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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. I threw a planer into a building yesterday and it didn't collapse.
  2. Is that pronounce stony-air?
  3. I hope for his sake he's not paid by the convert.
  4. Everyone who's seen the inside of the WTC is dead. How do we know if was ever there at all? THINK ABOUT IT.
  5. I've finally gathered enough evidence in my shed out back to connect the dots - literally - I used a color coded dot system cause I had a bunch left over from a garage sale. I'll probably disappear after coming out with this, but... ...911 NEVER HAPPENED. Someone's got to know.
  6. Would swimming help?
  7. tvashtarkatena


    Vote today's GOP and you are officially stating that you do not believe in equal rights. Substitute women, blacks, whatever, for gays, as you like. The principle - a concept lost on today's 'conservative', is exactly the same. You are attempting to force your own ignorant, cruel, and bigoted religious beliefs, and let's face, Kristians are the ONLY group that opposes everyone's right to marry who the love these days, on every other American. Vote GOP and you may or may not consider yourself a homophobe. Doesn't matter. You're voting for a party that neither believes in separation of church and state nor Equal Protection. You're not only anti-American, in the true sense - not in the "I think this idiotic war is a really bad idea for the country, herd mentality, fox sense", but in the sense that you don't agree with the basic principles of what this country is all about. The Bill of Rights is what makes us American. That, and the fact that we were born here by some lucky accident. Not our military, not our Quorum Homes , not our Glenn Beck flag-wear. It's NOT all about the economy - an area which the GOP, with its infantile ideology is way out of its depth on anyway. That is a false narrative invented by pricks to obfuscate agenda to further concentrate wealth and enact their discriminatory religious social agenda. The economy comes and goes, regardless of who's in office. It's short term. Principles are forever. They represent who we are, or aren't, at the core. I AM anti-Kristian - today's phony, Born Again, Let's Save America For God type of Kristian. Big time. Not for their beliefs, which I do find kooky (um...they are), but for the war they've waged on the Bill of Rights since it was ratified. Unlike the Kristians, I believe that Kristians have a right to be who they are...as long as they do not impose their beliefs, through the rule of law, on others. I'm anti Kristian because I'm an American. Not a 'proud American', just a grateful one.
  8. tvashtarkatena


  9. tvashtarkatena


    As I said, Rob is hard to characterize. The more gay he gets, the more hetero sex he gets. There's a lesson in there somewhere if you probe deeply enough.
  10. Both arms may get a workout, but the sheep's hind legs are going to get the most benefit. Cross Fit.
  11. PM JoshK. He's got a decent, updated quiver, mostly Dynafits. There's at least one AT ski thread from last year in the Freshiezone that's full of recommendations. I've got Manaslus and the ski well for me in just about anything, but I'm a quiver of one kinda guy.
  12. tvashtarkatena


    The 'Binders' meme is far from a distraction. It's pretty central to the campaign for two reasons: 1) Mitt's heartwarming debate story was a lie. a women's PAC presented him with a list of women qualified for jobs in his administration when he was elected governor. He did not 'recognize the problem and seek them out'. 2) It highlights Mitt's proposed policies regarding women, so many of which he correctly states are in poverty right now. Why is that? The number one predictor of life long poverty for women is childbirth before finishing their education. Mitt, of course, proposes to force women to have unwanted children, as well as make education, at all levels, even less accessible than it already is. This isn't to say that Mitt opposed hiring women into his MA administration. When it comes to wealthy, powerful people, he's there for them. When it comes to women who are not part of the elite - particularly immigrants and those who cannot afford to bring their pregnancies to term, or who simply don't wish to, that's another matter.
  13. Amirite? I'm creating a one dimensional graphic model of the FOX spin process for my graduate thesis in virtual gastroenterological philosophy. It's probably beyond any of you.
  14. tvashtarkatena


    The moment one attempts to measure Rob's orientation, one can no longer determine it.
  15. tvashtarkatena


    Might I suggest the Oil Finished Trucker Jacket and Single Tin Husky Chaps.
  16. tvashtarkatena


    Can you post a pic from the back in those things? I'm always, er, have trouble finding pants with enough, um, freedom of movement.
  17. tvashtarkatena


    Twitter brought Qaddafi down It brought Mubarak down Now it's bringin Mittens down down so low I can't find another woman filin' man to take his place
  18. Boilerplate advice for maintaining good joint health or mitigating an injury: Omega 3 supplements if you're not taking them already. Essential for those with cholesterol issues, too. Of all the bullshit supplements out there, and most of them are just that, this one's for real.
  19. You can always switch to alpine climbing where every piece of fixed pro seconds as a musical instrument.
  20. tvashtarkatena


  21. tvashtarkatena


    A playful joke doesn't exactly equate to a constitutional amendment preventing 5% of the population from marrying the person they love, along with the 1000 rights that go along with that civil contract - you know, like parenting, inheritance, visiting sick and dying loved ones...to name 3. I do completely agree with protecting marriage...from the Christians. Clinton's blowjob doesn't quite square up with convicting women of murder for not allowing the State to force them to have children they don't want, either. The only way one can square up the GOPs social agenda and our Bill of Rights is denial, period. It's as un-American as asshole pie. I like straight shooters. The last one the GOP put out was Eisenhower. They should have kept the mold. Or not...Eisenhower would have been considered a communist by today's RNC.
  22. tvashtarkatena


    Regarding a really amateurish attempt at spin: Pretty sure Monica's service was consensual. Plus, he's married, still, to the most powerful woman in America. Leave it to the pros, KK. They're not much better at it than you are, but they are more entertaining - an ability you, out of just about everyone else on this forum, utterly lack. That'll be the end our exchange. Wouldn't want you whining via PM to the mods again about how everyone is so MEAN to you.
  23. tvashtarkatena


    Actually, Bone's flat out wrong, regardless of what his argument is. Electoral History of OR and WA: Out of the last 30 prez elections, the electoral college went GOP 25 times in OR and 14 times in WA...well over half the time overall. Popular Vote Polls: They matter, and they can produce very different results than electoral college polls. Voters consider both. Apathy leads to more apathy: Campaigners know full well that presidential elections have higher voter turn outs and, conversely, those who do not care to vote in presidential elections have a high probability of not voting at all - for governors, legislator, same sex marriage bills, charter schools, marijuana legalization (up for vote in both OR and WA). Finally, elections in America are typically CLOSE. Bush/Gore anyone? Gregoire won by fewer than the number of votes that my team personally obtained from infrequent Democratic voters - people who voted in only one of the past 4 elections. If we, just one single get-out-the-vote team canvassing only 3 precincts, had stayed home and played with our "Where's Ron Paul Now?" app, Gregoire would have lost. On the flip side, Bone staying home means my vote counts more - my political power is amplified, while his is nullified. Since I consider him so poorly informed that he is unlikely to vote in in a way that would move my desired political agenda forward, I'm good with that. I think we should do away with the electoral college. Since Dems have outnumbered Rpubs for a long time now, don't expect the GOP to be down with that idea.
  24. The more athletic, the better.
  25. It can be fun to deconstruct spin. Today’s FOXNEWS headline (in their typical HUGE CAPITALIZED FONT – you know, for emphasis): SORRY, MR. PRESIDENT CANDY ADMITS…ROMNEY WAS RIGHT That’s not, of course, what really happened: From CNN, who interviewed Crowley afterwards: 'For the record, she also used almost the exact same words last night, debunking Romney’s “act of terror” claim in the same breath that she said he was right about the administration's delayed response: " He -- he did call it an act of terror. It did as well take -- it did as well take two weeks or so for the whole idea there being a riot out there about this tape to come out. You are correct about that."' Crowley correctly debunked the ‘terror’ part of Romney’s claim while supporting his ‘two week’ statement – right during the debate. Paul Ryan and right wing media are attempting to paint this as ‘backtracking’, even to the point of claiming that Crowley has admitted to making a mistake. She has done no such thing in post debate interviews. This is not a difficult thing to get straight – the transcripts are all there – unless you don’t want to. In the end, the whole thing is a manufactured issue. A president should never shoot from the hip after an attack like that one in Libya before solid intelligence indicates what happened and why. It takes time to gather that intelligence.
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