Who is pretending? I know I am not…..nor is his approval rating…..
I suppose you can pretend that he is a good president……
Kevbone...IMO, rejecting the demonization of a president and calling BS on claims that he's chiefly to blame for all the worlds problems is very different from pretending he's a good president. I'm not a huge fan to be honest, but I think it's not only unproductive but downright dangerous to blame him for everything that he's being blamed for. In doing so, we fail to ask honest questions that get to the root causes, and basically delay any real action for 2 to 3 years when we see that the problems persist despite who's in the oval office.
It's the same issue I have with Gun Control. I have no desire to have a handgun, and I see the danger in dipshits owning one, but I also don't think that they are to blame for the upsurge of violence in this country. Perhaps we can spend another 10 year working on legislation to ban handguns....I don't think we'd see a big impact on violent crime....and then we'd realized that we've wasted 20 years failing to address the real root cause....poverty, absent fathers, glorification of violence in movies/TV/video games, etc.....
Another clarification: There's been a drop in violent crime in this country over the past decade or more, which has only very recently turned around.