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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Jesus, get a room. Thanks for evaporating ShitzuShit. I've had to enforce a 'no gun threat' policy at work...we frog marched the mother fucker out onto the street and immediately filed a no contact order. Very satisfying.
  2. wrong. the real reason for going to Iraq is clear to everyone: it's part of a geopolitical strategy. Of course the sheeple were given lots of sound bytes, but citing the sound bytes to say the war is fake and done under false pretenses is disingenuous at best, The President of the United States stating in his state of the union address that we were going to war because Saddam had WMDs is a sound byte? Hmmm. What isn't a sound byte, then? It certainly doesn't qualify as false pretenses.
  3. Actually, I have climbed Hood in shorts and a T shirt, cuntybahs.
  4. Assuming assmaster isn't a troll, a week's worth of water at a gallon a day (which can be skimpy) weighs 56 lbs. BTW, Mt. Hood can be climbed and descended car to car in under 5 hours on the bunny route.
  5. Fuck you Molly. There are four of you sick, opportunistic cunts that won't give this thing a rest, not 5,000. Anyone who is coming to this thread at this point comes to watch you and your fellow voyeurs get raped with a chainsaw by the northwestern climbing community. And as for your bible tracks and our 'ambassadorship': the baby Jesus can suck my cock.
  6. I'd like to interject with some more becoming language for our most appreciated new guests, to improve our credibility and protect our sport. If I may borrow from Scottish writer Irvine Welch, I believe the moniker "cuntybahs" applies here. Not really sure what it means exactly, but I get the general sense from his novels that it's not complimentary. Blessed be.
  7. I'm not sure it's just the rhetoric, but let's take a look. Got into a war under false pretenses: check. Involved ourselves in a civil war where our 'ally's government is so weak as to be nonexistent: check No clear goals for the conflict: check Our involvment base on Big Idea (containment of communism, containment of radical Islam): check "Can't afford anything but victory": check Keep doing the same thing over and over long after we know we're in a shithole: check Wildly innacurate body counts (Vietnam: systematic overestimation of enemy KIA, Iraq: No count of civilian or insurgent casualties): check Our involvement destabilizes a region to the point where our enemies gain regional control and wreak havoc (Vietnam: Pol Pot, etc, Iraq: Iran, insurgents, Al Qaeda): check War costs ballooned far, far out of control: check Ineffectiveness of our superior firepower against guerilla warefare: check Inability to understand the culture of allies and enemies alike: check Began a war that the experts in the region strongly advised against: check What's not to love?
  8. This is living proof that Don Corleone was right: Some men go through life begging to be killed.
  9. Well said. Oh, wait...why isn't it?
  10. We understand the Kevbone has a toilette float up his ass. If we try really hard and clean up our act, we can maintain this world wide exposure and enjoy the same cross cultural exchange as RC.COM.
  11. Gotta go install an on demand gas water heater and probably blow myself up in the process if i do God bless all of you.
  12. Except we're not going to get pho out of the deal.
  13. Remember, poo is an important part of all of us. For some of us, it's the primary component.
  14. Why are climbers allowed to risk their lives during giant flying cat season?
  15. God-zilla?
  16. Ever try to pry a corki off your leg? It's damn near impossible.
  17. What about the ice spikes? Were they planning on constructing a miniature railroad? Discuss.
  18. We'll never know exactly what the 'orange' was because SAR, in their negligence, failed to take a photo of it. If they had, they probably would have turned it upside down.
  19. I am an expert admin of 3 successful forums, don't take this personally, but this kind of bittersweet forum ruins the credibility of an otherwise noble sport full of brave, spirited men and women who are responsible for providing inspiration for those of us who don't climb and role models for our children. This sport needs to be protected just much as marriage, the family, and our freedom, and the focus of some of your members on sodomy, excretion, bestiality, drugs, alcohol, firearms, horse anatomy and giant flying cats is certainly not helping. Please address these concerns immediately and may God bless all of you heroes who boldly go forth to where ridge meets sky.
  20. The question as to why the Mt. Hood party split up can be easily answered by killing yourself and asking the climbers themselves in Heaven. For all of you CSI detectives who won't sleep until you answer this question, please feel free to use this forensic technique. God bless.
  21. I always carry at least one ice pick on every climb. It's very difficult to make a proper martini without one.
  22. Down low, where there's soil bacteria, I use the Pry and Poo method: Pry up a rock, give back to the land, burn TP, replace rock. Up high, smearing (out of sight of potential passersby) seems to be the best choice. One thing that has always amazed me is how people can leave TP IN THE TRAIL? I suspect it's women tinkling (sorry ladies, but the stuff is still white).
  23. OMG that was gross! I thought Chron's disease was when your altimeter watch was always 500 feet off. Seriously, though, your options are limited. At times, climbers do have issues with pooing in unlikely places. A friend had to open bomb bay doors while on lead on an aid climb once. This kind of poor planning is generally frowned upon, however. Basically, you have four alternatives: 1) Never hike further than you can run in 10 seconds from a restroom. 2) Stop eating. 3) Consider a colostomy bag and an oversized backpack. 4) Hike only in third world countries in a trekking skirt without underwear. You'll blend right in. These may not be the most attractive courses of action, but if I can continue to climb with all of my addictions and psychological disorders, you can certainly find a way to hike with your affliction. Best of luck.
  24. Check for rest marks. You may need additional endurance training for a trophy of that size.
  25. Never carry half an orange.
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