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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Fuck marmots. They're OK, but everyone here knows the real State Rodent is the bushy tailed wood rat. Pikas are up there, too.
  2. "Snowbirds" BTW, STFU nOOB.
  3. tvashtarkatena


    1 vote for pseudo hipster.
  4. I'm only posting here because nobody else has and I don't you to feel like you threw a party and nobody came. Now STFU.
  5. tvashtarkatena


    Pseudo hipster or culural stormtrooper? You decide.
  6. tvashtarkatena


    When was the last time you got a blow job? Cuz your not exactly the life of the party.
  7. 'xcep dis little bitch, apparently.
  8. STFU, faggot.
  9. Pink needs his own talk radio show. "Diversity Now" or something like that. F'in trolltard. The only people I like are dogs.
  10. Big Man Wu!
  11. None a my bitches gonna be seen in a Natty Lite empty.
  12. Asian peepo!
  13. Tvash here. Posts: A wasted lifetime full. TRs: Way the fuck more than you. I say... ...it doesn't matter. She's not going to remember either language anyway. So fuck off and die horribly, all of you.
  14. tvashtarkatena

    Why me?

    Oh, and I don't hate white people. I hate all people.
  15. tvashtarkatena

    Why me?

    Do not seek dietary advice from this man.
  16. Christ. I just got this thread all over my fucking shoe. Thanks, assholes.
  17. before I had time to pull my head from it
  18. Crime or accident?
  19. In the Sprayverse, not being funny is the lowest of crimes.
  20. Somewhere on this giant mudball roam two children with midieval monikers, planning their all day assault on Father's blunted senses.
  21. tvashtarkatena

    Why me?

    I think I just jumped a shark.
  22. Um, there's a difference between an attempt at humor and something that's actually funny. If you actually find any of Don's posts funny, Bill, well...that makes two of you. I'm sorry.
  23. Bud.
  24. End of story.
  25. Period.
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