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Posts posted by pc313

  1. Thanks for the positive feedback,I'll try to brush up on my grammer,spelling,communications Skills and maybe cut back on my meds(Lithium,Prozac,Wellbutrin,Zoloft,Seroquel,Remeron,Fluoxetine,Pacxel,Ecstasy,Duloxetine,Celexa,Soma,Codeine,Flexeril,Xanax,

    Loratadine,Pseudoephedrine,Diphenhydramine,Ambien CR,and Tylenol 4) Just kidding i've never had ECSTASY!!!

  2. There is alot of hand sanding,hands on assembly,and set up after all the automatic machine work is done,the difference between a USA Strat and a Mexican strat is slight,wood grade,wood lined nut bolt on neck vs plastic,jack plate?,and $300 difference in labor,I have one of each and have replaced the stock pickups with USA made Vintage Noiseless and Jeff Beck Hot Rod Noiseless set, the JB are my favorites. Might have bone nuts installed next!


    I have been told that most of the wood machine work is done in Cal. and sent to Mexico for assembly,but could be wrong.

  3. Has it been tough being illiterate for 53 years?

    Your math is off I'm only 50,is it tough being a asshole?




    Well - you said you graduated high school 32 years ago so I was generous (despite the evidence) and figured you'd only repeated a grade three times.


    Actually i said its been 32 years since i was in High School, but i did graduate in 76s after 13 years of the Kent School System (K-12)and turned 18yrs old 3 weeks before cap and gown,sorry to disapoint you.


    Just wanted to work out doors,buy a MGB,Ski,Hike,party,and get laid!(had 3 MGBs 1976,73,64 and a 65 MG 1100 GT.)


    Ended up at Boeing for damm near 7yr. in the ShotPeen-RotoPeen Dept reading blue prints,writing Setups,filling out truck loads of paper work,setting up and operating 7 Million dollars of new machines,most of witch were one of a kind,and working on Million dollar parts with toleracnes of +/- .000001 of a inch for the 727,737,747,757,and 767(Hated being in doors)!


    Bought a house at 19 for a tax write off,a Porsche at 20 and sold the house,shipped the Porshce,quit Boeing and moved to Hawaii for a 4 year vacation in 83 and partied my ass off like a never ending "Spring Brake" for me enjoying life when your young and work when your old seemed to make more sense,at 50 i have no regrets but have slowed down some,my eyes are bad,hairs turnning gray,and the women my age are pertty much hammmered!


    Last night FairWeather miss spelled Centralia so i guess he must be illiterate too?The truth is People who Stutter are not Dumm,people who talk slow are not Retarded,people who miss spell words are not Illiterate,People who cant read are Illiterate and people who use big words to belittle others are usually full of them selfs or trying to impress some buddy who knows what a ass muncher they are,But this is SPRAY AND I'M A LONG FOR THE RIDE!!!


    BTW i have checked out some of your TRs and didn't need to have them read to me,nice stuff!!



  4. Centralia,Wa. Trans Alta

    Closed in 2006 thank god,Fucking land rappers,It makes clear cuts look good!!!



    Even though the electricity from the Centrlaia plant was used primarily by Tacoma Public Utilities, I'm sure they also sold onto the grid that you've used your entire life. Trans Alta did this at your request. You are the rapist.


    Not shure if we used it in Kent (South King County),but as i said it was ugly from the air and big,and in a small plane you can see things you cant see from the main roads,like all the clear cuts in the National Forest. But i'm not a tree hugger,and believe in logging as long as its done right,not a rip off of the peoples land I.E. National Forest,as for coal we have to find a better way to refine it and pit mines are not the best way,i hope its not a super fund clean up site that we all end up paying for?


    Who knows it might make a nice neighborhood with a few small lakes but plant some trees please!!



  5. Has it been tough being illiterate for 53 years?

    Your math is off I'm only 50,is it tough being a asshole?


    But calling you a asshole is probably a compliment and compared to most of you who write all the time my spelling and eye sight is off at times,oh well!!

  6. The town of Newcastle (north of Renton)was named for the city in England. It got that due to the buried coal. Currently there are remnants of those mines in the woods there. They're pretty darn sketchy.


    We should seriously think about a big new open pit mine on the flanks of Cougar Mountain. :rolleyes:


    Black Diamond has coal mines all over,my brothers front yard is a back filled coal mine with the tracks coal cars still in it,dig down 4 ft. and you hit coal,was closed in the 20s.


    In the 70-80s my friends had small planes and we flew all over the place and they let me fly so i've seen alot of Washington and Oregon,but the biggest shithole i've seen is a open coal pit!


    Centralia,Wa. Trans Alta

    Closed in 2006 thank god,Fucking land rappers,It makes clear cuts look good!!!


    My friends dad worked there and said you could drive a full size truck in to the shovel and turn around!!


  7. CC.COM is just one of the TR sites i belong to,but it's got Spray and i'm a sick MF! Yahoo has lots of TRs and some are linked to CC.Com,my High School has their own web site,but we were all asshole back then and things haven't change much in 32yrs.


    My High School had 4,500 assholes in it,but if i came from a small town it might be different and i do stay in touch with some of them though my brother who lives in the Kent area!


    There are less then 300 people on the earth with my last name,and i'm the only one with the frist name being Norm so its easy to email me at "Yahoo"!


    Hell i've been PC 313 since 86 on Side band,AM radio and have talked all over the world when the skip is in!

  8. the ghey thing about FB is those homo loser snitches that watch what you put up on FB and look to see what parties you were at... who you hang out with and so on and then rat you out (only really applies to people my own age)

    Just wait til you are 21 and hit the bars,who needs FB!

    Until you've had sex in a crowded bar,you haven't lived!

    BTW the womems bathroom dosen't count!

  9. We have better mountains up here..


    canadians capping on american mountains is like two preteens comparing training bra titties


    Ya,i wasn't comparing Canada to the northwest but like what we have here,plus I like my back yard its a short drive!

  10. Yes,the northwest is nice!


    Hidden Falls,my favorite ride 12mi.with lots of down hill and speeds up to 45mph.,i,ve seen some fucked up shit on this trail!


    Feb 2006 after a sunrise summit and 4hr. nap,2pm and people still going up the hogs back,from my tent on Hood,check out the guys on the left!


  11. What a jackass.


    BTW i've never seen them live or owned their albums,but it's a custom guitar to the max!

  12. He is giving a New Years show In Seattle, Should I go? Is there something more than amazing solos?


    Not sure. All I know of him is what I see on you tube. He is a pretty darn good guitar player......




  13. I have 2 cell phones, 1 land line,6 Email addresses,and a P.O. BOX,and don't need "FACEBOOK" or "MY SPACE" WTF!



  14. 650



    6-6-80 6:15am "Pearly Gates" My first Hood Summit! Swami belt,golden rod rope,gaiters,cotton jeans,cotton hooded sweatshirt,ski coat and gloves,and and damm near 100 climbers behind us(most on rope teams)what a zoo!


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