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Everything posted by dougd

  1. Leader must have been left handed? d
  2. A liter of pot?
  3. I remember plunging through scree a couple feet deep on Thielson some years back on a summer scramble to the summit... Pretty mountain, and a miserable, rotten, choss pile... Glad you came out ok. d
  4. dougd

    Rainier in May?

    When my partner and I were up to Muir to climb the ledges route last June 4th we thought we might want to camp an extra night (unscheduled). I went up to the hut and the Rangers were very accommodating, NP he says, just stay over if ya want. It was pretty busy at Muir too. Lot's o people doing the DC... We ended up climbing the ledges in the dark (left Muir at 0100) so didn't get any pics which I regret cuz there were some really nice hero shots on that route then... The old memory will have to be good enough. Last year was a pretty exceptional snow year, this year may not be so the ledges route will be quite different I suspect. good luck d
  5. Close, Doug. Cold Springs is under 6k by a few hundred feet, at 5,600 AMSL. And he should be able to get in there pretty easily in July, as long as he avoids the weekend... But why go to all that trouble driving miles of dusty dirt roads when you could drive up to ~6k at Timberline Lodge on paved roads the whole way? Just drive up and "sleep" in the lot and you've done the same thing that you'd fight tooth'n'nail for at Cold Springs. Plus, the drive from Hood to Rainier will be way easier than from Adams, IMHO. That's my $0.02 and the What's 400' between friends? Seriously thanks for the correction. Excellent suggestion on the Hood - Rainier itinerary Sobo, probably best for the time they have to spend on their trip to our area. That drive up to Cold Springs is a bit of a bitch. d
  6. Isn't cold springs over 6k? Might be good to just camp up there for a night. then head up to the lunch counter (9100). That's where you park anyway for heading up Adams' S Side... Not the prettiest spot but good to begin the acclimatization process... It's nice to see folks from outside the area wanting to take the time to learn a bit about these mountains before taking them on... Refreshing... d
  7. Sure would be cool to see Fred come out to Spokane... d
  8. Good points. Excellent points above, I would add that a good aerobic/anaerobic training regime in the mean time will be very useful in preparation for your trip. When I train, I focus on reducing recovery (wind) times between sets in the gym and/or on the trail. Also, keep eating right and working out up to the week before you take off will make a big difference with your (good/bad) experience in the mountains. Oh yeah and not drinking too much beer (whatever that is!... Paying the price below will pay huge dividends in the hills whether we're talking acclimatization, summits, survival or whatever... It'll be more fun if you're really fit. d
  9. Darn, those can be expensive... d
  10. A combat vet's perspective. He felt compelled to write it and I found it interesting. http://news.yahoo.com/outrage-video-marines-urinating-taliban-corpses-veterans-view-055500933.html I'm not naive enough to believe wars will be eliminated (it'd be nice), but if we could just eliminate the unnecessary ones I'd be a lot happier camper... d
  11. RIght on Jay. Well said. d
  12. well, since you asked - i'm reading an interesting history of the french foreign legion at the moment ("our friends beneath the sands") - just read a chapter on a very obscure campaign in the late 19th century when the legion confronted a west african kingdom who's name escapes me currently, but was nicknamed "the prussia of west africa" for their intensely militaristic organization and aggressive habits - apparently had a huge force of female soldiers that the legion regarded as superior even to them Sounds like an interesting book Ivan. I've been reading Edward Abbey lately. Just finishing up Abbey's Road. If you haven't read any of his stuff I think you'd enjoy the books. Interesting guy, great writer. d
  13. People all too often forget how terrible war is and the toll it takes on everyone involved. So, another reminder has arrived in this video... As if the collective cost in blood and treasure of both the "bush" wars weren't enough... I can feel empathy for the Marines in the vid. make no mistake a shit storm is comin' for them., They deserve it. But they're pawns. Some of the generals that are hunting them now very possibly did similar things in prior wars but that doesn't matter now. The vid is out and America is shocked! And the sec of defense is pissed... As outside observers, let's try to see it for what it is. A reality check. I'm not sorry the video is out. America needs to see this. That would include all the chest beating nationalists among us. I have little hope much will really be learned by those who need it most but wtf, ya never know... I'm a glass half full kind of guy. And while we're at it lets give credit to all the folks that are trying to get us the hell out of there... d
  14. Wars accentuate the worst of the human condition. Some front line participants in every war, on every side, commit atrocities. It is part of how wars are fought, plain and simple. As a human being, and former Marine, I am sickened by the sight of this video. I am also not really surprised. My intent is not to justify or by any means excuse this act. Just pointing out nobody should be that surprised, this, and worse, happens quite often and is just one of the many very good reasons not to start wars. d
  15. Signore Moro has some recent experience to draw on from the 1st winter ascent of Gasherbrum II... "Cold" is a really good climbing film from that expedition... d
  16. But still... To seriously consider (not to mention actually go do) such a thing is pretty ballsy... d
  17. I'd wager more than a few of my hard earned dollars Mr Buffett doesn't have too much to worry about here... http://swampland.time.com/2012/01/11/warren-buffett-to-mitch-mcconnell-put-up-or-shut-up/?hpt=hp_t3 d
  18. This should make your day. Ron Paul receives a big endorsement! http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/2012/01/05/dnt-brothel-workers-support-ron-paul.krnv d
  19. From the look of things it was a pretty busy weekend on the mountain last weekend. d
  20. That video was funny. I laughed at the end when the old broad topped out 3' off the ground... Sloth's points notwithstanding, I'm glad Alex is cashing in on his new found fame. d
  21. Beaten up some, but remaining unbowed... Impressive leg bruise no doubt. I can top it but the photo is a lil too revealing... Appears to have been appreciable snow deposited on the upper mountain in the last week - ten days... d
  22. I'd close my doors too. What a fucking freak show the gop primary is... d
  23. dougd

    Really now!???

    Ron Paul devotees will be gratified to hear of his latest endorsement... http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_t2#/video/politics/2012/01/05/dnt-brothel-workers-support-ron-paul.krnv d
  24. Man, I coulda used some of that... d
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