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Everything posted by Tokogirl

  1. Tokogirl

    from an email...

    This is spary! :kisss: Also, the USA was established on a Constitutional right of freedom of choice.
  2. Sounds like a good time! I haven't been doing much cragging but sad to say I am heading to Skaha for the weekend -
  3. AARRGGHH! Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Talk_Like_a_Pirate_Day Heading to Skaha for the weekend! Enjoy!
  4. Oohhh....now I know why you are "King of the Ass Candles"
  5. How was he planning on privitizing Social Security? Would that have been a good thing? as you have a question mark after your statement (question) "then that goal would likely have been his legacy?".
  6. With icecream or whipcream? Wonder what kind of pie Obama likes?
  7. Fresh peaches picked yesterday! They aren't Maverick peaches
  8. OOPS! I thought this thread was about pie. I just made two peach pies! Oh well!
  9. But nights are getting longer - a good time for pie!
  10. Best enjoyed warm with whip cream or ala'mode!
  11. Actually looks like 11/16 is left of that scrumptious looking pie. Porter - is it lemon??
  12. Have to say I get the above mentioned arguement everytime I visit the folks. When I lived overseas my dad would cut out mountaineering or skiing accident articles and send them to me saying - "my tax dollars at work". Europe does have a good system of insurance for mountain accidents - skydiving, climbing, skiing, etc..
  13. Got to keep the economy rolling by producing WMD. In Eisenhower's final address to the nation didn't he warn of the growing "American Military Industial Complex" - this from a principled republican.
  14. as a teacher, i can honestly say, good for you! but, to kinda burst yer bubble, most liberal teachers don't give a shit what you think, and are stoked just to see you ACTUALLY THINKING Good to know that your learning to think in school!
  15. Wow, where are we Toto.....I thought we were in Spray Politics but somehow we ended up in Spray People Magazine . If I only had my Ruby Slippers!
  16. I try to lie, cheat, steal, or fornicate at least once a day, to stay in practice. Tvash, Glad to hear you are like the rest of us . Hope you didn't think I was trying to sell ya anything as I am not a Christian. I have beliefs, a belief system, morals, values, etc. that I try, but often fail, to live buy. Bon Chance!
  17. We, as humans, are faluable and therefore I know that anyone as a Christian, being human, will be prone to human "weaknesses". So, to say there are good examples out there is very true but to really get an idea of Christ or God seems, as with most beliefs, to come down to faith in what Christ or God stands for. No one can say, including you, that you are free of "issues" or offense to someone. We all have done something that is a "sin" - correct??
  18. I try never to denagrade anyone for their thoughts or beliefs whatever and however different they are from my own. As far as your quote "or in some cases lack of beliefs" isn't that a put down to folks who don't have the same beliefs as you?? If someone doesn't believe in your explanation of God then they don't have beliefs. Perhpas you would like to rephrase what you said so it doesn't "personally attack" others.
  19. Tvash, Your camera had a similiar fate to mine on Bonanza a few weeks ago. Though it was kind of having some issues prior to taking a plunge. Sounds like your really sprucing up the place - looking forward to the pics!
  20. New bent shaft BD BP ice tool with pick but no adze. I never used it due to injury so it could be yours for $75! Or make me an offer I also have a few extra Snargs that haven't seen much use - $10. PM if interested. Teresa
  21. Pics? or are you thinking IKEA boy may steal your idea!?
  22. Tokogirl

    Happy Friday

    OOPS! perhaps I have a goldenlab?! Now I am on my third! as I ran into friends - that short hike is looking really short now.
  23. Tokogirl

    Happy Friday

    I just finished up with work early, had a quick "business" meeting at the pub, and had my labtop. Couldn't resist login on! Off to home and a hike up Icicle Ridge.
  24. Tokogirl

    Happy Friday

    Hi all, I just polished off my second beer at the Cashmere Brewery! YUM!
  25. Tokogirl

    Happy Friday

    Looks like a no-bake cookie reciepe I made that never set-up correctly! Happy, happy, joy, joy to all on this Friday!
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