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Posts posted by pc313

  1. He was wearing his IPOD but it was all rap crap,and Limp Bizkit,ICP,Lincoln Park...I was so glad when the battery died in the tent,hay maybe i should email him some "RICK ROLL"? :lmao:


    But he's a lunatic on a Mountain Bike(no brakes needed)i've seen him clear 3' stump's and never seen him crash and burn!

  2. Damn PC! I'd of probably shit my pants after a dude like that almost trundled me and took me out! What were you thinking? I would think that's just a bad time to start learning self-arrest - when you're on your back like a turtle shooting off a mountain!


    Well that morning my partner and i were frist on the summit by 15 mins.then the guy who fell and his partner showed up followed by one more two men team,and the climber who fell looked spun and was roped up and the last 600' was hard ice with 3-4 inch finger ice and alot of 2-4inch ice cubes all that would rain down if touched so we decended after the last team to summit to clear the chute before them and get on the hogs back ridge,my partner was arguing with my about travesing to the ridge and after another 50' down it started raining ice cubes and i yelled get the fuck on the ridge so he traverses over to me and then the big shit rained down and he was looking up when the guy supermaned and thought about grabing him(wrong)but jump out of the way! :eek:


    The guys partner had unroped :tup: it was knocking the ice loose and was smart to do so,for the ice was to hard to sink your ice axe in at the Pearly Gates and he would have been yanked off,nobody yelled falling and the guy knew how to self arrest but froze up, his backpack and ski poles finally dug in and stopped him,i was pissed :anger: and as we checked him out i gave him a safety talk about holding up when you have people exposed below,i'm a safety nut but was happy he was able to walk/limp to the chair lift!

    My partner doesn't argue with me as much :argue: and now rides me about free climbing bad shit! :/


    Oh i'm glad to hear Leming's is O.K. i got knocked off my feet by 45+ gust and rolled 40' in Dec. 10,600' on Adams solo climb,the 3rd swing of the ice axe held,brused my hip and limped off the ridge at 3am back to camp :anger: i was the only one on the South Cimb!



    THE ZOO?

    2PM Feb 2006 from my tent,we did are summit at sunrise and were sleeping in my tent before packing out,most of these people were still go up in 50+deg.WTF :noway: I count 20 on the hogsback and 6 on the left ridge?


  3. Rite Aid,has the best deal for 4 x 6 if you get 25 or more ,but i have a Lexmark with #1 printer cartrige $22 but you can get them refilled for $9

  4. Helicopter picked up climber that fell 200feet today!



    The guy in the red circle flew by me head frist on his back after tripping at the PEARLY GATES a good 600 feet at speeds of 35-40mph. missing us by 6 feet with his mouth wide open and no sound comming out,i think he shit his pants,he didn't even try to self arrest! My climbing partner and i were halfway down when baseball size ice rained down on us,i ducked,my partner looked up and seen him do a superman after catching his gaitor with a crampon! We check him out,he had banged up his knee but could still walk!



  5. Thanks for the links,most of the film was well done and i don't buy in to the 911 thing,Ron Paul or believe it to be %100 true,but dose bring up some good issues on energy,terrorist,big Bussiness controlling the Governments and the new world order!


    But it was free to watch and i don't plan to buy a copy!


    I got it of CL (i dare you to watch this movie)and hadn't seen it before but watch alot of Documentaries on cable TV.

  6. phoq, you swing wide from PETA and Dolphins in a tank,and cats killing chickens,i was shocked that you showed the Dolphin in the tank,for i am against it,it one thing to rescue a injuried anamal and another to make a buck?

  7. Well Bush is leaving now that he raped us for 8 year's(Thank's you Fucker's that voted for that criminal and i hope you lost every thing,job,401K and your house!! :anger:)and we lost 3 million jobs last year with more leaving soon,but i watched Charlie Rose last night with Rahm Emanuel and he was firing on all 8 cylinders about the Bailout and job's!! :tup:


    We can only hope that Bush and Gang,Business,and Banking CEO's are delt with in the courts for Treason and Terrorist Act's against the American People and the rest of the world for nobody is above the law,so spend 1 Billion on Prosecution and make it happen!!!! :fahq:


    BAILOUT NEWS! :shock:


  8. One of the definitions of insanity is persisting in the same behavior even after it has been proven to not accomplish anything productive.


    You mean like The Surge of forces and accompanying strategy changes in Iraq that you and your fellow Dems said would never work?


    As far as the Surge working they still have 141,000 troops in Iraq the most troops since the war began and now say they need to keep that level til 2010,the fact is they could use even more,the truth is the war was missmanaged and under maned from the start and still is,and when we leave it will be just as fucked up as it is today,a corrupt goverment ran by tribal war lords with ethic cleansing as their goal and us paying them to do it while are troops watch it happen! We should have left 3 yrs age and saved 4,000+ U.S. lifes and 500 Billion dollars!!! :shock:


  9. 6 years ago one of my best friends wife moved out on valentines day taking every thing but the kitchen sink after 14yrs of him kissing her ass,sorry babe but i don't love you anymore,she took the two kids and his dog,and left his clothes in the empty 2200sq.ft house with a dear John card that listed her terms,that he pay off $18,000 in credit cards,paid $1,000 mo. Child support, $48,000 cash,pay her Medical for 2yrs. and her share of his Retirement when it kicks in but left his shop alone $80,000 in toys and tools.


    He called and asked if i could come over and talk,and was in shock when i got there,after reading the V-day Card to me he asked what would i do? Pay her off fast and retain a lawyer,his reply was i'm not giving her a "f" dime :anger:,i told him to grow a pair and take the terms fast,hell she could spend that much in 2yrs of living with you!


    The next day,he found out she emptied the bank account$4,500,so he got a lawyer and accepted her terms,and 1yr. later the Devorce was final,2yrs later she wanted to get back together and when he told her no "f" way,she's had him back in court 5 times trying to get more money! :noway:I called him last week and his son just turned 18 so he's done with that bitch until he retires in 16yrs.,all together it cost him $135,000.00 and as he saids the best advice he ever got was from me,so i'm going to stop by Sat. for a beer and call us even! :brew:BTW he got off cheap!!! :tup:


  10. In Hawaii i have swam with them in the wild,the locals say they bring you luck and keep the sharks away but they have freaked me out a few times for they come out of nowhere are big,fast,and lots of teeth!

    Now they have them at the resorts hotels in holding pools for tourist to swim with,i'm not happy with that idea for as a kid growing up in the Seattle area i got to feed,brush the teeth,and got a touge lick on the face by a Orca at the Seattle Aquarium that later died,the wild should remain wild instead of a side show for profit!

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