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Everything posted by pink_chalk

  1. emboldened text by DeC Bravo! What a great headspace to occupy. I must admit, there are some echoes of the effects that climbing first had on me. Now, I'm more conscious to consider “every day is like a present” simply because I'm aware something will take my life... sooner or later. It could be today. That quote stuck with me too. Going through a break-up that felt unbearable... til I discovered Ice Climbing
  2. pink_chalk

    Lynn Hill

  3. I am curious to read more about this. Today we were scouting the gorge through wild eyes day dreaming about the "what if's" of Multnomah ever coming in during our life time.
  4. I am curious to read more about this. Today we were scouting the gorge through wild eyes and day dreaming about the "what if's" of Multnomah ever coming in during our life time.
  5. pink_chalk

    Lynn Hill

    Got *your* tickets??? To the Gun Show!
  6. Yeah, good times out there yesterday. I bet today was another glorious one. Today tried to find ice in the gorge.... uh, something climbable. No luck. Although... we did... :snugtop: (pictorial interpretation stolen from Cobra_Commander) *Kevbone: I know what you are wondering. And the answer was with the father of my baby
  7. Thanks for the updates. Looking forward to the finish product.
  8. Who cares about spelling! You get the point. Be nice to have spell check though...
  9. Too funny...
  10. It is going to be 'cold to the bone'! Yeah, Hardman style! Thanks for the clothing tips. I have a hot date with my climbing gear tonight. Get to sort through and organize ooh la la.
  11. I'll be there with my hot pink chalk bag. Sweeeet!
  12. I'd like to hit the cornner Saturday! Let me know if you end up going, Kev. I follow with pride! Maybe hit the burrito truck on the way out.
  13. pink_chalk


    another group hug... what I really need is a dark beer.
  14. pink_chalk


    I was joking!
  15. pink_chalk

    Nucular Weapons

    I think this gives 'over your head' a whole new meaning. clever you...
  16. pink_chalk


    This picture looks familiar. From Porky's???
  17. I'd like to give Mark a hug
  18. Can't we all just get along? sickie
  19. pink_chalk


    holy shit - thought i was the only person in the whole world who remembered that hAAgfY_NHzw The guy running with the ball is all over the map! the music is unbeatable.
  20. if it's a film over "22" years old then I doubt if anyone would "catch" it. 'Catch me if you can'?
  21. Kevy, I love you more than my luggage, however, I would attempt to take advantage of you because of my hopeless memory of finding routes.
  22. Spray may suck Today, but you suck every day Kevboner.
  23. Not good. Interesting move on Apple's part...? wonder how long it will be in legal limbo before they are ordered to pay damages. Years from now after making butt-loads of profit?$?$ pocket change at that point.
  24. 'Beaches' starring Bette Midler and Barbara Hershey??
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