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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Hating rots the soul. Then, when you go to uncage it, it really reeks.
  2. PM you. Next question.
  3. No. I've met several spray 'adversaries' in the mountains. It was all good. Get a grip.
  4. I'm not talking to you. You're mean.
  5. This comment after whining about how the Cascades are a two bit mountain range. I guess we go by different definitions of what constitutes positivity. OK, that's enough FUs for one morning.
  6. tvashtarkatena


    khuntless tease...that'd just be a giant Barbie doll, wouldn't it?
  7. You got an appropriate FU because a) you made it personal and b) you insinuated that "my form of recreation" took place outside of spray, i.e., I don't keep it in the playpen. I do, plus I add a fair bit of climbing content to the site, which seems to be well received from the comments I get, so I'll just keep doing what I'm doing, thanks.
  8. It's an osmological conundrum
  9. I am on an almost daily basis telling my friends that if they simply overlook the sociopathic behavior of what is really a relatively small number of posters they'd find that this is an "active, rich climbing website and a great place to hook up with stellar partners and new friends" (your words) but, sadly, most people just can't overlook that stuff. CC.Com is great, but your form of "recreation" prevents it from becoming greater. Um...fuck you. When was the last time you posted a trip report, pal? How are you adding to the rich content of this site, exactly, these days? And I don't spray outside of spray. Nor does anyone else, as far as I can tell, at least not after some bitch slapping by the mods some months ago. The rest of the site seems pretty damn friendly. And hey, there's always NWHikers. You're just personally down on the Spray thing, but you can't stop indulging in it, which is, frankly, your problem, not ours.
  10. tvashtarkatena


    My soul stayed in the cage next to the food bowl.
  11. And, just for the record, Porter's photograph is one of the most beautiful I've seen anywhere.
  12. ...sucks like a cross-section of the so-called climbing "community" in general. For my first 15 years of climbing, it was really, really special...it's gotten lame, dumbed-down and stupid ever since. I still cling to the distant hope that there will someday be a renaissance of people who really care about the crags and mountains and how they're treated, and how we climb them. That's funny. I've been climbing for, oh, 27 years now, and my climbing partners have only gotten more interesting, humorous, skilled, and environmentally responsible over the years. Sucks to be you, I guess, but I doubt you actually bother to climb with enough people to really know what you're talking about. Sounds a whole lot like an old fuck carping from the sidelines to me. As for the whining about the "cc culture", certain posters seem to confuse Spray, which was designed to corral recreational insulting from the rest of the site. Any time you wanna stop posting in or reading spray and limit yourself to the rest of the site, you'll find that this is still an active, rich climbing website and a great place to hook up with stellar partners and new friends. I.e, STFU, whiny bitches.
  13. which one did you order? No wonder why that place gets invaded so much.
  14. I thought you always take it in gear.
  15. I really admire Hitler. In the end, when just about everyone said he was wrong, he stood by his guns. From the 1920s until his death, his beliefs never wavered.
  16. Mine will be a benificent rule...for an asshole. I will command in definitive bursts with a firm cheek.
  17. As your King, I decree it.
  18. From the same guy who was singing "America, FUCK YEAH!" when we wasted Zarqawi...and, oh yeah, some women and children along with him. Sorry 'bout that li'l brown people. Move over KKK, the bouquet goes to our newest DIVA.
  19. We'll remember that when you keel over, king of all assholes. Since I don't give a shit now, I'm guessing that it'll be even less likely that I'll give a shit then. BTW, I wish to be composted.
  20. tvashtarkatena

    I'm done

    So electrolyte pills are osmotically balanced? Right. A huge chunk of minerals is osmotically balanced to <350. Right. Nice back track though. I can't quite remember...what does a tick say before you remove it? And what about a tick that can't be removed?
  21. Soooooo...shut the fuck up, already? Why don't you try it. It is not I that dances on the graves of the dead. CHEEERIST what a drama queen you are. The dead are common as dirt. Shit, they ARE dirt. The only difference between a living asshole and a dead one is the word "was". Being dead is one of the few things we can all do. It's no special accomplishment. You can get there just by sitting on your ass.
  22. You what else is an animalistic activity? Picking at this huge, growing lump in the back of my neck. What the FUCK is that thing, anyway? It just showed up 2 days ago. If it starts talking to me, I'm going to cut it out with a Leatherman.
  23. Don't speak ill of political figures. They might die suddenly whilst you do so; then you'd be speaking ill of the dead, who can't defend themselves.
  24. Soooooo...shut the fuck up, already?
  25. From the link I posted: "When he retired in 2002, North Carolina's junior senator, a Democrat with whom he had often tangled, was among those paying him tribute: "The people of North Carolina will never forget the work and the kindness and the personal attention that he has given to them," he said. John Edwards knew that from experience. Before Edwards ever entered politics, Helms heard about the death of his teen-age son, Wade, in a car accident and went to the floor of the Senate to enter into the Congressional Record an essay that Wade Edwards had written about the meaning of patriotism" He showed more class as a human being with this one gesture than any of you worthless hateful fucks who dance on his grave. Awwww. That's so heartwarming. Did you know that Hitler loved dogs and was very kind to his secretary?
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