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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Or maybe they WERE actually terrorists (such as in this case) and despite 'enhanced interrogation' (laughable techniques in Jordan) they managed to lie to, and fool trained investigators. Then were released back, and now are managing networks that are killing persons you SHOULD consider allies instead of letting the liberal mainstream media sway your mind with falsehoods and mindless incoherent civility. MMMMM???
  2. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1161345/Freed-wage-war-British-troops-Guantanamo-prisoner-Taliban-chief.html EXCERPT A Taliban chief responsible for deadly bomb attacks against British troops in Afghanistan was a prisoner in Guantanamo Bay just 15 months ago. Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul was released from the camp in Cuba after U.S. officials decided he was no longer a threat. He was handed over to the Afghan government who then freed him in Kabul early last year, according to Pentagon and CIA officials. News of his involvement in terror attacks comes just weeks after Barack Obama signed executive orders to close the controversial prison camp at Guantanamo. One of the new president's central campaign pledges, the move is part of a concentrated bid to improve America's tarnished image around the world. The revelation that Rasoul has become a high-ranking Taliban commander in such a short space of time is, therefore, a bitter blow. He was among 13 Afghan prisoners released to Hamid Karzai's government and is now known as Mullah Abdullah Zakir - the Taliban's new operations chief in Helmand and the architect of a new offensive against British troops. Since then, the threat from the Taliban has soared as they deploy more sophisticated and powerful roadside bombs against British troops. More than 40 British troops have been killed by roadside bombs since last year. One Whitehall official told The Times: 'He is a serious player.' Sources at the Pentagon said that Rasoul, who spent six years at Guantanamo Bay where he was Detainee 008, has joined a growing faction of former inmates of the camp who have rejoined militant groups. It is thought that as many as 60 former detainees have resurfaced on the battlefields.
  3. [img:center]http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/500/Gay_trees.jpg[/img]
  4. Let's set the record straight. I don't think the gravity of water boarding holds quite the same weight as a systematic death camp. However, even Chuck Yeager admitted that if the Axis had won the war, and applied our legal rational to ourselves in terms of indiscriminate air strikes OUR guys would have been looking at the gallows. I say let's make a rational decision regarding the best way to elicit intelligence and then let sleeping dogs lie. Hell, most of the concerned citizens now screaming for legal vengeance are the same ones screaming for blood on Sept 12 2001. You want to open pandora's box then prepare for some bloodshed and bullshit. War is a bitch, wear a helmet.
  5. Wow, not a single mention of Taliban placing women and children in harms way using them as a human shield while targeting legal American combatants. Another mysterious aspect of the culture being propagated here in the think tank.
  6. I like snowmobiles. They're good for pissing off assholes.
  7. [img:center]http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/500/optimist.jpg[/img]
  8. [img:center]http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/500/th_jacuzzi-sniper.jpg[/img]
  9. ignorant
  10. Mine should read "Tvashtrashtalkr"
  11. Available only thru the LEAF program. Pack condition is new, but my toddler painted a bit on the sleeve extension hence the reduction of 150.00 under retail. Cosmetic blemish only. Size is large. Paypal or local pickup. Prefer paypal. Shipping free. $400.00 [img:center]http://i.ebayimg.com/18/!BP09z1Q!mk~$(KGrHgoOKjYEjlLmS1ctBJ1ntEdQl!~~_1.JPG[/img] [img:center]http://i1.ebayimg.com/02/i/001/3f/4f/755b_1.JPG[/img] [img:center]http://i.ebayimg.com/24/!BP092zQB2k~$(KGrHgoOKjEEjlLmZ(ZQBJ1ntSVSvQ~~_1.JPG[/img]
  12. Serenity


    When you live on a camp with nothing but men for months at a time, the focus of the show becomes the brainy redhead. Love her!
  13. Wow, there's a name you don't hear every day anymore. West Seattle bridge and mountain dogs...
  14. Provide some proof.
  15. Long live the camp 4 ghetto rack!
  16. [img:center]http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/500/Rippy_the_Razor.jpg[/img]
  17. I got some of those nuts off Scott Burke for jumaring shit up the Nose for him. He wanted to pay me in candy bars, but I wasn't having any of that noise.
  18. Just doing some spring cleaning. Out with the old, in with the new.
  19. One of the coolest places on the planet. Way to get after it Dane!
  20. Make an offer, I'm not greedy. Not interested in trade or barter. Cash or paypal. Go here to view the pieces http://cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showgallery.php?ppuser=13655&cat=500
  21. [img:center]http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/500/SegalBitch.jpg[/img]
  22. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Yeah I see it now. It's called being tired from leading a full life not glued to this computer. Good night.
  23. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    If you read the thread I never once argued for torture or for loss of habeus corpus for US citizens. All I said was leave Gitmo open as a detention facility for enemy combatants and quit trying to give rights reserved for US citizens to detained enemy personnel.
  24. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Top of your list appears to be "How to get Serenity off my back so I can post outrageous drivel in peace on Cascadeclimbers".
  25. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    With 10,000 posts I can understand how you would be butt hurt about getting trolled on your pet project of the month.
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