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Posts posted by pc313

  1. So true!

    I like to watch Night Line after the news,and the GF is out of town til next week and has her own place so if i want some i go to her place once or twice a week,but like my freedom and my bed to myself and thats OK with her!

  2. My climbing partner got married last june,since then he has backed out of 4 out of 6 Climbs,and not because of work,or sickness and the climbs were planned around his wifes days off so not to interfer with their time together,but it might be time to move on and the fact is i like going solo.

  3. Dose his mom know he's on this "Spray Forum" with a bunch of sex craved perverted,over oppinionated asshole,rock eating,sand defecating,bolt cutting,trash talking,brain eating ZOMBIES??? :shock:Jeez,don't they have parental control settings on his PC???WTF :noway:


  4. I feel like I'm cheating. I haven't had a single climbing related post yet.
    when will I stop being a noob?
    I've been a member for a long time now!
    I'm going to see what I can do about the messed up quote boxes...
    Sure... here you go.




    Yeah, didn't work. :moondance: :moondance: :moondance:




    Awww. Denied.

    I think you can't use quick quote to do everything. You have to go to the full page reply/Quote, and use the buttons.



    Yup. It's set on color codes... Not bb code.


    Hmm. Now my head hurts. I dont want to learn a new set of Markup!

    You don't have to learn it. just click the button and it does it for you. You have to click on quote. Not Quick Quote.
    Wooooo! Journey man!

    Good job on the identity change.

    Lazlo Bourne.

    :moondance: :moondance: :moondance:
  5. Below treeline the turns were very nice.

    I don't turn much,more of a point and shot skier,but if its fresh powder i'll lay down some clean cuts in the bowls and have been checking out the Ski and stay deals for 3-5 days,Sun Valley Idaho or Mt.Bachelor Oregon maybe med February for the dry powder!

    WOW as i was about to post a Bachelor TV Advertisement came on?

    But from your Pic. its looking like its time to summit Hood!

  6. Cats are an impediment to productivity.




    xmas present this yea was 2 kitties for wifey and I and I'm really seeing this is true! They really know exactly where your attention is, and then try to steal it. And one cat is well on his way to making this thread. Umm, When do I become a "crazy cat person"?


  7. I don't have time to search to see if this has already been posted. If so, then my apologies...


    Similar to the Whack-a-Mole game from days of yore. Comes complete with soundtrack! :)



    It was posted 12-19-08? SOCK AND AWE,i got up to 17 hits and didn't make the top ten,SOCKANDAWE.COM the #1 NEO TAIWAN 75 HITS-#10 goooo ooood 31 HITS but the same game with out the top ten and shoe ads.


  8. I got one that jumps the fence and disappears and the other sits and barks in the backyard till that one returns. It's a 5' fence too. The other one is sitting in the corner right now stinking up the room with puppy farts.


    Damn. I'd trade both of them for 2 of those Gitmo prisoners ya'll are discussing right now, and then we could finally close that retched place and this room wouldn't smell like shit..... hopefully. F**CK



  9. Ya,but it has nothing to do with climbing or CC.com!


    And i am in treatment with a Psychologist for sleep disorder

    last night i got 3 hours and don't like sleeping pills,but some

    nights i get 4 hours,"IT SUCKS" but thats life!!

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