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Posts posted by pc313

  1. Two years ago my friend got in to it with a guy he never met and no one eles knew,they met up the road and this new guy pulled out a hand gun and pointed it at my friend,so my bud pulls his out and puts 11 9mm rounds in to him and calls the police who held him 5 days and released him because it was ruled self defence.

    There were others in the parking lot that seen it happen just that way,so the police knew he was telling the truth and still held held him 5 days?

  2. Ya,i was thinking it was posted at me but didn't get the joke,was going to PM PHOQ and asks whats up,i thought it had something to do the CL dog jumps out the car clip

    that flipped him out and i removed it when i read his POST,a PM would have been better then going to the MODS,and told him before if he had any suggestion for me to do

    so when he brought up the number of pics i had uploaded and have since deleted most! :cool:

  3. Sorry, PC13, but that's crap.


    The fact is that we hang out on this site on a daily basis and get to know each other as personalities on-line and off-line. What we say here DOES mean something.


    Make of it what you will. You can spray whatever insult you wish and the fact is that IN REALITY nobody is going to show up at your house and call you on it. But, just as surely, IN REALITY, somebody is going to take offense. Personally.



    I hang out here and because i'm a nOOb and a poor speller get some crap,and have no problem with that,but although maybe 5% of me spray could be construed as insult,most of what i post is my opinion and as a climber i injoy CC.Com for the TRs and the Spray!


    And what i wrote to Bag was the Truth,and didn't respond to his Jail troll at me,and i don't always throw an insult back,because it's spray and i done know you other then reading you post,so i choose to take what you just said as you opinion :tup: and not additude!


    At times its hard to read you people,whether you like each other or don't,but i'm just try to fit in! Thanks for your Opinion,Norm

  4. If you really feel like murdering me because of what I post, you are very sick and should seek help.

    Even joking about wanting to murder me is a symptom of something gone very wrong in your life.Think about it.


    Wow thats so "DEEP",i've never thought about it til now,maybe i should bring it up at my weekly Psychologist appointment,i'll put it on the list and get back at you,or "ah" back to you?!?!!!?? :crazy:




    Sorry to get so carried away.

    You're right.


    It should be normal to talk about murdering each other.

    Have many friends OUTside of jail there?



    Hay it's SPRAY besides my Psychologist lives vicarlously though my stories of CC.Com and the disfuctional poeple who lurk on it,at $180 per-hour and over 2 1/2 years of couch love i'm his favorate drug,i'm a fucking "E" ride at Disneyland and although CC.Con is only been brought up a few minutes a week for the last 4 months it puts a smile on his face, :lmao:after the frist month working with me he asked if i would be willing to check in to a white room,you know THORAZINE JELLO AND A RUBBER WALLS? But i don't like jello,and after the frist year i feared that he might need the WHITE ROOM for the mental damage that i've done to him,i do most of my RANTS and RAVES in his office and not on the rest of the world,for if i could be GOD for even one Minute there would be a FUCKING LOT LESS PEOLPE ON THIS PLANET!!!! :anger: But i don't hold any animosity or evil thoughs for whats been siad to me in SPRAYLAND,i can laugh at myself just as easy as others,and choose to log on! :shock:And if i get bent i've got XANAX! :)...


  5. I hear you bench 400 every time you get out of bed


    Best free bar bench press was 265lbs,heres a picture back then 1980!




    This is last year,the bike is 34lbs. beer gut maybe 10lbs!!



  6. If you really feel like murdering me because of what I post, you are very sick and should seek help.

    Even joking about wanting to murder me is a symptom of something gone very wrong in your life.Think about it.


    Wow thats so "DEEP",i've never thought about it til now,maybe i should bring it up at my weekly Psychologist appointment,i'll put it on the list and get back at you,or "ah" back to you?!?!!!?? :crazy:

  7. I got one that jumps the fence and disappears and the other sits and barks in the backyard till that one returns. It's a 5' fence too. The other one is sitting in the corner right now stinking up the room with puppy farts.


    My Dog used to jump its 6' fence,i'd put her in the back yard and 30 seconds later she'd be out front,after the thrid time i put her out back and raced though the house and out the front door and cought her in mid-air yelled "bad dog" and throw her back over the fence!


    She gave up jumping it after 4 or 5 more times and eat a hole though it instead,never try to out smart a pit bull for they can jump 8' high and chew up a 4x4 in no time at all,not to mention she was really smart and studied my every move,that bitch knew what i was going to do before i did,but her cat chasing days were over at 14 years old,are four legged Friends just don't live very long,sad but true!



  8. You are a jerk. No you are. No your an ass wipe. No you are. You are a jerk. No you are. No your an ass wipe. No you are. You are a jerk. No you are. No your an ass wipe. No you are. You are a jerk. No you are. No your an ass wipe. No you are. You are a jerk. No you are. No your an ass wipe. No you are. You are a jerk. No you are. No your an ass wipe. No you are. You are a jerk. No you are. No your an ass wipe. No you are. You are a jerk. No you are. No your an ass wipe. No you are. You are a jerk. No you are. No your an ass wipe. No you are. You are a jerk. No you are. No your an ass wipe. No you are. You are a jerk. No you are. No your an ass wipe. No you are. You are a jerk. No you are. No your an ass wipe. No you are. You are a jerk. No you are. No your an ass wipe. No you are. You are a jerk. No you are. No your an ass wipe. No you are.


    It's all fun and games til someone gets their feelings hurt! :cry::lmao:


  9. :battlecage:


    If you aren't part of the solution you are part of the problem.


    Please, be a part of the solution.


    Spray is here for entertainment but for about the last 6 months to year has been steadily less entertaining. If you are posting endless "what is the best band" threads or political diatribes you are not entertaining. The best way for you to become part of the solution would be for you to


    a) off yourself

    b) quit spraying.


    In conclusion,

    Fuck off.




    Congratulation your a Winner!!! :moondance:


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