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Everything posted by Snide

  1. far from the trailhead, who's gonna care?
  2. -87WgAkLegQ
  3. Can anyone steer me toward free car-camping sites in the Wallowas?
  4. matt, please stop interrupting jay's soliloquy. The sound of anyone else's voice wrecks his mood, and he has to start all over again at foreplay. Your unwelcome intrusions are wreaking havoc on his supplies of vaseline and baby wipes.
  5. Snide

    God's Army

    Slow at first, but worth the wait R7bUHjHsMYE
  6. Get some perspective guys- although recumbents might not be cool enough for you, there's no reason to trash FW or his interest in them. Anything that motivates folks to bike more and drive less is awesome. More power to you, Fairweather.
  7. if wit fails, you can always fall back on the crowd-pleasing goodness of the internet tough-guy persona!
  8. U R WINNAR -N- AWESOMESTUFF! can I visit your town?
  9. Use a biner. Given the lower diameter and lower melting point of dyneema, you'll likely sever or weld a girth hitch.
  10. Catbird's literalism has just fueled my good humor for another day.
  11. superdave!
  12. remind me not to trust weather forecasts or stock picks from KK
  13. hell on wheels
  14. You need to stop masturbating so vigorously during your rest days.
  15. Snide


    you've made me so happy 44f7BewqNqA
  16. Snide


    so how does one do a you-tube embedded link?
  17. Snide

    Git 'em!

    Has anyone seen Oly lately?
  18. The woman is Cindy Sheehan, whose son killed in action in Iraq. She gained a degree of fame/notoriety for protesting the war for the past few years.
  19. Without addressing his merits as a Presidential candidate, I just want to point out that any claim that Fred Thompson is not a career politician is completely baseless. Thompson has made his living off of D.C. politics since the early '70's.
  20. jayb is pointing out that the views voiced by Bawer in the interview would be labelled racist if they came from say, a Republican presidential candidate.
  21. Post deleted by Snide
  22. please take raindawg's motherfucking spray and mockery out of legitimate 'looking for partner' threads. Delete it, send it to spray, or create a new forum for "impotent old men who derive satisfaction from shitting on those who leave their couches." you useless old fuck
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