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Posts posted by pc313

  1. Pink Floyd is way overrated....they have one or two good songs.


    Another overrated musician is Neil Young. Most of his music is slow and boring and he a horrible singer. Once again...one or two good songs....the rest all suck.


    I dont know if Pink Floyd is overated so much but more ahead of their time but "Dark Side Of The Moon" and "Wish You Were Here" was their best,I just found out that David Gilmour played the Saxophone,Synthesizer,Still Guitar,and lead Guitar Plus Sang on both but the Bass (Roger Waters) and Keyboad (Richard Wright) who just died this year wrote most of the songs!


    I seen them in Portland front row agianst the stage center in 77 Animals tour,it was clean and a well done show, Animals and The Wall Were O.K. but Momentary Lapes Of Reason was Great!IMO


    Its funny how when i Play Floyd around my 70-80 year old Relatives their like wow thats so good who is it? I tell them its Syphcodelic space music!


    ELP,YES,and THE MOODY BLUES all were in the Syphcodelic space music and sounded clean live just like their Albums,very good shows! BUT NOT ROCK & ROLL!!

  2. The two wreck dives i did were 60-80ft. warm clear Hawaii water and not ships but boats,the biggest being 65ft. fishing boat with nothing left to plunder(i think 100ft or bigger is a ship)but still deadly,also a old twin cargo plane from the 60s but it was just a junk pile but you always finding chunks of boats in the reefs for they come and go with the tides.


    I have been on a few dive boat daytrips off Maui and Kona up to 20 mi. out to sunken volcano rim's,nice ride,great food,wine,and beer all for $60-150 with your gear,but you couldn't drink til you were done,so two dives and open up the bar!


    I took Diving classes in Federal Way Wa.1983 Open Water two week course for $80 and 300 Deposit for gear,24 hours of school and pool,10/14hr. and 5 open water dives in the Sound on the last weekend. There were 16 people til after the frist open water dive,something about cold dark murky shark filled water took its toll and scared the shit out of people so the fifth and final dive we were nine but every o/w dive we were shadowed by Scallop hunters who hang with you if they could fill your BC pockets with Scallops b/c you can only have 6-8 per person a day.


    After the frist week one of the classmates and i took are gear to Lake Wilderness for a dive,WTF we had 4 hrs in a pool,stayed in 30ft. or less for 45mi.,so we showed up monday night to class with 800psi. in are tanks? The last dive was the test,they took us all down to zero visibility at 70 feet and line us up on are knees and one by one you removed you BC Tankpack,you Mask and Regulator,made the O.K. hand sign and put it back on in the dark. I've never been scared of being alone in the dark.

  3. The paper says the real storm will be on Wed......bring it on!!!!!!


    Its been snowing off and on sinces Sat. night and was 7 Deg. low this morning,not bad B/C it was not -2 as they forecasted,no sun,and the snowplow did are road today!


    The 7" plus of snow has froze down to 5" and turned to cement,high today was 24 degs. and now is 17 degs.,just dug my way to the road in full Mountain gear minus Crampons and Ice Axe,and bad weather for the next 3 Months like last year!!


    Tonight forecast is 10-15mph. winds,subzero temps and windchill of -11 to -22 Degs,but tuesday night is going to be fucking colder!


  4. My fingers were slow a frist and wrist hurt when playing barchords so the frist year i was stuck in open or cowboy chords,but some of the best guitarists have fucked up fingers and learned to adapt.


    I'm self taught B/C lessons are $30-60 Hr. so maybe after 4yrs i'll take some Guitar or Bass Jazz or Blues classes at the local College but its just a hobby.


    I have a 98 custom Bass made by "THE BASS COMPANY",it has every thing but a ejection seat button on it and is stereo!


    Would love to have a lap still guitar and do have pyrex,brass,and cromed slides along with thumb and finger picks so don't use a beer bottle any more,and if i want to freak out, i'll plug in to my new MicroKORG Synthesizer/Vocoder,haven't done it yet B/C its to much fun by its self,check one out! Thanks Norm

  5. Same for me the the first time I saw Das Boot; in German with English subtitles. That's still the only way I like to watch it. It's just not the same in English...


    BTW, where are the planes being shot down in this flick? I don't recall that part at all. I do recall at the end of the film, when the sub's base gets bombed during an Allied bombing raid and the boat is sunk, but I don't remember any planes getting shot down...



    I've seen it both ways and the subtitle version was best and made you fell on board the sub,and it was during the bombing raids at the end as i recall some real footage of fighters and bombers being shot down witch in all reality alot of aircraft were lost on booming raids,but i will grab my nieghbors new DVD and the extra footage and check for its been over 20yrs since i've seen it last!


    Just watched the doc. on U-864 and can see were the sub on sub,and U-869 sub killing its self plots in "HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER" may have came from...Type: U-864 in "web search" for the story if you don't know it.


    Cat's ass,rat's ass,drity old twat;

    Sixty-nine douche bags tied in a knot;

    Cocksucker,motherfucker,dicky licker,too;

    I'm a fuckin' scuba diver,who the fuck are you?

  6. I don't drink beer for its carbonation. That's what sody-pop is for.

    And I've probably drunk more flat beer in my life than most men alive... :laf:

    For some reason, I now have this image of you going around and drinking the partially consumed cups of beer in the morning after a big party...

    You are not very far off the mark. And I've managed to spit out all but a few cigarette butts... :sick:



    After reading about the "Horrible Inn" i cant stop thinking of you spitting out a few butts that aren't flavor soaked to ripe'ness yet,or maybe being only the second person in the history of that dive to be thrown out,too much!!!

    Great book! Norm

  7. Cant wait til i can rip half as good but played 4hr. last night after watching the Doc. "WIRED FOR SOUND,A GUITAR ODYSSEY" i've started playing at 47yrs old so don't have the finger dexterity of a young kid for i've did a few supermans off my moutain bike and broken or dislocated 4 fingers,so it may take a few more years just to play like crap! Music is a great way to work the body and mind,its the ultrament conundrum!



    So i'm in line at SafeWay Friday,this chic walk's by and these 12-14 yr old kid's behind me say

    "NICE ASSCANDY" sniff sniff sniff!!!


    I just smiled and shock my head thinkin what next?

  9. SOBO,started reading Shadow Divers Last night,it was written in 2004 and the LAST DIVE was written in 2000 so i know U-who's story but can tell the difference between Robert Kuson and Bernie ChowdHury in their writing styles. Kursos has a nice smooth flow that draws you in,and as for Chowdhury this was his frist book,more his dairy with lots of people filling in the blanks to make it a true story of Diving and well worth reading!!


    Oh i was wong about Death Seeker,Chrissy Rouse called it THE "SEEKER OF DEATH" and told his mom jokingly he'd die diving wrecks!!


    Reminds me of Rob Slater on K2 who's mantra was "SUMMIT OR DIE" either way i win and died in 1995 with Alison Hargreaves!!


    Norm bigdrink1.gif

  10. my finest moment in jeopary history was guessing:

    "what is 'das boot?'"


    2 minutes before they came back from the commericial break after adverting the category as "foreign film"




    achtung - juden!



    My frist Jet ride to Hawaii the movie was "Das Boot" in German with english subtitles!

    Was a good movie but shouldn't be shown on a 6hr. flight with 290 people,for it had planes being shot down!

  11. I have often thought that are lifes on earth and how we live them, could be are "heaven and/or hell"!


    I do believe in Black Holes and the Event Horizon!


    If you fall in to a Black Hole then what?


    Could be a Parallel Universes or Alternate Dimension?


    When i die i'll probably will have Destination Unknown stamped on my Soul in Big Fucking Red Letters!!!

  12. 827 veiws? I believe There's some thing,but what?


    I don't buy the whole heaven or hell thing,but just move on through to the other side is more likely!


    I guess when we die we'll know!

  13. My eyes are getting fucking bad and need stronger reading glasses,(coke bottles)plus they got wind burned last sat. on Adams 10,600ft. at 2am. 20-45+ gust,had to abort my summit shot for per-sunrise pictures!


    But i do like to re-read a good book,its like twice as good!

  14. Finished the "Last Dive" last night, just stating "Shadow Divers" so i should know who every one is!

    So what did you think of it? I haven't bought it yet; waiting for your review.


    I started re-reading Shadow Divers last night. Got a third of the way through the book. One person has already died. The Rouses haven't entered the picture yet...


    Its got some funny ass shit in it,takes me back to hangin with my crazzy dive buds,but it jumps around and covers the whole fucking dive world,in 4yrs the Rouse's Chris and his son Chrissy did 700-600 dives to over 300ft. WOW! *****good reading!


    When i get done reading "Shadow Divers" i'll re-read it,Chrissy called the Seeker the DEATH SEEKER how ironic!!! bigdrink1.gifbigdrink1.gif

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