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Everything posted by hafilax

  1. If you ever have to have a MRI make sure you tell them you've had a metal shard removed from your eye. They'll take an X-ray to make sure the strong magnetic field won't cause any more problems. I had snow blindness one summer. Eye pain is aggravating.
  2. I've heard about those for a while now. Too much for my wallet.
  3. I have round tails on my skis and rarely have a problem using BD's STS system. YMMV
  4. hafilax

    What a gal!

    I disagree. She stated that they are together for "the sake of the children". You do have to make sacrifices for your children but living in a loveless marriage is not setting a good example and can be quite damaging. She states that she'll split the moment the kids are gone. It sounds like self imposed punishment for having children with the wrong man. I've already said it twice so why not a third time.
  5. Slackcountry: Ride up a ski lift to access backcountry terrain.
  6. hafilax

    What a gal!

    I wholeheartedly agree JayB. Doesn't anyone else think this is bad for the kids?
  7. +1 for lift skiing until you are comfortable in a variety of terrain. A big part of skiing is reading variable snow conditions and that comes with time on the snow. Don't forget that skiing with a day pack with all of the accoutrements will change how you ski. I just bought Backcountry Skiing: Skills for Ski Touring and Ski Mountaineering and it has lots of great advice. I don't know about Washington but around here odds are you'll ski everything from powder to windslab to sun crust up high and then elephant snot to rain crust to surface hoar through tight trees at the bottom. Good luck with skiing mostly powder. Get comfortable in the trees. There's a lot of areas where it's necessary to come out through tight trees and variable snow. There's a bunch of conditions probably won't experience in bounds like breakable crust, sun cups etc. When there's any kind of avalanche danger in the trees are often the safest place to be. I recommend a mid-fat or wider ski on the short side for your height but I'm not the most experienced skier with modern gear having snowboarded for the previous 16 years. My skis are 105 at the waist.
  8. hafilax

    What a gal!

    I cringe when I read the statement "We're staying together for the sake of our children." I think that is utter bullshit. Kids know when their parents aren't happy. How can you have a happy caring home if the parents are just tolerating each other? If she had stated that they were perfectly happy not having sex I would be more sympathetic. To state that you're going to punish yourself until the kids have left the home and then go on some crazy sexual escapade?! She needs to watch Barbarella. To encourage people to try and fake a normal life for some imagined ideal of child raising is horrifying. What lesson is she trying to teach? We must sacrifice our own happiness for others? Give me a break. Happiness breeds happiness. I guess I'm just scarred from my own parents trying to stay together. Things got exponentially better when they separated.
  9. I dropped one out of my chili once. Oh how I miss that bean.
  10. hafilax


    These guys are not as profound but a whole lot cuter
  11. Has anyone mentioned American Apparel? They have an interesting business model and seem to be going strong. They make great, if expensive, t-shirts and sundries. All of the labour is American and they pay a reasonable wage (~$25000/year) with good benefits. The upper management take a big hit in wage relative to other companies but still pay themselves plenty. You need an idealistic CEO for this to work. I'm not saying that it's wrong for Arc'teryx to move the labour to China. It's a business choice. BTW I've heard of Arc'teryx counterfeit socks showing up in Asia lately.
  12. I've never been a fan of solos with crazy cranked gain creamy tone. There's no dynamics or messing with the sounds beyond feedback and pinch harmonics. They might as well be playing a keyboard with a pitch bend knob. Turn down the gain a bit and you've got to work for your hammer-ons and every nuance comes through. Bob Mould has had some cool solos. As far as dual guitar solos go some of the Lee Rinaldo/ Thurston Moore noise fests were amazing to my ear. Especially considering they were usually in different tunings. J Mascis was always a guitar hero of mine. I never got to see him with Dinosaur Jr. but he opened for Built to Spill one year solo acoustic and ripped it up with a Electro Harmonix 16sec delay. Speaking of Built to Spill Doug Martsh knows his way around a blues rock jam.
  13. Not really sure how Cobain got on there... twice. I do love a good Neil Young one note solo OTOH. That's what you get for a reader compiled list I guess. Live solos are far more meaningful than recorded ones. The fine line between shred wankery and soulful wankery always makes for amusing arguments. How many notes per second are you allowed before it loses it's soul? I had a hell of a time with Ace Frehley's Rock'n'Roll All Night solo on Guitar Hero III.
  14. Some common questions: -Does it fit with my goggles? Which brands of goggles work best with it? That includes is it comfortable with the goggles and will the top vent work properly. Does it fall forward when bouncing without goggles (my friend's does that). -How heavy? Mine's too heavy and gives my neck grief. -Does it fit properly? Doesn't rattle around too much; no pressure points. -Ear flaps/ removable ear flaps/ no ear flaps with under helmet hat? Mine has no ear flaps and I have a couple of hat options for under it. Sometimes I go with out. -Vents? How cold does it get where you'll use it? Do you want to use it in the late spring? I like lots of venting options because I overheat easily.
  15. I hadn't heard of them before. A quick search turned up this article from June 2007. Made up of ex Patagonia, Marmot and Nike people. Is the stuff any good? What's their best piece?
  16. Sometimes I miss the old 2D games like Super Mario Bros and Contra. The 3D interface with adjustable camera angles etc. sometimes detracts from the game play.
  17. The Back Country Access site has a list of beacon training park locations. I don't know how up to date it is though. I'll see if I can find the one in Whistler next time I'm there with time to kill.
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