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Posts posted by pc313

  1. The Scotch is out,i don't drink Hard Liquor,but a little beer or wine after work is fine by me!

    As far as being happy,sad,bored,angry,pissed,stress,excited,or enlightened,i prefer happy but life is a bowl of cherries!


    "Until the secret of how the human mind works is reveald,it tends to do what it has always done-like a pony who knows only one trick endlessly performing it. But modern psychological research is also revaling that it is possible to do truly new things with our memories,emotions,thoughts,and urges than what problem-solving minds normally do" Steven C, Hayes Ph.D.

  2. They voted for Hamas because after Arafat's death, Fatah was going to make peace on terms that was unacceptable to the majority of Palestinians.


    Clinton tryed to get Arafat and the Palestinians to agree to a peace Treaty with Israel at Camp David and got nowhere,and at that time alot of them worked in Isreal,and would have been the beginning of the end,the rest could have been worked out. Its hard to say how far along they would be by now,but they were given BILLIONS in aid at the time WTF!!


    So 4 years later as Isreals tanks were knocking down his compound walls he was on the phone saying O.K. i'll take the deal,but by then he was a dead stick with no control over the Palestinians and their suicide bombers!


    With HAMAS a peace deal with Isreal is out of the question as was stated by one of their leaders on TV News the day before his house and him Evaporated,so maybe peace talks might start when they run out of HAMAS leaders,but even the IRA signed a peace deal and did so with the Leader behind bars!

  3. The simple fact is that there is more than enough guilt to go around, on all sides (including the US and European nations), so much blood spilled that it really no longer matters who was, is, or shall yet be, to blame. The history is by now so twisted and convoluted as to make it impossible to unravel. The most essential thing is to find a way to stop the bloodshed as quickly as possible, and to base all further actions in the region on basic, essential principles of practical humanity and the international rule of law.


    This is what I was trying to get across. ^^

    I think a reasonable way to stop the bloodshed is to stop instigating it in the first place and just lay off the indiscriminate lobbing of missiles and rockets across a border, no? Just how difficult is that for Hamas to understand?


    Well they voted HAMAS in knowing the out come,so i don't have to much sympathy for them and if they were smart they should turn on HAMAS now instead of crying about return fire taking out their Leaders and Rocket filled houses!



  4. I'm on the wagon and have been since 91 so only drink beer,wine,and champaign,and since i stopped drinking hard liquor i don't have the hangovers any more,also don't smoke cigarettes quit them in 91 too.


    Then in 96 my job started random UAs,so good bye green day,but i now have XANAX and it will take you to that happy place with out the lung damage,red eye,munchies,and coughing!Now if they could just make XANAX in a Inhaler in the shape of a bong or Hash Pipe so you don't have to wait 20min to get high it would be great!

  5. I'm not worried about are Glaciers getting smaller do to warmer spring,summer and fall,,but do wonder about Ice Land,the North and South Pole Caps. They say if all the sea ice melted it wouldn't make much difference in Sea Levels,but if the big ice caps melt its going to get interesting!

  6. bill, have you not noticed how much hood's glaciers have declined over your lifetime? i've climbed on that mtn for less than a decade and noticed major declines that can't be reversed by just a couple of years of huge snowfalls.


    I've been hanging around Hood since 76 and like all the other Mountains,i have seen the change in glaciers size,thickness,late summer meltback and Crevasses that were never there before,Three Sisters has lost 40% in the last 100 Years.


    The only Glacier thats getting bigger is in the St. Helens Crater wall and the Ape Caves collapsed this year,check out the pics at Mt. ST Helens National Park.com!

  7. You meam Joe the dumber or Todd Sex Pack,Maybe if Todd would stop cheating on her and stick his cock back down her sound hole we wouldn't have to hear her annoying voice! What happens in Alasks should stay in Alaska!


    But i'm shure her book will be a best seller at the Dollar Palace next to Rush Limbaughs,Donald Rumsfelds,and the all time best selling The Clinton Chronicles!!


    But in a way Palin and i have lots in common like all average Americans i buy a $150,000,00 in clothes every year and train my kids to drink alcohol,do lots of drugs and have unprotected drunken sex at meth induce snow raves all while i'm talk in tongues and complain about all the un Americans who don't believe that i'm the second comming of Reagan,and are just jealous that everyone loves me and cant get enough of me! :noway:


  8. hi I'm new here and i wanna say this looks like a pretty cool site to ask questions and share stories about weed.


    Anyways, I new to smoking weed but I have this weird thing that happens to me whenever I eat something when I'm high. If I'm chewing on something crunchy some song starts playing in my head or sometimes I feel like the food starts talking to me and I get voices in my head it's really weird I don't know how to explain it. It only happens when I'm eating while high. Anyone else have similar experiences??


    Some people shouldn't smoke WEED?

  9. The Tennessee Coal fuck up shows just how clean coal technology is a joke,and the fact the company lied to the locals and the press about the size and water system damage shows their disregaurd for the health and welfare of the human lifes who were exsposed to the hazzards,sorry folks it's all about the money and besides your tax dollars will be spending Billions on the Super fund site cleanup as are lawyers fight your health claims for the next 10 years and when they lose the lawsuits they will appeal and claim Bankruptcy!!!


    Merry Christmas losers and welcome to "Love Canal" and be thankful its not "Bopol India" or "Chernobyl Russia"!!!


    The three biggest lies;


    I wont cum in your mouth!


    The checks in the mail!


    We are from the Goverment and here to help you!


    The Truth is people like Donald Rumsfelt and Ronald Reagan,Bush and Cheney cut the nuts off the D.E.A.,E.P.A.and MPG Car Standers and 55mph speed limets set by the Carter Administration(anyone who thinks you get better gas millage at 70mph is full of shit) By replacing the Heads of these Departments with Drug and Energy Company Yes Men to over rule the safegaurds that were in place or about to be changed to protect us from being fucked over by Big Business Tycoons for a fast buck and leaves us all picking up the tab i.e. Health problems and Environmental Pollution Clean ups!


    As long as were playing with a stacked deck of cards we the people will lose,but how and where you spend your money is your only control,buying less gas,$4.60gl. now $1.60gl.,not buying the new Drugs,when the older cheaper ones will do,buy only what you need and see China freak out,Most of us don't need a big House or a big Car,SUV(more taxes,upkeep,and energy cost)and demand locally made and grown products even if it cost more,shipping shit all over the world is not helping us but fucking us,your money is power and can change are system more then a vote and Companies are consummer driven so if your not buying their crap they'll get the fucking message!


    BTW their are lots of companies in the USA making Solar Cell Panels,Solar Water Panels,Inverters,Systems to sell extra power to the grid,Batteries,Gas Hot Water on Demand(tankless),Roof water storage systems for watering your yard,and Heat Pumps so buy USA,More Jobs,Less Waste,Green is a good thing!

  10. Snow fucking sucks,it all came crashing down today off the roof and covered the sidewalks with what look like 20 dumptruck loads!


    Spent 3 hours to clear the walk way to the car and still have 200ft. of sidewalk to go,FUN FUN FUN!!!!

  11. Personally i believe that are actions and bad choices in buissnes are speeding up the the natural climate change of 100,000 year cycle of earths weather patterns i.e. Ice age vs Green world and to pretend that were not on a fast track to sea levels rising would be a costly mistake for even a 10 foot rise would be unreal,and could happen in are life times!


    In Hawaii most of the hotels are at less then 20ft. sea level as are alot of the worlds population,so if like me at 500 ft. sea level who cares? But all the rivers will back up and are tax dollars will be wasted on clean ups, the money could be better spent on changes now then a bail out later,even if the change is to prepare for the higher sea levels.



  12. I Don't take all those drugs,SSRIs,SNRIs but Xanax when i get bent,Claritin-D for Allergys,Soma for stiff back and am a light beer drinker! BP 120/76 at 60 bpm just done sleep well!


    Sounds like you made it home,hope the snow was gone.

  13. Thanks for the tips,but so far been trying to figure it out on my own and haven't got there yet,might need some help?????


    A PM with any more suggestions would be nice!!!!



    No problem,Norm


    who cares? lets go after the real criminals--cheney, rumsfeld and, oh yes, friedman.... ;)


    If the legal system in the USA wasn't such a Joke,and they Charged BUSH and his gang for their Crimes or even a investigation in to wrong doing we would have more credibility in the world !!


  15. Not shure Beer is a Med???


    If i could just get my Doctor to write me a perscription and my Heath Insurance to pay for it,i have zero co-pay on drugs!


    But even if that happen it would probably be Miller High Life or some cheap shit beer!

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