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Everything posted by hafilax

  1. Saved by linux. CC.com is enough of a time waister for me.
  2. http://avalanche.ca/ is already up and running. If you ask they will send out the bulletins you're interested in to your email.
  3. I use electrical tape and a knife that's sharp enough so that you don't have to do much sawing. Melt the end (even a match will do) and roll it into the desired end shape.
  4. hafilax

    bands gone animated

    Click here to see Video
  5. hafilax

    Thank you for

    ... the music, the songs I'm singing. Thanks for all the joy they're bringing Who can live without it I ask in all honesty what would life be without a song or a dance what are we So I say thank you for the music and giving it to me
  6. Beer launching mini fridge R7sZKlub86g
  7. I'm hoping good karma will change my caste.
  8. hafilax


    I have a hard time resisting saying cheers fuckface.
  9. hafilax


    Don't you just need one of these for the Esq.?
  10. It was snowing cougars and wolves up at SFU last night.
  11. hafilax

    Good Sound Rocks

    A physics prof here at SFU designed and built his own tube dac. That's what you really need to give those CD's some life. A part of the problem is that people compress the shit out of their recordings these days. There seems to be a battle of the loudest. Totally kills the dynamics of the music.
  12. Unless they have an Avalung. Probing is a good idea for beacons with less than 3 antennae to be sure that you aren't fooled by the signal spikes IMO. It can also give them somewhat of an air hole and lets them know your on your way. Oh yeah and it gives a depth and location reference while digging. I guess I'm in favour of probing. I read a report where the guy said he was never so happy to get poked in the teeth with a probe.
  13. Awesome! I just read Lee Lau's TR posted on Club Tread. Looked like some stellar early season conditions. I was up on Cypress Peak N of Tricouni that day. You guys definitely got the better lines.
  14. The Backcounty Access (BCA- makers of the Tracker) has some great information on how to effectively dig someone out. They seem to recommend a medium sized shovel, blade and handle depending on your fitness and strength. A big guy can wield a big shovel whereas a little guy like me might do better with a smaller blade. The shortish handle works better in the tight confines of a deep burial and the digger is able to go for longer with a smaller than giant blade. Many small chunks goes faster than taking big chunks. Avy debris is really hard and dense. The angle of the handle is something to consider as well. If you think you'll be digging a lot of snow caves a straighter handle might be better. I agree that the Tracker is the most user friendly even though it's somewhat dated at this point. I just bought a used analog beacon but am interested in the Tracker 2. They were planning on releasing it this fall but it looks like they need to work out a few more bugs. I saw a French video that showed a demo unit in action and it looked fast and intuitive. The advantage of the new digital models (Pieps DSP, Barryvox Pulse, Ortovox S1 ect.) is that they use 3 antennae instead of 2 and give a true distance measurement when withing about 3m (it's hard to explain). They also have algorithms for dealing with multiple burials. If you're willing to practice the analog beacons are fine and in fact have the best range and people are selling them off like hotcakes to get the new digitals. It may be best to rent a beacon. If the people in your course have a bunch of different beacons you might take a shining to one of them. As for probes I've read recommendations to avoid the thin ones that stow in the shovel handle and that an over sized point is nice. I went with the G3 320cm sans markings.
  15. I didn't mind the movie but it definitely wasn't one of the best. I always loved the comedy sequences with Warren's narration in the older ones. It was good for some winter stoke though. The crowd in Vancouver was pretty subdued, not that that's unusual. I love it when everyone's cheering, oohing and ahing. Maybe that's proof that it wasn't that great. I'm surprised there wasn't any tele. I get the impression there's a real tele renaissance going on now. I see more of it every year and the pros are pulling off some incredible stuff.
  16. Just get one of these to keep you on top of the avi
  17. Those cave routes are pretty cool and I understand the pumpy nature from watching the videos. My understanding is that the route tops out the face above the entrance of the cave hence the rope, bolts and route vs. bouldering rating. I've also heard the argument that Dani is credible in assigning the grade. I just felt like ranting yesterday to prove how cool I am and to show how my maturity puts me above grades. Hard to do that by posting here though. Maybe I should practice that rant for the gym. Anyone watch that aid rant video? I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  18. It's a shame that an American settlement has effected Canadian ski hills but that always seems to be the way.
  19. The $14M settlement is probably the real overlying reason but was bullshit to begin with. I inspect every jump before I hit it and skip the ones I think aren't made right. There's signs everywhere telling you to do just that. The American legal system is fucked. What happens now when more kids start building kickers out of bounds and someone dies? Is that a better solution? At least the carnage was in a controlled environment. The real disappointment is that they announced this after the early bird season's pass sale. I think the grommets should be granted a refund and a discount pass to a mountain with a real terrain park. This will have a detrimental effect on our Olympic ski and snowboard teams as well. Lake Louise has developed some real talent over the years. I seem to be full of rants today. Let's see, what's next...
  20. [rant] I'm getting pretty tired of all the spray around the top grade. It's seems to me like they're really splitting hairs. The lower grades span quite a range of difficulty but all of the reasoning around the top grade sounds like 'Well I found it harder than that climb so it must deserve a higher grade.' Then someone repeats it in less time and downgrades it or doesn't say anything so that it looks like they're really that good. Grading for endurance has a double standard too. A 5.10a where each move is 5.10a is 'sustained' whereas linking a 5.14b into a 5.14c is '5.14d'? The system is broken and the magazines insist on perpetuating it. What ever happened to discussing the aesthetic of the line? I always thought it was cool that a route could have a move named after it because it was unique on the first ascent like Le Rose et le Vampire or Sharma talking about choosing to work a route because of some unique move or challenge. I watched the video of some super hard bouldering route in RMNP which was basically 2 moves. There's some super hard sport route in Rumney where the first 2 bolts were stick clipped and there was one more bolt to clip before the anchor which seemed like it was only 3 or 4m higher. I keep getting dragged into watching that crap because of the headlines. No more I tell you. [/rant]
  21. That really pisses me off. I love the big table-tops and have never injured myself on them. This is money talking (as always). The insurance companies want to charge more and rails quickly destroy your equipment which manufacturers will love. The rails have to be hard so that the edges don't hook and the most important part of the edged gets so rounded until it's useless and beyond repair. I've seen just as many injuries on rails and way more in the half-pipe. I hope it kills their business when there's no fresh snow. :mad:
  22. Anyone have a Tempest Prognosticator? What can't leeches do?
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