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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena
There are many layers of 'unhealthy fixation' there I don't know where to begin. One thing is simple, though. Killing things for fun = psychopath.
Anybody else here a cancer?
I find cliches hot.
Eightfold Path, m'fkrs. I still struggle with the 'Right Speech' part....
Given the effects of this Ebola colony that has permanently taken up residence in my lungs, that makes two of us. Anybody got a spare course of broad spectrum anti-biotics they'd part with sitting around in the medicine cabinet? That, or perhaps just a lethal injection?
BTW, the article was published in the NYT, not the New Yorker, as I previously stated.
Well, you may be surprised, as I was, but you can hardly claim it's "ridiculous" until you've done your homework, can you? So far I've seen no pie charts or cost breakdowns to back up any of your assertions, which, however well written, 'seem' to make sense (after all, we've heard your thesis repeated over and over again in the media), but are they based on attitude/opinion or actual data? Certainly, they contribute to the problem, but are they the largest part of it, or might there be other factors that you've somehow missed which are more important?
According to a recent New Yorker article (2 months ago?), the number one cause of high healthcare costs in the U.S. is the fact that our doctors make, on average, twice as much as other first world nations.
The search for truth is just one more attachment to impermanence that must be abandoned to attain it.
Standing down to wish 5K a happy birthday, ovah heuh.
We could have a single payer system tomorrow if federal employee health care was opened up to everyone. Low income health care would still be a problem, but this would go a long way to providing an well functioning, affordable system to millions of currently uninsured folks. The insurance and drug companies have spent copious amounts on misinformation regarding single payer healthcare. The most common form of propaganda centers on the mythical need to create some brand new, untested system (which, of course, would be a botch) rather than simply and easily making an available system, such as the one I've mentioned above, openly available. All the civilized countries in the world with such a system, and that would be all of them except us, created their systems from what they already had. They're all unique by country and history, yet, despite this diversity, they're all are far less expensive and produce better outcomes than ours. The U.S. is something like #30 in the world in the quality of its healthcare, using a broad array of performance measures, and that ranking continues to drop. Yeah, we've got a problem, and a major part of the solution (some form of universal healthcare) is pretty clear at this point.
even though 1 bad apple w/ a tank could kill hundreds, if not thousands, but 1 dumb junkie can't do more than ruin his family and mug a couple folks? to my mind, both freedoms need some slight restrictions: - weapons for hunting/defending yourself but that don't let you take out an entire school full of kids in 5.7 seconds - all drugs for all adults, sold w/o advertising in state licensed locations, w/ taxes to pay for health-care, anti-use adverstising, and restrictions on their use when flying, driving, etc. an update - friday's are current event quiz/discussion days in my classes - since this was a big one for the week, i did an informal survey after we'd chatted for awhile - the results - about 75% kids said it was easier to get a joint than a bottle of whiskey! The vast majority of drug related crimes are commited by drunks, not illegal drug users.
Your cock must be so huge.
I'm already dead. I guess that might mean a default.
I guess they haven't watched a single episode of "Cops" Nor have I. Here's synopsis: cop "Hello, do you know why I pulled you over?" suspect "uhhh" cop "Can I take a look in your car?" suspect "uhh, ok" cop "lookee what I found... you are under arrest" Sounds riveting.
I guess they haven't watched a single episode of "Cops" Nor have I.
Here's the rub: "A CBS News poll last week showed that 38 percent of Americans favor legalizing and taxing marijuana, while 58 percent want it kept illegal." Dumbasses. Cali alone could recoup over a billion in taxes. Like most bad polls, this one misleads because it doesn't offer the full range of possible answers, so it doesn't accurately reflect what's really going on. In WA state, a third of voters believe pot should be illegal, a third believe our current policies don't work but don't know what to do about it, and a third believe pot should remain illegal. Educating that middle third as to the myths regarding the dangers of pot, and the reality of how damaging and expensive prohibition really is is the key to shifting attitudes towards decriminalization and eventual legalization. For example, most people arent' aware that 80,000 people are in prison right now for minor pot offenses, and that 800,000 people were arrested last year for the same. They are also not aware that the so called 'drug war' focuses on minor pot offenders, because they are the low hanging fruit in the arrest quota game. They're not aware that the greatest danger to their kids is posed by getting arrested for pot: loss of student loan, college acceptance, international travel, job opportunities; the sanctions are very serious for young folks just starting out in life. The myths about marijuana policy go on and on. This probably reflects nationwide attitudes as well.
Difficult to find the point of a thread posted by someone whose very existence seemingly has none.
You know how words are concatenated in German? Wellherestoyetanotherstupidfuckingbillthread
Nixon started the drug war, not Reagan, although the latter sure pumped up the volume.
The boreal lasers the Pentagon uses to control the weather should not be a topic of open discussion here.
Oprah? I fucked 'er.
or hit the roof
Such a cultural stormtrooper