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Posts posted by pc313


    Oh man, drug assemblys were AWESOME.

    I have a funny story about the DARE program, haha.

    I was 11 at the time when we got the dare program, and by the time I was 11, I'd pretty much started my demon child phase. I'd already smoked pot a couple times, and I was smoking cigarettes and drinking fairly regularly. So imagine my suprise when I found out that I won the dare essay contest, hahaha. I pretty much wrote that I never wanted to do drugs, (Because drugs are bad, mmkay?). So when my class had to do the dare skit, I played a drug dealer trying to convince some kid to smoke a joint. Oh man, I wish I had that shit on tape, I rocked it so well.


    (A funny side note, my dare officer ended up coming to my house a couple years later to arrest my brother, and he saw me on my porch smoking a cigarette [i was like, 13 at this point]. He gave me THE worst look of total disappointment. It was just so totally ironic.)


    I still rock my dare shirt all the time.


    Just say no? Dare? In the 60s they had Anti-Drug Progams for 5th and 6th graders with a 3' x 4' display with all kinds of Uppers,Downers,LSD,Hash,Pot,Pipes,Rolling papers... all in clear baggies and taped to the board,so after two days the free sample board was was pertty much empty and soon was replaced with photos of drugs!


    Their slogan was If You Do Drugs You'll Never Get Anywhere In Life!! :lmao:


    They were no Anti-Drug Programs in 7th-12th grades,my High School had a student smoking area that was 300' x 100' with ashtrays and the halls smelled of pot and beer to the point that we'd joke about getting a contact high just walking to class, as did most job sites,hell even Boeing was full of Reeking Redeyed Zombies until the mid 90s when the Drug Free Work Zone progam was started!


    Isn't it ironic that Presidents Clinton,Bush,and Obama all used drugs and alcahol,so much for the Slogan!!! :crazy::brew:



  2. Choose your poison!

    West Coast Tsunami

    NYC Hurricane

    Mega Drought

    Yellowstone Eruption

    East Coast Tsunami

    L.A.'s Killer Quake

    Gamma Ray Burst

    Mega Freeze/Ice Age

    Glacier Meltdown

    Asteroid/Comet Strike

    Oil Apocalypse


    Worse case scenario!


    Anything less is a minor inconvenience!

  3. The nagging question is whether those that have based their power and identity on violence can join the rest of us; also whether or not we will in fact join them.

    Native American Indians at Wounded Knee


  4. So this is how everyone does it...


    No,you got to put your foot in your mouth and get the backlash on the rest of the posts in the spray forum,this post is for nOObz but remember they eat their own in Zombie land,so you may need some of this shit to suvive!!! :brew:


  5. reading your posts contributes to Post Traumatic Syntax Disorder.

    That pertty good :lmao: i should have just said wow their fucked up,PTSD what a Bitch!

  6. Just take one look at that mullet and tell me it isn't criminal.

    Jeebus, STP, give the guy a break. He's been out of the hairstyle fashion loop for 7 years.

    He has no earthly idea what is haute coiffure these days, and it's not his fault.



    Maybe he's a fan of the JOE DIRT MOVIE!! :brew:

  7. 2009 The Green year! Gas should hit $4gl by summer and oil will once agin will drive us to change,i test drove a 72 Road Runner V8 318ci. that had be converted to LP gas in 1980 and it ran just fine,fuck imported oil!


    LP gas is a product of oil refining. The LP gas you use is as likely to come from Venezuela, Saudi Arabia or Alaska, as the gallon of gas you use.


    It also come from Natural Gas and and is the frist gas and easiest to remove from Crude Oil,and Natural Gas,and Natural Gas can be use to run cars in the form of CNG but at a higher pressure some thing like 3,200psi and both can replace refined oil ie Gasoline,Diesel,and Coal in the near future will be reduced with the influx of Solar,Wind,and Ocean wave energy systems,and i'm shure the Coal Industry will raise the bar to the next level.


    We are not done with Oil but are finding way to reduce the import from 70% down to 25% or less in the next 10 years,are cars don't have to be smaller but lighter,in 1960 the average car had 20 lbs. of Aluminium,in 2008 it was close to 400 lbs per-car,new ways to make lighter,stronger sheets of Aluminium could replace most of the Steel,by blowing in small air bubbles or closed air cells like Foam Insulation is on the fast track and cheaper to make.


    Back in 1978 the frist digital watch hit the stores at over $200,4 years later i paid $35 with all the bells,in 90 my hard drive was 40MB and with Stacker bumped it to 76MB so we joked about never needing that much,now Ipods can have 200GB cards,so who's to say where we will be with energy in 10 years,i'm still waiting for the flying car we were to have by 2000,or my MT.Climbing Jet Boots,but will be happy with cleaner energy and less imports,GO GREEN and BUY USA!!!!


    This is all well and good, and hodge-podge of messy thinking. The fact remains that you were originally speaking of LP gas, which is primarily propane and butane. Both these are largely derived from the refining of crude oil. Lesser amounts can be removed from natural gas. But to think that by using LP gas, one is reducing dependence on imported energy, is wrong.



    My statement was to say you don't need Gasoline,and wasn't implying we switch to LP,but the trains,trucks,and busses will most certianly go to CNG its already happening in large cites,and the U.S. has lots of Natual Gas of witch 5% is LP Gas and 90% of the LP gas used in the U.S. is produced here 50% from Natual Gas,50% from Crude Oil,7% imported from Canada and Mexico,3% other. More Natual Gas Wells are comming on line as fast as they can drill them,over 30% of are Crude Oil imports are for Diesel for Trucks Trains,And Busses and that cuts the Saudi Arabia out,then you have Diesel Power Stations,they too can be ran on CNG Gas and there gose 10% more Imported Crude Oil!


    We are behind in the CNG Gas witch is big world wide,but Crude Oil was Cheap and GW is a Asshat Oil Fuck and now he is like OMG we have to stop are OIL IMPORTS!!! :lmao:


    BTW this is not a in your face,back at you thing,so i checked out what you said and you were wrong,no biggie! HAPPY GREEN YEAR!!!

  8. Post Traumatic Stress Dissorder!


    Most of us may never be hit this hard or think their stong enough to handle any thing life can throw at them,but we all have that braking point and there is no set level or 12 step program !

  9. The Scotch is out,i don't drink Hard Liquor,but a little beer or wine after work is fine by me!

    As far as being happy,sad,bored,angry,pissed,stress,excited,or enlightened,i prefer happy but life is a bowl of cherries!


    "Until the secret of how the human mind works is reveald,it tends to do what it has always done-like a pony who knows only one trick endlessly performing it. But modern psychological research is also revaling that it is possible to do truly new things with our memories,emotions,thoughts,and urges than what problem-solving minds normally do" Steven C, Hayes Ph.D.


    Well, you are entitled to your opinion.

    But "science" would do well to expand what it empirically investigates before declaring "the secret of how the human mind works is not yet "reveald"".

    We are crafty to create all this technology but can we use it until we kill ourselves with it, how smart or wise were we really?

    There is much to be learned about the human mind by studying ancient texts and studying with masters of their respective traditions.

    But there is already a thread dedicated to that thesis and antithesis.


    The Quote was just to point out that are minds can do more then we use them for,and i'm very open minded to this belief,fore i've seen people control their heart beat,sit in ice cold water with out freezing,and have met people who were on the next level or mayby more,but i'm shure its has no end in levels!


    I like to think that at times i've found my place in the sun,but its hard maintain it!


  10. Arabs can vote and run for office in Israel proper, so I'm not sure where you got your information. The issue of land ownership inside the 1948 boundaries would have to be balanced by like issues of confiscated Jewish land outside the boundaries. How far back shall we go? As for palestinian "right of return", this would mean the end of Israel and it will never happen. Period.


    Most Israeli-Arabs don't have full Israeli citizenship. Ergo, more bullshit from the usual American Zionists and wannabe Zionists who know few Israelis and don't really care too.


    I love Mr. Private Property rights going all Socialist. The Jews have been extraordinarily vocal about compensation for their property confiscated in the past, yet amazingly quiet in fair compensation for land confiscated by them.


    I'm waiting for Conservatives to start caring about Liberia




  11. FW,

    I still think that a return to the 1948 borders is a good faith effort first step. It would give them some needed credibility and solidify Israel's position with the world community, or at the very least the UN member states, if they were to return to their 1948 borders and abide by UN Resolution #242. At the very least, they would have "right on their side" which is a good first step if you're looking for support from a global organization ostensibly dedicated to world peace. If rogue Arab states and/or terrorist groups/states want to continue to press the issue of refusing Israel's right to exist, it would be a whole helluva lot easier to assemble a UN coalition to do something to thwart that if Israel came back into line first.


    Consider this analogy: States like Iran and groups like Hamas gain traction with their rhetoric because Israel is "behaving just as badly" and the world community feels like an exasperated parent trying to separate two bickering brats. When one of those brats shapes up into a decent kid, its a whole lot easier for the parent to determine which kid is acting out of line, and what to do about it.


    Iran, Hamas, and other states are emboldened because Israel acts irresponsibly, too. Does anyone really take Kim Jong-il seriously? Sure, he gets some attention lavished upon him from time to time, but he's really just the "lone brat" in his little part of the world, and the "parents" all know how to deal with him. He has isolated himself and his nation, and made himself into nothing less than "that ADD kid" pariah we all avoided in grade school. He's a non-factor to whom no one gives any serious attention.


    The same would become of Ahmadinejad and others if Israel started behaving in a less reactionary fashion and returned to her borders and retaliated less aggressively. I'm not saying that Israel should not defend itself against all comers. But a week-long bombing campaign in response to a week-long rocket/mortar attack is a bit over the top, don't you think?


    I was about to key in on the same lines but also add that Isreal needs to deal with land ownership with in the 48 boarders for some of that land is legally owned by Arabs pre 48 and these people sould have the same rights as jews in Isreal and not second class citizen,thay should be able to vote and run for office!IMO

  12. Which borders? Israel is occupying much territory beyond the 48 and beyond the 67 borders. What's a pre-emptive attack? If you followed attentively events, you'd see there isn't one side starting violence and the other only reacting to it. That version is pure propaganda.




    Um, Lemme guess j_b:


    The Moon landing never happened.

    Second shooter on the grassy knoll.

    WT #7 controlled demolition.

    Melting point of steel.

    Bush planned 9/11.

    FDR knew of imminent Japanese attack.

    The Builderburgers.

    Illuminati. (Of course!)

    Masonic order.

    Skull and Bones.


    Does this about sum up the dark corners of your belief system, j_b?



    You forgot the CLinton Chronicles and WHITEWATER :lmao:!


    BTW i was the second gunman on the grassy Knoll!

  13. 2009 The Green year! Gas should hit $4gl by summer and oil will once agin will drive us to change,i test drove a 72 Road Runner V8 318ci. that had be converted to LP gas in 1980 and it ran just fine,fuck imported oil!


    LP gas is a product of oil refining. The LP gas you use is as likely to come from Venezuela, Saudi Arabia or Alaska, as the gallon of gas you use.


    It also come from Natural Gas and and is the frist gas and easiest to remove from Crude Oil,and Natural Gas,and Natural Gas can be use to run cars in the form of CNG but at a higher pressure some thing like 3,200psi and both can replace refined oil ie Gasoline,Diesel,and Coal in the near future will be reduced with the influx of Solar,Wind,and Ocean wave energy systems,and i'm shure the Coal Industry will raise the bar to the next level.


    We are not done with Oil but are finding way to reduce the import from 70% down to 25% or less in the next 10 years,are cars don't have to be smaller but lighter,in 1960 the average car had 20 lbs. of Aluminium,in 2008 it was close to 400 lbs per-car,new ways to make lighter,stronger sheets of Aluminium could replace most of the Steel,by blowing in small air bubbles or closed air cells like Foam Insulation is on the fast track and cheaper to make.


    Back in 1978 the frist digital watch hit the stores at over $200,4 years later i paid $35 with all the bells,in 90 my hard drive was 40MB and with Stacker bumped it to 76MB so we joked about never needing that much,now Ipods can have 200GB cards,so who's to say where we will be with energy in 10 years,i'm still waiting for the flying car we were to have by 2000,or my MT.Climbing Jet Boots,but will be happy with cleaner energy and less imports,GO GREEN and BUY USA!!!!

  14. 2009 The Green year! Gas should hit $4gl by summer and oil will once agin will drive us to change,i test drove a 72 Road Runner V8 318ci. that had be converted to LP gas in 1980 and it ran just fine,fuck imported oil!

  15. Isreal has not played fair over the years,for half of them believe that God gave all that land to them,and the other half just want peace,in the 67 war they took and held a lot of land thats been returned since,but not all of it and the Settlements were veiwed as illegal by the UN.

  16. Israel can deal with it's own corruption. By many accounts, Arafat died with over $1B net worth. Money that was donated by the international community to help palestinians, not line his pockets.


    So true!

  17. On New Years Eve a spokesman for Hamas was on CNN and said over 2000 civilian had died by the unprovoked attack by Isreal as the Red Cross had it at 63 dead,even their own news footage showed Hamas rocket lauchers in the background of the died being carried away.

  18. Buy local pure honey,it may cost more but if your so worried about it being pure organic its the way to go. My friend in Vancouver Wa. has 5 acres of fruit trees,small vegetable garden all organic,and 20 beehives and sells to small stores and pre-orders from local families for top dollar. His Wife and him both work full time and have two kids,so it just a hobby but brings in a few bucks each year that is going in to a College fund,plus cuts his food bill. I've seen his Honey with his Name on it at small stores though out Clark Co. before i met him in 96, and was invited over for a beer and seen the Beehives and asked whats up with the Bees,and he said he wanted good food for his kids and sold the extra for top dollar and also raised his owen Beef,hogs,goats,and chickens at his dads place with his brother and had grown up on a farm!



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