Poor Marcus.... I was his nightmare partner in Cody. Day one, hiked for 1 1/2 hours, geared up, realized that my "borrowed" crampons did not fit my boots. Luckily they stayed on until it came time to repel. Thank god for straps. I'm pretty sure I dropped a piece of his gear too, managed to get both ropes in a cluster fuck nest that took me 15 minutes to untangle while he hung out on lead. That night one of our team members used a tool to adjust the crampon to size. Day 2 was better except for when the rope got stuck when pulling the rope after repel. (Sorry BJ) Day 3, I could barely hold my own on the brutal 2 hour hike that allowed only one pitch of ice climbing. SUCKED - best ice route ever. (Sorry Nate) I could not keep up with these animals... Now I say "thank you baby Jesus" almost every morning at CrossFit.