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Everything posted by cheamclimber

  1. only through beer goggles post a pic so I an decide for myself...
  2. ^ I noticed that the other day... the awesome avatar that is (i dont know anything about muffy's boobs) ^
  3. sorry, im not saying that all 60yr olds are fat.... it was an example. BTW one of my 16 yr old friend has rather large boobs... LOl (if you see this chris m. dont give me a titty twister) ....
  4. LOL you posted a map online
  5. Hey, my plans arent working out for this weekend, if anyone wants to gop ice climbing up the Fraser Canyon I'm all set to go! Will need to be picked up in Agassiz or at Exit 135. I'm thinking of trying After the Gold Rush or Sailor Bar gully, possibly going to hells gate and doing cerebrus or styx... PM or call me at 604-796-0355 Marc Leclerc
  6. hmmm... didnt mallory and irvine die.... this could be a prophecy about your trip... OMG! ::
  7. Nothing wrong with being built like a 15 year old boy... actually Im glad I'm a 15 year old boy and not some 60 yr old fatass who ant get off the couch... but this only goes if you ARE A BOY!!! I think I would cry if I saw a girl with the same build as me
  8. Its called Eiger Sanctioned and its about Steve Su and some other guy.. Its a funny article especially if you read the little topo showing all the pitches... "the ice popped out and hit me squarely in the eye...blood drips onto the ice" lol
  9. I used to like that that song ^^^ when LZ played it..... WTF did they do to it????
  10. just letting people know ive been out having fun... after a couple more trips well reveal the location of our climbs..
  11. uhh... monkey face thats my guess but im canadian and dont know anything about these sunny places...
  12. look up red green show on youtube.. its great.lol
  13. Damn, poeple always tell me that I'm gonna get killed climbing but I rarely every get hurt climbing. Look at these crazy sons of b*&%ches killing themselves doing what most people consider a less 'dangerous' sport than climbing WHkPAZf8ki8 OhATK_vhMfA SeeFvmRi6xM&feature=related xXe4zO1DUu4&feature=related just a thought
  14. this week was good for ice but now the F*&king warm front is coming in, It seems like whenver the ice is in it snows like crazy tho..
  15. I agree this winter has been F*^ked up, at least I get days off school cuz of snow
  16. You American are really ignorant sometimes...cough...no offense is this not Friggin hilarious fh5XVPSx9Dk
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