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Everything posted by hafilax

  1. Dude posted the same question on ST and actually got some pretty good answers (I think).
  2. I seem to share a similar attitude toward pets as Porter (although I've never eaten any of mine). I've had a few friends comment that it sometimes seems like Vets are cashing in on other's optimism and emotional attachment. 'Your pet MIGHT do better and be able to live a good life IF such-and-such treatment works.' It can be hard to gauge how big the MIGHT and IF really are. My sister's cat had a hyper-thyroid problem at the end of his years. The Vet prescribed expensive drugs that helped a bit but insisted that she bring the cat in for tests every 3 months. The cat really wasn't very healthy but the Vet seemed to manage to keep her coming in and she spent quite a bit of money. She finally put him down a few years ago. Looking back she has said that she will never go through that again. Neither of them truly benefited from it in the end as the cat was really quite miserable and so was she. She will get pets again soon and has said that there has to be clear evidence that the pet will live a happy life and integrate well into her family for her to invest that much emotion.
  3. hafilax


    I had a friend in university that had a short tongue but a big nose... cunninosus?
  4. hafilax


    ...and then you take that cookie and you stick it up your ass?
  5. not a bad idea so you want this bunch of spraylords to find that the easiest threads to post in and keep track of are all climbing related? you're playing with fire. Spray is ~75% of the Past 24 Hours. I can go to the spray forum to find that. After the weekend if I want to see what's going on in all the climbing forums I click on the Past 24 Hours button and wade through 3 pages dominated by spray to find the climbing talk. Personally I'd like a climbing related easy search button. OTOH I never click on the TR button. It's like at TGR. They have a drop down quick menu that takes you to any of the forums except The Padded Room. They get way more traffic so I think it would be reasonable to have an all climbing topics hot button.
  6. Take Spray out of the "Past 24 hours" button and see what happens. The temptation to spray is too strong.
  7. hafilax

    to the christians

    Isn't birth control a sin in Catholicism? Didn't one of the Popes come under fire for discouraging the use of condoms in AIDS ravaged Africa?
  8. Bad form in on occasion is survival. Doing in on a regular basis defeats the purpose of climbing IMO.
  9. Who wants to lick something that's bitter?
  10. hafilax


    Don't forget the duct tape.
  11. The same can be said about Valentine's day. I was thinking on the way home that really we've got holidays backwards. We should be beautiful wonderful people to each other every day and celebrate being by being cruel and exploitive on the holidays. Who's with me? What should we call it? Satan's day?
  12. http://www.steakandbjday.com/
  13. Only one month to Steak and a Blowjob day
  14. I was imagining riding a tauntaun to your bivy then slicing it open and crawling inside. This version is much less disgusting.
  15. hafilax

    to the christians

    I have recently developed a taste for Pastis which is very similar to (primordial) Ouzo. I didn't realize that it was formulated in response to the banning of the wormwood component of Absynthe. You learn something new every day.
  16. hafilax

    to the christians

    I agree mattp but please don't let this turn into another ID debate. The last one achieved nothing.
  17. Reading that made my day a whole lot better.
  18. hafilax

    Air Powered Car

    I was thinking the exact same thing. Weird.
  19. hafilax

    Air Powered Car

    I couldn't find anything in the article discussing the range or acceleration.
  20. hafilax

    to the christians

    If I were a Christian that didn't believe in any of those accusations I would find the OP quite insulting and hypocritical. You can't accuse someone of being prejudiced in such a prejudiced manner. There are as many atheists that are homophobes and racists. Just because someone tries to support their delusions with the Bible doesn't mean that Christianity is at fault. Let's say that the Bible is the word of god hidden in a bunch of crap to test the faithful. Those that have misinterpreted the Bible fail and go to hell and those that are true to the spirit pass. That's the way I like to think of it at least. It's just too confusing to believe that every word of the Bible is true. I watched a debate on the existence of god after the CBC presentation of 'The Root of all Evil'. The Christian supporter was confronted with conflicting statements in the Bible and stated something like 'You just know which parts are true and which are false but it is all still the word of god. You read it over and over and you get the idea.' That was met with groans... I think of myself as a scientist and an atheist (and possibly a humanist; I haven't looked into it enough) and would like to think that all religions will come to the same conclusion that we should all work together and treat each other with respect. Some need some guidance in coming to that conclusion but hopefully the religious leaders of the world will start making sense and stop wielding the power of faith as a tool of manipulation. There will always be disagreements between faiths but hopefully they can be worked out without killing each other.
  21. Wasn't that done by the California Raisins? A398VraSBwY
  22. Does this mean that the number of pirates isn't dropping after all? Have his noodley appendages been fixing the world's problems?
  23. Wikipedia definition of 'hype man'
  24. Now THAT is a rant That kid's amazing and I agree that his trad record is irrelevant.
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