit for ice climbing those wet water falls, also has good freedom of movement. It is a size small - but runs a bit larger for wearing over clothing, and would fit male or female 5'6" to 5'8- Free Shipping (US)! $125 total, a good deal! I don't have a photo to post - It can be seen on Ebay by searching for 'Ice Climbing suit'.
  3. As you found out, the first (unwritten) rule of cc.com that giving people a hard time is mandatory. The second is that it is you never apologize. The third is to never take yourself too seriously, otherwise you'll run headlong into rules one and two. We're a strange and cantankerous bunch. Glad it all worked out and that you found the right audience. Maybe I'll go hurt myself there someday. Man - here we go again! JasonG and Olyclimber have well explained what HFC climbers are all about (that's 'hard f---ing core') - it really did sound like a troll to us, and we all await what appears to be a great documentary. I'm not usually a skeptic, but find it difficult that those cowboys missed this - measuring every inch of the earth with chains and ropes to make the TOPO's that we all live by. Now it's done with satellites - which will probably be my vantage point. At this point good for you and thank god you made it out of Nam. Bon Jour, Amigo.
  4. It begins on Feb 4th at 8:30pm on DirectTV, and airs 10-12 times thru the 17th on PBS Ch 389. Also Comcast ch710, not sure of times. Cool!
  5. Pricy - but try a copy of "Freedom of the Hills".
  6. Great trip report and nice photos! You have progressed from novice to expert in one climb - this could possibly qualify for an Epic ( although a full on epic usually has an unplanned overnite). Anyways, instead of baptism by fire - this is baptism by waterfall. You need to get a climbing suit like this one, I have for sale. http.//cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showphoto.php?photo=109724&title=goretex-
  7. Truly a great loss - my condolences, Mother Nature is sometimes not very fair. RIP Doug, God Bless.
  8. Well said - thank you! Take heed - pcg is 100% correct. I'd suggest Mt. Si or Mailbox peak if you have some kind of summit fever.
  9. Try Second Ascent in Ballard.
  10. Sorry - Ice Screws all sold out.
  11. Whoa! I think I'm in love.
  12. Hey Brando666 - I've lost track of you. PM me your regular email and shipping details if you still need the Ice Screws.
  13. Now you are sounding like Adam, when god told him I can make you a woman that can do it all and still be beautiful. And Adam said, man - what's that going to cost me? And god said, probably an Arm and a Leg. And Adam said, Jesus! That's a lot - what can I get for a Rib?
  14. Good Job! Glad to see it was not a troll - as Oly says, you have to take some crap on this site at times. I'm not afraid to say I was pretty skeptical - and we will await the OPB episode.
  15. New prices on my ICE Gear - see MY Gallery and click on the photo for prices and info. Shipping included, use PayPal and send PM with your info, email, etc.
  16. Crap! Nostradamus may be right. Shit happens.
  17. Monty and G-spotter are spot on. To be the early bird and get the jump on fellow WI climbers - you have to monitor exactly what they mentioned, and after a few days of the right conditions go awol from work, and go for it! BTW, I have some good values on the yard sale for getting started in tools & screws.
  18. Yes, they are. Send a PM with name, address & email - I use PayPal. Now sold as of 11/19. see my gallery updates. SOLD!
  19. Houston - There is a Santa! Check this stuff out and get ready for the season! I'm basically going out of business and having to quit climbing due to medical reasons - a sad day for sure. But, I will feel better if this gear can find a new home and get some use. I thought I'd give you all the first shot at my toys before I go on Ebay. Most of it is new that I acquired last season and unable to use. Shipping costs are included, as are PayPal fees. I have a lot of photos to load - so it might be easier to go to my photo gallery, and the photo remarks will have the details and costs.
  20. I have experienced the need for inside guy lines only twice in 40 years. I got caught in a freak/quick winterstorm out toward Rainier and the winds were 60/65mph and snow was dumping a foot per hour it seemed. So after fighting the freight train express and shoveling snow all night off my 3- season tent, I rigged all the tie points diagonal - and it worked, so snow load and high winds are the issue. The other time was up at Ingalls Peak, getting hammered by almost the same issues. Even with tryi.ng to beat the weather gurus at their own game, you can still get slammed. Of course the outside guy lines hopefully help or a 4 season tent. Sometimes a snow cave is an alternative but can be pretty sketchy in fresh snow. I suppose you could check the internet/manufactures - especially Black Diamond's site for good technical info. It is like being in a spider web, but as you say - one is trying to hold down both the tent and yourself from being blown away.
  21. Dru - I could not have said it better. With global warming, I'm not even sure if I move to Alaska will help. I'm already considering a big Ice Gear Yard Sale. Manninjo - If you need to know theroadside/lastsecret, we'll have to go PM.
  22. You should talk with ultra runner from Seattle - Uli Steidl, google for his blog or feats of endurance; I believe he's done The Mountain.
  23. https://www.google.com/search?q=yoga+pants&biw=1067&bih=513&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=ysWiVcPDOMbgoATSm6XIBQ&sqi=2&ved=0CD0Q7Ak&dpr=1.5
  24. Sure sounds like spray.
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