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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. I'd flush the narcotics.
  2. H. Zat iz a Chewish name, iz it not?
  3. I wrote 'wouldn't' where I meant 'would', so I'm too stupid to participate any more. No opinion. This theatre is closed.
  4. The Dragontail Madness Route The route. Green below bivvy, red above. Purple is a mistake in the Beckey guide photo. Signage Why do I always get a snot clearing photo? Eric traverses to the bivvy: the big tree/snow patch up and right. Ahh. All warm and comfy. You? Eric? Hello? Just beneath the bail point Fucking ice tool! On rappel…sort of.
  5. Sometimes the universe is capable of nearly perfect irony.
  6. DC, You're arguing yourself in circles again. Guns are manufactured by companies who sell to licensed arms dealers. That's the pinch point. That's where enforcement can do the most good. Source reduced=black market problem reduced. And that is the one recommendation that virtually all the credible studies on the subject agree on. You might educate yourself further on the subject and see for yourself.
  7. Better skiing in the Selkirks, better rock/fishing in the Sawtooths. It's a tough call, but somebody's gotta make it.
  8. So you'd prefer a non-free thinking, other-people-are-fucked, security-obsessed society? Uhm, last time I checked we were spending half a trillion a year on national security and WAY more per capita on law enforcement and prisons than any other nation on earth. But we're anti-security. Riiiiiiiiigght.
  9. Studies also show that the vast majority of guns involved in violent crimes originate from federally licensed dealers that sell without a store front or proper record keeping. Shut these bastards down, require a valid storefront and proper record keeping for licensed dealers, plus a backround check and waiting period for purchasers (already in place in many states) and you've addressed a significant chunk of the ease of availability problem. This shouldn't impinge most lawful gun enthusiasts too terribly much. I don't believe this would help as there is a huge number of sales between private parties. To have an effect, private gun sales would need to be outlawed...and that would be difficult to achieve. ...and most of those privately sold guns that wind up in the evidence room originate from these few rogue federally licensed dealers. People don't manufacture guns in their basement. Established companies do, and those companies sell to licensed dealers. It's a classic 80/20 problem. Cut out those few dirtbag dealers selling to everybody and anybody and you've removed a major source of the problem. Primarily, it's an enforcement problem. Politically, pro gun politicians don't want to insult their pro-gun base and the well funded and organized NRA. This is the dirty little secret of the gun debate, and one for which neither the NRA nor their supporters have an cogent explanation. Apparently, you are unaware of the huge activity in private sales of guns that originated from "storefront" gun shops. Without proper backround checks or record keeping, usually. Thanks for bolstering my argument. Again, it's an enforcement problem.
  10. Me too. So, there must be zero drive by shootings in most 'hoods, right? Lots n lots a guns there. As for your other statistics, maybe "If you can't fuck her, shoot her" should replace "Famous Potatoes" on the license plate? It's a good thing most Idahoans have more interest in pool cue diplomacy and workin on their pickemuptrucks than in climbing. I usually have the Sawtooths to myself. Redneck state + beautiful mountains = awesome place for visiting Washingtonians.
  11. Don't be an idiot. No policy or legislation is going to prevent craziness. Furthermore, much of the populace is going to remain averse to guns, so most of the public will continue NOT to carry them. That said, life threatening deterrence doesn't work that well on a suicide prone maniac, anyway. And finally, a whole lot of random gunfire from multiple panicked, inexperienced people really would have calmed the situation down, I'm sure. What can be prevented, however, is easy availability of semi automatic weapons that carry way, way more ammunition than one needs for any sport to anyone and everyone with a credit card. People will still go crazy, but perhaps they won't go crazy with one of these weapons in their hands.
  12. Studies also show that the vast majority of guns involved in violent crimes originate from federally licensed dealers that sell without a store front or proper record keeping. Shut these bastards down, require a valid storefront and proper record keeping for licensed dealers, plus a backround check and waiting period for purchasers (already in place in many states) and you've addressed a significant chunk of the ease of availability problem. This shouldn't impinge most lawful gun enthusiasts too terribly much. I don't believe this would help as there is a huge number of sales between private parties. To have an effect, private gun sales would need to be outlawed...and that would be difficult to achieve. ...and most of those privately sold guns that wind up in the evidence room originate from these few rogue federally licensed dealers. People don't manufacture guns in their basement. Established companies do, and those companies sell to licensed dealers. It's a classic 80/20 problem. Cut out those few dirtbag dealers selling to everybody and anybody and you've removed a major source of the problem. Primarily, it's an enforcement problem. Politically, pro gun politicians don't want to insult their pro-gun base and the well funded and organized NRA. This is the dirty little secret of the gun debate, and one for which neither the NRA nor their supporters have an cogent explanation.
  13. You can't quite see into the beginning of the Right hand couloir, but here are some recent shots. Left image is contast/sharpness enhance, right hand photo is a raw image. Taken six days ago.
  14. Yes, I know that feeling....
  15. Also needed: the prevalence of gun ownership in Idaho (not just, hey, everybody seems to have a gun rack) verses other states, correlated (as compared to the other states) with violent crime rates. In addition, any statistical impact of statewide gun policies on the statistics. Pistols should also be broken out...they kill the lions share of victims. Finally, does lower population density make for lower per capita crime rates due to less human interaction in general?
  16. You bastard! I was oggling that flow last week.
  17. If your stats include suicide, gun accidents, and domestic violence, per capita, I'd love to see them. But I'm thinking right now those statistics are going to show something quite different from the argument you just presented.
  18. I read nothing here but standard political satire. That, in my book, is a very, very healthy thing.
  19. Have to agree and personally I think it's sad that in these days, the average man or woman in this country doesn't have the slightest idea how to operate a firearm, let alone defend their right to security. Makes you wonder just how "bad" it would be to ship a few million of our new generation over to the near-eastern theater for a little weapons training... might even be a little safer (as it seems). I just wonder what kind of firepower they're willing to put in the hands of the shepherds, in the interest of keeping the peace. Although this is a total troll... 'Sad'? The average man or woman in America is smart enough to realize that good neighbors, dogs, and good locks, and good street sense are much more effective for 'personal security' than guns. The average man or woman in America also gets their meat at Safeway. From a health and longevity standpoint, the average man or woman in America would be much better off focusing on diet and exercise than the wonderful world of guns.
  20. Studies also show that the vast majority of guns involved in violent crimes originate from federally licensed dealers that sell without a store front or proper record keeping. Shut these bastards down, require a valid storefront and proper record keeping for licensed dealers, plus a backround check and waiting period for purchasers (already in place in many states) and you've addressed a significant chunk of the ease of availability problem. The fact that much of the public is unaware of this problem has more to do with a long term program of obfuscation put forth by pro-gun legislators and the NRA's propoganda than anything else. The NRA does not lobby for a reduction in gun violence; they lobby for continued public confusion on the issue so that they can preserve zero infringement policies. Every one of the pro-gun arguments on this forum that I've read so far (except for KKK...he has not arguments, just his typical Fuck Yous) originated in with NRA's editorial staff (Dad was a member; I read the mag while growing up). That is not to say that the NRA does not support and educate their members on handling guns safely; they do. The reforms proposed here shouldn't impinge most lawful gun enthusiasts too terribly much. As for violent overthrow of the government, should it ever be required, dream on. Unless our military stages a coups, fuggedaboutit.
  21. Studies also show that the vast majority of guns involved in violent crimes originate from federally licensed dealers that sell without a store front or proper record keeping. Shut these bastards down, require a valid storefront and proper record keeping for licensed dealers, plus a backround check and waiting period for purchasers (already in place in many states) and you've addressed a significant chunk of the ease of availability problem. This shouldn't impinge most lawful gun enthusiasts too terribly much. As for violent overthrow of the government, should it ever be required, dream on. Unless our military stages a coups, fuggedaboutit.
  22. Studies show higher lethality rates in the US that are closely correlated to the availability of guns. This includes accidents, domestic violence (three of the largest slices of the pie), and suicide, as well as 'street crime'. Lots and lots of kids, wives, husbands, boyfriends, and girlfriends are killed by someone close to them...usually by guns. This is the 800 pound gorilla that gun advocates rarely like to talk about. They much prefer to focus on fantasy scenarios of saving that old lady from the street gang or blowing away some 17 year old kid in their living rooms to save the big screen TV. how many of the folks who advocated the original 2nd amendment would approve of the current situation i wonder?
  23. Hope springs eternal. Hopefully it will be you trying. Now there's an interesting implied threat for the moderators to take note of....
  24. No, making a bomb is neither easier (than plunking down your credit card at the gun store or your cash an a gun swap), nor is it spontaneous. The psychology behind a bombing is also very different. Finally, making bombs is also notoriously dangerous to the inventor. It should come as no surprise, then, that bombings are much rarer than shootings. Apples and burgers, amigo.
  25. Hope springs eternal.
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