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Everything posted by Peakpimp

  1. I have Matrix Lights and absolutely love them. Equipped em' with some sliders for both snow climbing and leashless ice/mixed. Great all a rounder. The only downfall I see of these tools is the laughable little hammer. One has to carefully monitor the hammer tool while on a pack with standard style Ice tool loops as the hammer is so small it can actually slip out and drop (had it happen once but knew to watch for this problem so I caught it.) Also the picks are definitely not easily changed at home without a few tools and certainly could not be changed on route. Otherwise the Matrix lights climb great so I would imagine the Techs to climb even better.
  2. I've got my partner lined up just waiting for conditions!!!
  3. I went there in April and stayed in the Excalibur. $30 or so a night. Not bad, just old, but right on the strip. The difficult part was trying to avoid finding myself, after imbibing several cocktails, miles away down the strip, then having to walk back to the room. Early starts were always a challenge. Our Nissan Altima rental got us everywhere we wanted to go. The "Egg and I" (4533 W. Sahara Ave Las Vegas, NV 89102) turned out to be the best place around for breakfast. I really enjoyed Frogland if you can avoid the circus of people, I.E. get there early, which we did not (see above.)
  4. Nice work gentlemen! I want that route pretty bad!!!
  5. Nice Work! I did this one for the first time on Monday. Damn that first pin on the traverse didn't inspire confidence and I definitely girth hitched my sling on that sucker as low as I could! I found the loose rock to be pretty manageable. What a cool route and I couldn't help but smile at just how close one can park to the base, although the walk back to the car afterward seemed long. -Josh
  6. Oh man I think Jimbo just might want to climb that one pretty bad, I know I do after we got rained off last year!
  7. +1 for Plum Pudding its a good'n! Also I thought timberjack was more like a 5.8/.10b myself haha!
  8. I'm looking for a partner for this upcoming Monday/Tuesday. Weather looks decent lets go get some alpine goodness. I've got several ideas and am open to hearing yours. I will gladly drive anywhere so hit me up and lets get something done! -Josh
  9. Nice! I went to solo that one last week and foolishly forgot to bring extra money for the park entrance fee and had to turn back. DOH! Good work!
  10. Hey Nick and everyone else. I too am looking for alpine partners for more committing and remote routes. I have all of the gear and a serious ambition, just no regular partners that share my lofty goals. I can lead 5.9 rock in crampons and am solid on snow and ice. My problem is I've got weekdays off so that tends to make finding folks a bit more difficult. I'm off tuesday wednesday this week and would gladly climb something easier even if the weather sucks. If anyone is available for weekedays lemme know and I'll get in touch. Peace -Josh
  11. Looking to get out tuesday if anyone is free. I'm up for just about anything just about anywhere. Shoot me a PM and we can discuss logistics. -Peace Josh
  12. Damn Joe, you rule. Thanks for the sweet pics!
  13. My buddy and I just booked a trip down there for next month. With 2 airline tickets, accommodations for two for 7 nights at the excalibur (older but still on the strip), and a rental car for the week it was 1060 total. I don't mind camping but the idea of sleeping in a bed and having a shower are fairly appealing. Plus I don't have to pack my tent and shit.
  14. Hey folks. Thanks for the replies. I ended up doing the West Ridge of North Twin Sister with my girlfriend. What a fun route! But a long ass walk in there for a couple hundred feet of "climbing." I have this upcoming monday/tuesday off if anyone would like to do anything tasty. I would like to knock off chair peak while it's still in nice shape, or maybe something on D-tail? Lemme know if anyone's interested. Peace -Josh
  15. Anyone looking to get out this monday tuesday? I just got back from a week in J-tree and really want to climb something snowy/icy. Lemme if you're looking for a partner and we can discuss options. Peace -Josh
  16. What an amazing line! And with perfect weather too. Thanks guys I had fun.
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