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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. I'm constantly reminded that if you simply refuse to leave school, someone will eventually hand you a Phd. Ex presidents have a tremendous amount of influence, given their high level relationships, both domestic and international, as well as a great deal of legitimacy, given their experience. Carter, from his peace negotiations alone, is the most influential ex-president alive today, and arguably the most influential ex-president of the past century. Ex-presidents are also no longer constrained by politics. No, they can no longer order the troops to shoot up some poor dusty backwater whenever they feel like it, but they enjoy more influence in areas that are politically off limits to sitting presidents, most particularly the area of conflict negotiation. Your analysis on why Carter never served a second term is also a applying the rules of tiddlywinks to a chess game. You seem to have forgotten the economic destruction of paying for the Vietnam war, coupled with oil shocks from a certain cartel, plus over a decade of shitty monetary policy, factors which largely preceded Carter's presidency and were therefore entirely out of his control. The complexities of our dynamic world seems to continually flummox you, Dawg. I can see the static appeal of a world long dead.
  2. It would never work between us. There's only room for one person with their head up their ass around my dacha.
  3. Furesterburgerz
  4. Hmmm....New product idea: Vulvos.
  5. I thought our military had a drug testing program.
  6. I'm pretty sure that no one here has the slightest idea of what you're trying to talk about, including you.
  7. "all the coups in Africa"??? That's a lot of supporting evidence. There are over 50 nations in the country of Africa. Still, it's been a great place to mine foreign policies from.
  8. It's called outsourcing. It's cheaper. Way cheaper. Who cuts the police force's paychecks has nothing to do with national autonomy. One can hardly call Iraqi forces credible, anyway, considering their desertion rate, small number, poor performance against militias, corruption, and complete dependence on U.S. air power to accomplish even the smallest objectives.
  9. Just thinking out loud... The three conditions required for breeding hurricanes are: a) a sea surface temperature > 80 F b) low surface winds (so as not to inhibit the combination of tropical waves below) c) a series of tropical waves (not sea waves) If global warming created conditions that made low surface winds more rare during hurrican season, then it may not produce the increases in hurricane frequency and intensity that have been predicted to date. Instead, we'd see a much greater number of smaller storms that fail to combine to form monster storms.
  10. and, in many instances, having kids in general. The state has not yet required a certain level of income for bearing children.
  11. I know I feel perkier. Great youtube video. Best in months.
  12. Dey all jis lookin fowuh woam place to shit and a wet place to stick dey dicks
  13. Playuh hatuhs
  14. I'm at a loss as to why we sent such a small diplomatic delegation for these important talks. At a minimum Carter should have been accompanied by Jim McDermott and Sean Penn. You guys can't possibly be this stone stupid. Carter's visit was approved by the State Department and undoubtedly sanctioned by the White House for its valuable information gathering purposes. Why would the White House not want to know what Hamas's plans, agenda, and interests are?
  15. I wish you the best of success with "Project Tvash". I name my turds before I flush them.
  16. I wish you the best of success with "Project Tvash". Trash is the best argument yet walking for a retroactive abortion, imo... Mom thought so, too. I still have the vacuum suck marks to prove it. * *With apologies to Joan Rivers.
  17. Thats hot, but... ...what exactly is it?
  18. Wow this sounds like a lot of fun! (complete and utter sarcasm) I guess to each there own, but man all this crap for what? I would just rather get on my bike a ride, put my shoes on a run or grab the rack and go. Whether cycling or running is better, actually what I have notice is that if you commute on your bike or walk to and from work, that probably will help you more for climbing than getting out for a ride or run a couple of times a week. Most of the time I do the same, but knowing your AT is helpful for designing and doing sprint workouts using exercise machines to get the maximum benefit for the least amount time. My speed workouts have definitely increased in quality, efficiency, and results since working with a heart monitor. It's really done well by me, but, as you say, to each his own.
  19. So by 'conducive to life' you really mean 'conducive to procreation'. Why should moralists or the state care about whether a couple (or triple, or quadruple) procreates or not? At 6.5 billion humans and growing, shouldn't states and moralists be interested in finding ways to help people procreate a little less?
  20. So, if we passed a law defining marriage as between a man and a woman on Mars, would Mars then support life?
  21. "Conducive to life"? What the heck does that mean?
  22. Good point. No, it's not a good point. If you define marriage as "between a man and a woman" both gay marriage and polygamy are equally wrong. Personally I'd like to see the state *out* of religious marriage, and religion *out* of civil unions. A church should not need a "marriage license" to wed a couple (or whatever) and the state should only define the legal contract bound between individuals (or groups thereof). The state has an interest in enforcing laws regarding statutory rape, property rights, etc, so YES, a church wedding should always involve a state sanctioned marriage license. It's religious and cult groups that commit the most heinous abuses of underage women in this country. Marriage is a contractual relationship, like it or not. That's the required part. The religious part is optional. The state has an interest in regulating such contracts.
  23. "Conducive to life"? What the heck does that mean?
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