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Everything posted by crmlla2007

  1. I've worn them a lot for winter cycling - work great for that, but I can't imagine wearing them nonstop for days. They sweat.
  2. The Viesturs insole is thick, make sure you have room, it doesn't compress much when you heat-mold it. I've got the SOLE Slim Sport in my boots - much better IMHO. I normally wear just the SW Mountaineering w/o a liner, but I got blisters late in the season this year, so I'm going to experiment with the SW Trekking sock (thinner) with a liner this upcoming season.
  3. When I was younger, in my previous family, I took a baby in a backpack skiing, on green and low-end blue. Now in my old age, with my current family, I say: "What was I thinking!" I was younger then, and did think differently. Now I'm older, I see the fragility of young life and my own cockiness in my youth differently. I'm just glad nothing happened to add guilt to that. (BTW: the baby in question is now a young adult and to the best of my knowledge has no interest at all in skiing - so that little imaginary connection did not occur)
  4. On cardio machines I listen to books on mp3 - my local library has them available for download. I also have a small video player that I watch occasionally. Totally with you on the gouging eyes out thing - keep a rusty spoon handy. I work about 15 minutes away from a canyon in the NF in which I can always find an hour to kill - whether climbing, hiking, scoping out future climbs or just watching the bighorn sheep.
  5. The BOA cable seems really "thin" and "sharp" - did your friend in pakistan notice that is cut the boot or gloves or anything like that?
  6. Nice Wood...
  7. Anyone have any opinions, experience, or knowledge?
  8. All the guide services and REI and the ski shops can point you to the current schedules of the AVI classes where-ever you are or are willing to travel to.
  9. I think the best way to answer that is to go do the whole avalanche education cycle.
  10. I accidentally had a nalgene 1/4 full of water in my work camera bag and they were so busy wiping the camera with the explosive attractant cloth they missed the water. I normally carry my keys on a big@ss OP biner and clip it into my carryon - never had a problem with it - even some of the odd things clipped to it seem to get missed. I know a guy who wrenched his water bottle out of the TSA's hands and chugged it. "What water?"
  11. PM'd
  12. Gosh, if you have extra tickets I know a belay slave...
  13. From PETZL: * WARNING: the rope breaks when the ASAP is used without an energy absorber (attachment to harness using OK TRIACT carabiner only). * WARNING: in a factor 2 fall with energy absorbers (models ASAP’SORBER 20, ASAP’SORBER 40, ABSORBICA I/Y) + ASAP, the rope can break. * With the ABSORBICA L57 + ASAP, a factor 2 fall is arrested without the rope’s sheath tearing. ---------------------------------------------- So be sure to get your Asap-Sorber or Absorbica: http://en.petzl.com/petzl/ProFamille?Famille=31
  14. I normally only take shoes and maybe a harness onboard - everything else I can do without or make up for somehow if I really have to - though it would suck. Stove can be a pain - it's really vague about it on the TSA and airlines' sites - so I take my Jetboil stove in carryon. Had a TSA-nazi sniff it for 5 minutes then call every other TSA clone within shouting distance to come sniff it (for fumes). Finally told me he was a backpacker and I had a nice stove and wished me luck on my trip and handed the stove back with a sad look. Guess he just wanted to take it home like all the ostensibly female TSA agents and their cosmetics over 3oz or in the wrong bag.
  15. IMHO (FWIW) - if we're talking about toprope soloing (not leading), between the grigri and eddy only, if you hang them off your harness as you normally would, the grigri feeds rope more intuitively out the front and down, as you would when rappelling. The eddy feeds out the top rear, and it feels a little odd to take in slack as you climb. It's doable, and I do normally use an eddy, but anyone else foolish enough to do this should consider that minor point before being surprised. In fact, whatever you decide to do, I recommend you screw around with it first in a very non-threatening environment that allows you to bail at any time, and provide a backup plan for yourself (clove hitches and knots are a simple plan) till you are totally comfortable with whatever it is you decide.
  16. I haven't used it, but there's http://www.utahclimbers.com/phpBB2/ I do use http://mountainproject.com/forums/ but overall, I think here is better for thread life - not that that helps you connect to Utah climbers...
  17. I have done some WI4 on Toprope in Ouray, but by then I might be game for something more. Otherwise, I climb at Momentum in Sandy (if you're a rep or something at the OR show you'll probably have the opportunity to drop in) and there are a handful of climbers there that would be up for it, I'm sure. Right now, from what I can tell, nothing is in (extended warm spell last 6 weeks), but it's supposed to get colder over the next few weeks, so end of Jan should be fine (fingers crossed).
  18. I think it's a brand - comes in a yellow and red tube says "Barge Cement". Actually, I think the guy at the shop I go to most would probably do it for me for free - they have a tube laying around all the time. Many climbing shops, shoe repair places and some hardware stores carry it. You could always ask at wherever they know you by name.
  19. If you mean the rubber rand when you say de-lam, I'd recommend "barge cement" - I don't know if super glue would work - esp. in the temp. range these might have to endure.
  20. Wow, 215. I meant the ski charts. Example: Skier Weight Range 159cm: <115 lb. (>52kg) 183cm: 155-195lbs. (70-88kg) Which puts me way off (till next year anyway). My point was really just this: I realize the charts are only generalizations. What is the end result of going beyond the chart? What would it be like using a 174 at my weight and height? What about 183? or like in your case, 190? Or gosh sakes, even going with a really fat 160? I feel like I ski like crap on 184 and settled on 174 for resort skis. And yes, it never occurred to me to rent a few dozen times to find out. So thanks all.
  21. The local shop has a notice from Atomic stating that they are shutting down Koflach Mountaineering boots - no more. Lowa are in my experience very narrow. I have a pair of the Asolo Evolution that I passed liners back and forth with a pair of Arctis Expe, and they are only slightly narrower. If you want to go non-hard shell, I have talked to lots of people with wide feet who like the Vasque 9000. Same for the Millet 8km boots. Good luck.
  22. I was there then last year - nice plastic ice.
  23. Back in the day... I lived in a Ford E350. The bed was a double mattress given to us by a relative upgrading to a fancier mattress. Worked fine for a few years and felt a lot like "home" more so than foam pads. When it wore out we got one of those inflatable mattresses. Oddly enough it never punctured in spite of our desert-rat lifestyle. But it got cold at night - had to put a quilt under our sheet.
  24. Isn't that when you take a V0 and make all the hands off-limits except the slopers and call it a V5?
  25. lol, true, when brokenpick asked about Emmons and DC I should have put 2 and 2 together and not come up with 5.
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