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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. I used Microsoft Movie Maker. It took a while, but I'd never used the app before. It'll be a lot faster next time. To upload picks for TRs fast, I 1) drag and drop photos into the Flickr.com upload utility 2) Go to Flickr.com and size each photo, cut and paste the photo pathname into Word. I caption each photo in Word so I know what they are. 3) I add the TR text to the Word .doc. 4) I run a word macro that adds the tags to each photo pathname automatically for posting. Record a word macro that searches for "http" and adds a "[img" in front of it, then searches for ".jpg" and adds a "[/img]" behind it. 5) I cut and paste the entire Word .doc into the TR posting text box.
  2. These were made by mirror imaging photographs. What do you think these look like? What do you think they actually are?
  3. There's probably a sense of entitlement at work here. Dawg dreams of the halcyon days when climbers were a rare breed of iconoclastic vulgarians who swept wives away from more boring men, belly laughed at their near death experiences (within earshot of at least one mere mortal) and never paid for anything. The crags, no, THEIR crags, were private dominions for this happy few; they did as they pleased, casting the norms of society away like so much choss, a word I'd wager Dawg refuses entry to his lexicon for. Dawg's concern is not for public property, which must now be shared by many for many different purposes, one of which happens to be bolted sport climbing; it's for HIS property. Democracy be damned, Dawg's crags are an atavocracy, where there is no room for the alien habits of a new generation, and the pressures of a changed, more crowded world simply shouldn't exist. Because, let's face it, Dawg's oft outed 'ethical/environmental' argument is a joke when weighed against certain more pressing issues. But, alas, they do.
  4. Vancouver was never a whaling town. It was founded on being a reliable source of wood because of its healthy supply of very large timber.
  5. I founded Vancouver.
  6. Hey, how did you get my cell phone?
  7. I've Persianized my cell phone with tin foil.
  8. Mountain House Chile Mac could certainly be classified as a weapon.
  9. I've been seeing a lot of Iranians skulking around my neighborhood, gathering intel, so I cut back on the meth to be ready for any eventuality. Those fuckers sensed my growing power and dissappeared right quick.
  10. At first I thought the Iranians had a bone to pick with Paul Allen.
  11. The article was written by a moron. Scuds have very limited range and altitude. They don't even come close to being able to deliver this kind of payload, and never will. RE: "A single scud" quote. An EMP attack requires blanketing the upper atmosphere with weapons of enormous yield (cube of the radius from ground zero and all that). It requires multiple warheads in the tens of megaton range delivered by very large ICMBs. Soviet/Yank stuff. Iran, even if it was developing nuke weapons (according to our latest NIE, it's not), would be hard pressed to produce even one bomb a fraction of the size required and their missiles fall woefully short of the mark. Logically, they could provide far more of a deterrent threat by possessing smaller, tactical weapons for far less investment. But, then again, we all know that Iranians are really stupid. Finally, there's at least one more reason other than an EMP attack to remotely detonate a missile in flight remotely: malfunction. I didn't even have to open the fridge to realize that this article wasn't gonna pass the smell test.
  12. No small irony here.
  13. You see, KKK, for Polish Bob, insults come as naturally as breathing. It's somehow pleasurable for the rest of us to observe such an animal in its natural habitat doing what it does best. Life is so much more enjoyable and entertaining to be an appreciative observer of one of God's most terrible creations, rather than continually attempting to best it, or even keep up with it. It's a rough form of poetry, really, kind of like a run away rototiller chewing it's way through a puppy kennel. You might thank your maker that GGK didn't bring his wife into it this week. The Horror! You would have had to sew your ass back on so you could get it handed to you a second time.
  14. What was that, Assintake?
  15. I'll be the one to tell you what you think, and you'll be the one to like it.
  16. How is NOT un-American to believe the Turner Diaries crap? How is NOT un-American to target INNOCENT people? Pardon the double negative. Well, according to McVeigh's testimony in the WIKI article, he didn't subscribe to many things in the Turner Diaries. And as for targeting innocent people, our military does it all the time under the guise of acceptable collateral damage. Until the end of Vietnam, we just targeted them outright. That's as American as apple pie and pot brownies.
  17. I suspect that Polish might be a particularly rich language in the insult department.
  18. I have no fear of the ganjaweed, unless it's baked in brownies.
  19. There is no excuse for blowing up innocent folks. Obviously, he was strongly motivated by something; and if we want to prevent such events in the future, it's 'helpful' to understand what that something is all about. I'm sure the meth didn't calm him down much, either.
  20. Yeah, I'm afraid the Polish Cavalry rode across the steppes to victory this week.
  21. Except Mugabe. Will somebody wack that fucker already?
  22. You guys aren't that stupid. I'm not siding with McVeigh's actions, and I'm certainly not going to get into a discussion of who he SHOULD HAVE targeted, I don't believe in that un-democratic shit, but I can understand how he might have become dissatisfied with government through his experiences. That's not the same statement (and you know that). McVeigh had a drug problem, and probably more than a few screws loose, and in the end, that was a bad thing for everyone. So quit playing dumb just to 'get one' in on the other side. It's boring.
  23. Nutjobs: FartWeather, KubeKossack, Aka-aka-aka!, Serenity, Trailerdweller, JayB, PenisPudge Hippies: Prole, Me, Rob, GGK, Porter, MattP, Treetoad, Hugh Missed a few on either side, but you get the idea. You've all been assigned your labels, so play the role.
  24. There are as many right wing nutjobs as there are dope schmokin' hippies in Spray. Count em. Hell, there's only a handful of us who even waste their time here. In any case, it's about even.
  25. McVeigh was certainly not anti-America; he was anti-government. Hell, I'm anti-this-administration, big time. It seems that he got his anti-government start when ordered to execute prisoners of war during Gulf 1: understandable IMO. WACO et all seemed to tip him over the edge. I wasn't too comfortable with the way WACO was handled myself, frankly. From WIKI, to be treated, as always, with a grain of salt. "Motivations for the bombing McVeigh claimed that the bombing was revenge for "what the U.S. government did at Waco and Ruby Ridge."[25] McVeigh visited Waco during the standoff, where he spoke to a news reporter about his anger over what was happening there.[26] McVeigh frequently quoted and alluded to the white supremacist novel The Turner Diaries. It described acts of terrorism similar to what he did. McVeigh openly rejected the book's racism and homophobia;[citation needed] he claimed to appreciate its interest in firearms. Photocopies of pages sixty-one and sixty-two of The Turner Diaries were found in an envelope inside McVeigh's car. These pages depicted a fictitious mortar attack upon the U.S. Capitol in Washington.[27] In interviews before his execution, documented in American Terrorist, McVeigh stated he decapitated an Iraqi soldier with cannon fire on his first day in the war and celebrated. But he said he later was shocked to be ordered to execute surrendering prisoners, and to see carnage on the road leaving Kuwait City after U.S. troops routed the Iraqi army. In interviews following the Oklahoma City bombing, McVeigh said he began harboring anti-government feelings during the Gulf War.[28]"
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