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About manninjo

  • Birthday December 7


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    western washington

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  1. Really nice photos, very cool Slesse/Baker overlay especially
  2. Do you guys have the first photo without the overlay line draw in?
  3. Sounds like @Eric Gilbertson is doing a slideshow on his winter bulger project and Mox winter ascent at the Seattle Mountaineers next week. Should be a great talk, and there's free beer! https://www.mountaineers.org/locations-lodges/seattle-program-center/events/beta-and-brews-winter-fa-of-hard-mox-with-eric-gilbertson
  4. @Alisse sampling Snoqualmie's version of "cold smoke"
  5. Mt. Washington / Amazonia ice came in the last few days. Last time I climbed these was December 2016. Today and tomorrow probably the last days they are in. CYA on the Iron Horse did not come in that fat this cycle. Mt. Washington above the parking lot lower flow Mt. Washington above the parking lot upper flows - didn't really form completely, very wet Amazonia ice main flow Scottish gulley thing left of main flow
  6. Incredible! What a discovery, and what an adventure. True "follow your nose" exploration, well off the beaten track. Amazing what you were able to get done in such a short window. Thanks for posting here.
  7. Way to get it done, killer line! Let's see those photos of the munge on the lower ridge. If someone was going to do the access ramp variation to upper SE ridge of Seahpo and not continue the traverse, what's the best way down?
  8. Its a neat range, lots to climb. Rock quality leaves much to be desired. For most folks, anything in the northern pickets will be a 2 day approach, 2 day deproach using any of the ways in. Allow 4 days to get in and out of high camp. There's not really any bushwhacking to get into either side of the range with the standard approaches. If I were doing something in the southern pickets, I'd search trip reports here, then supplement with Beckey guide and/or Nelson select guides.
  9. Potentially interested if it is the right BSL for me. Sent you a pm.
  10. @bedellympianConsider going for the second (?) ascent of any these routes in the Cascades? Access seems like a pain for most of these (especially without a sled), and obviously conditions are king, but the time of year you're looking at seems about right. NW Face of Chiwawa (Intravenous): Summit Chief North Face: Any of the lines on Buck Mountain North Face, e.g.:
  11. Is this at Temperate Habits or District Brewing @JasonG? I think District has an upstairs, not sure about TH. District would get my vote if the venue not finalized yet.
  12. If the Pub Club is in Skagit or Bellingham, I'd definitely be there.
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