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Posts posted by pc313

  1. My parten broke his ankle coming down the hogs back on Mt.Hood,

    two of us got him back to high camp at Illumination Saddle,rest,

    eat,and carried his gear down to the car with him leanning on us

    all the way,could not get his boot off!! It was his left ankle,

    and he drove home to Kent WA. hell if he broke his leg we have still draged his ass down!!! Norm

  2. As of monday Track D was closed,you can't get to Bird Lake!!

    wet or no snow,some big ice above 10,000ft. Mazama Gl lake

    is biger then I've seen it in 15 year's, glacier's on Adams

    in poor shape,sun cuped,wet,hot weather forcasded for next

    7 day's plus!!! You mite try Killen Creek Trail Head,or Divide

    Camp Trail Head,but it's a long walk in to Adams Gl,or North

    Cleaver!!! Good Luck!!! I'll be at lunch counter fri-mon climbing

    Sukdorf.. Round the Mt. Trail is closed east of south climb trail. Norm

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