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Everything posted by Tokogirl

  1. Be still my heart! The neighbors must get quite the thrill!
  2. Spandex with chamois gives my buttocks a little extra "cush in my tush". I imagine guys like the extra cush and comfort too. Jerseys splattered with ads in lots of color may make them more noticable to motorists.........or a better target. I used to bike race and seems like we had some louder jerseys for visibility but now I got with more subdued tones.
  3. Saw the helicopters as I was up the Icicle on a trail run. Great work on the part of Kyle and all the rescuers involved. Sounds like Noah kept it togther. Hope Clive has a speedy recovery!
  4. RD, Your memory is fabulous! I didn't participate last year but heard that the route was changed. See you out there!
  5. Doug is definitely opinionated not apathetic!
  6. Wednesday...............I'm not sure.............maybe I do care...........hmmm..........whatever.......it's a day.
  7. Sounds devine! Fairy wings - how enchanting! "That would have been last year: 2007, including the long ten mile uphill haul up to Sunrise from White River. Sure was perdy, though." Actually I believe it was '96??
  8. My bike did cost a bit of $$ but it is sweet and fast!
  9. Tossing all that hugging from Monday out the window!
  10. Got to love it! Especially if you leave your training wheels on.
  11. We took axes just in case we needed them but it warmed up enough that it wasn't necessary to use them.
  12. KKK, You don't play bumper cars with the cyclists - do you?
  13. Wow! I have yellow/black lycra to match!
  14. "wanna go out for sooshy, i got an extra helmut" oh, shucks is the helmut pink?
  15. Agree! As mentioned before there are laws for cyclists and motorists. I only get in the middle of the lane when I turn so I am more visible. Bu hate when I see three bike riders riding next to each other and blocking traffic.
  16. It's not Pink!
  17. I did RAMROD the year they closed 410 due construction. Added a bit of length to it. Your outfit looked a bit loose for typical cycling attire. What colors will you be sporting this year?
  18. Being aware that there are other users of the roads: motorcylces, peds, cyclists, scooters. Sad a group like that gets all the publicity, negative unfortunately!
  19. With cushy built in chamois!
  20. Trip: Alpine Lakes - North Ridge of Sherpa Date: 7/27/2008 Trip Report: Well we didn't get as early start as we had hoped but we were hiking by 5:30am. We took the Stuart Lake trail to about 3.2 miles and then made our way up Mountaineers creek. The mosquitos sniffed me out and I was running the last mile to escape them. We started to head west, after about 2 miles, and in about another 1 hour we were at the base of the North Ridge. The climb itself went very well especially since I haven't really rock climbed a whole lot lately (this is no exaggeration!). A cloudy mist rolled in occasionally and slowed us a bit. Wow, there are some airy sections were I swallowed hard to keep focused. The crux was very enjoyable! My partner lead the technical rock pitches - thanks Justin! The summit was great but no pics as my camera is kapoot. Ate lunch of homemade bread, great cheese, sausage, and apples. The raps down went okay but we did get the rope stuck on a horn that took a bit of time to wrestle out. Gear Notes: standard alpine rack Bug juice or run like your life depends on it! Approach Notes: It is a pretty good goat trail and not to bad finding your way up Mountaineers creek to the head of the valley (5,640). Head west to start of North Ridge.
  21. Are you saying guns dont kill people? Who is pulling the trigger?
  22. Agree with Pink & Feck - just like anything it is the operator.
  23. Tokogirl

    Word is....

    I have fallen down and can't get up!!!
  24. Who knows? I wasn't there. One can only speculate, but probably not??!! Just sad as it gives cyclists a bad rap. "They claim they're trying to raise awareness, but all they're doing is pissing people off and acting like punks." Exactly! What kind of awareness are they trying to raise?!
  25. FW, Cyclists and autos can coexist but all most obey laws. Both are at times at fault.
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